Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

Contains a calendar/transcripts of the minute books of the Corporation of the City of Cork 1600 -1643 and 1690 to 1800 also with earlier Annals, & Appendices, from public and private sources including the British Museum. By Richard Caulfield LLD, pub. 1876


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FROM 1609 TO 1643, AND FROM 1690 TO 1800.






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FROM 1609 TO 1643, AND FROM 1690 TO 1800.






THE Council Books of the Corporation of .Cork are undoubtedly the most . valuable records we possess relating to the Civil History of the City, during the period they embrace. They are the proceedings of the munici- pal body, faithfully recorded as the events took plac(', and attested by thoir' signatures. In very early times, the Annalists tell us that the City was subject t;o. frequent invasions, pestilences and devastations by fire and sword. After- wards, the Ostmen step in and play a conspicuous part, and it is doubtless to the enterprise and commercial spirit of this people that we owe our: present City by the river-aide, and most probably inherit our taste for- trade. In treating of the City of Cork in these days it would be no diffi- cult taSk ~ interweave the narratives of those writers, and dress them up in the gay attire of fiction. But the age of Romance, when dealing with History, has passed away, and the time is when everything of a mer& traditional nature, however attractive, yet unauthenticated, is received with a feeling of- distrust, so that he who would write history must be proof against all prejudice, careful to suppress nothing distasteful to him, or-



suggest what may gratify his particular views. It has been lately observed, " that there are two ways of writing history, one to search out, sift, and classify the facts, leaving the reader to derive from them such impressions ~s he is capable of forming. In the other, the reader is offered, not the hard bare facts themselves, but the impressions which the study of them has produced on the writer's mirid. There are many people to whom a string of facts conveys no ideas at all, and who would be utterly unable to conjure up a lively picture of any period witho-q.t assistance. It is evident, however, that this second kind of history must necessarily be taken very much on trust, and that there is a point at which it becomes exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish .between solid fact and pure imagination." K-eeping· this· priil.eiple steadily in_view, I purpose to introduce here, as- an intr6duction, a serielf.of extracts from historical papers relating to the City of Cor:kt, .whieh ·r have transcribed from authenti9 sources~ som~ in the Library of the British Museum, .some·in the Public Record Offi~- others in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, the Treasury of the Corporation of Co:rk 1 and · elsewhe:te, . and .which~ :r trus~ will· give a true picture. of the times· tMy . refer· tb. . It· I!: tb be' regretted . that the period betiweem 1643 and 1690 in· the Council Book ha.B:been -lost. ·.That the Couneil Books of this peried were · kept ,in ·d separate volume'. appeats ·frotn . Smith's '~History of ·cGFk ;"' tiat . . . this volnm.e bas not 'been fonnd, after mu~h enquiry and ·research.' The· work~. itself: wilt oontaiit an. abstract of every entry in the· Council. Book of. the-. Col'poration of Cork, not omitting a name thronghmit. Tbe Appendices· will embrace:-- lstly., Inventories of the merchandi~­ aml J:toueehold goods of the Citizens· of. Cork, during the reigns of Ed.. waJ.'d VI., ·Queen Mary and Elizabeth,_taken from original MSS. .- 2ndly.

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Abstracts from the depositions of Cromwelrs Adherents ; these I have compile~. from the onginals preserVed amongst the Carte MSS. in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. 3rdly~ The records of the Corporation contain, a~ present~ no account of their· officers before 1609, when Sheriffs wed3 substituted for. High Balliffs, and it is not known where Smith got his list ; but another list has been found ·in a MS. volume ·of miscellaneous matters, collected by Aidn. Pembroke, who was Mayor in 1733, and which is more perfect than Smith's, which does not comprise the Bailiffs. Smith designates the first five chief magistrates, which he mentions by the :title of Provosts ; but this seems to be an error, for in Pembroke's list they l}Ppear as Mayors, and the secondary officers associated with the earliest Mayor are there called by the name of " Propositors," that is Provosts, which really seems to mean ·Bailiffs. However, the regular series of Bailiffs does not commence till long after. Smith mentions the discon- tinuance of the Corporation in the time of the Civil Wars, and its resto- ration as a Protestant body, in 1655, when John Hodder was appointed Mayor; but in his list this appointment is assigned to the year 1656. How this discrepancy arose prese~ts a difficulty, for the first leaf of th_e Register of the Court of D'Oyer Hundred has been removed, so that the exact date of the appointment of John Hodder) in 1655, cannot be known. He might have been appointed at the regular time, but by a study of what follows, it seems probable that he was elected for only the remnant of the ·tegal year of office> and when the proper time for a new election in 1656 arrived, he was re-elected for a full year> with the same Sheriffs who had served with him before. New Year's day, at that time, was the 25th day of March, and the time· for swearing the Mayor and Sheriffs into office was the Monday next after Mich 8 • day (the 29th of Sepr.). For the_loan of this MS. I am indebted to Abraham Foster. J.P.• of Garrettstown. County Cork, where it is preserved.

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I beg to offer my best thanks to Alexander M°Carthy, Town Clerk of this City, for his kindness in allowing me, on all occasions, free access to the records in his custody ; also to Mr. Henry Jones and Mr. John Cahill, his assistants, for their feadiness to assist me in all my enqui:t:ies.


"Corke in Latine Oo'racium or Oorradum, the fourth city of Ireland . happilie planted on the sea. Their haven is an haven roiall. On the land Djseyp.dof side t~ey are incombr~d with evill n~ighbours, the Irish outlaws, ~hat. they P~~~~ ' are fame to watch thEm gates hourhe, to keep them shut at serVIce t1mes, at meales from sun to sun, nor suffer any stranger to enter the city with his weapon, but the same to ]eave at a lodge appointed. They walk out at seasons for recreation with power of men furnished. They trust not the country adjoining, but match in . . wedlocke among themselves onelie, so that the whole citie is welnigh linked one to the other in affinitie." CorkeisanancientcitieintheprovinceofMounster,andbuilded(asitshould C appeare) by the Easterlings or Norwaies. It standeth now in a marsh or a 0 fqj ofd bog, and unto it floweth an arme of the seas, in the which are manie goodlie Pre 2 ~n ' receptacles or harboroughs for ships, and much frequented as well for the · · goodlie commodoties of fishings therein, as also for the trade of merchandize, by the which the citie is chieflie maintained, for the inhabitants are not onlie merchants and great travellers themselvesibut also great store of strange merchants do dailie resort and trafficke with them. t is walled round about and well fortified for a sufficient defence against the lrishrie, &c. The citie is governed ~ a Maior and two bailiffes, who using the government according to the Iawes of England, do keep and maintain the same in verie good order. , They are verie much troubled with the enemie, and therefore they do continually, as men lieng in a garison, keep watch and ward both daie and night. The prince of that country did most commonlie keepe and staie himself in all troubles w1thiu that citie, until the same was conquored by the Englishmen, who ever since have inhabited in the same." King Henry II. granted to two of his followers, " Robert Fitz Stef 1 ~en ~nd Milo de Cogan, all the Southern parts of Munster, namely, the · g- Gg:~;:en- dom of Cork from the west of Lismore, and the adjCDining Cantred, except · the city of Cork, the said territories to be equally divided between them, 818 • and held by him by Knight's service." · Having received their grants and done fealty they crossed over to Ireland, and ar- riviug safely at Cork, " were received with due honour by the citizens and a knight named Richard de Londres, who had acted as governor thereof under },itz-Aldelm." Having speedily established peace with Dermitius, prince of Desmond~ and with the . other powerful men of those parts, Fitz-Stephen and Milo divided oetween them seven cantreds of land lying neat the city, of which they had already obtained pos- session. The three eastern cantreds in this partition fell to the lot of Fitz-Stephen, and the {our western to Milo, which was made equal by the smaller lots com_prising the best land, whereas much of the other was barren. 'fhe city was left in their joint charge, and the tribute reserved for the remaining twenty-four cantreds was to be equally divided between the two lords, as it was received." Smith recites a charter by which Henry II. confirms "to Robert fitz-Stephen and Milo Cofr~I.:d, de Cogan, the government of my city of Cork, with the cantred which chap belonfed to the Ostmen of the said city, which I retain in my own hands, xviii: &c. moreover confirm to them and their heirs, all the kingdom of Cork, except the said city, to hold of me and my son John by an exact division towards the . b



cape of St. Brandon, on the sea coast, and towards Limerick and other parts, and as far as the water near Lismore &c. by the service of 30 knights to be performed by .Robert and 30 knights by Milo &c.'' And this charter he says was granted about the year ll77. 1206. Philip de Prendergast received a grant from King John of fifteen knights' fees, his territory extended from the port of Cork to that of Insovenach ( Galend. Rot. chart. K. John). His son and heir, Gerald de Prendergast, married twice-first, Matilda, daughter of Theobald le Botiller; and secondly, daughter of Richard de Burgo (Pedigree in Ulsters office). Maria, his daughter by the first wife, married John de Cogan, Lord of Castlemore, by whom she had Sir John de Cogan, knt. ; he was aged eight in 1240, and had livery in 1280. She brought the Cogans the lordship b of Beaver, alia& Carrigaline, Ocorblethan, Shandon, and other lands, afterwards granted by Robt. de Cogan to the Earl of Desmond. Matilda, aged ten in 1251, the younger daughter by his second wife, married Maurice de Rochfort, whose son Maurice recovered the advowson of Beaver from the Bishop of Cork as appendant to his moiety of the manor of Beaver, the inheritance of the said Matilda de Prendergast (Plea RoU, .No. 72, 5 Edw. II.). Eventually the Oogans kept Beaver and the Uork estates ; Rochfort took EnniscoTthy and those in Wexford, which his heirs held in 1411, and the male representation of the family devolved on Gerald's brother, from whom come the Prendergasts of Newcastle, co. Tipperary. The family held lands in the county of Cork to a much later date, and the compotWJ of that county (Carew MSS.), in 1254 includes Gerald de Prendergast; whilst the only families who are stated to have held lands there by knights' service in 1314 are the heirs of Fitz- Stephen, and Robert de Carew, and Patrick de Courcy (heirs general to Cogan 1) and Walter de Prendergast. In a list of Irish Peers (.Add. MSS. Brit. Mus., 4,814) im- mediately after the Earls and preceding the Viscounts, appears, 'Prendergast Lord of Clonmell by some of Corke alsoe.' Amongst the Carew papers preserved at Lambeth is an Jnspeximus made by Master Maddy, dated at Cork 12 June 17 Hen. VI., of the "Grant by Robert son of Geoffry Cogan, captain of his nation to James fitzGerald [ - Earl of Desmond his heirs &c. of all his possessions in co. Uork 'Viz. the Manors of Carrigrothan-more, Doundrinan, Rathcogan the new town of Monmor, Mistri-Mythyn, Beaver, Coulmore, Duffglas, Shandon, O'Corblethan, Flanluo, Kerycurthy Kynnal- beke and Mustrelyn, and the reversion of Mustrycogan, viz. Rathcogan, Beablachatha and J erell, together with the rent of 6 marks to be paid annually frr.m the manors of Mustri-Cogan, by the hands of Maurice Roche Lord of Fermoy and his heirs &c." The seals_of the staple and mayoraltie of Cork are affixed to this record. H 1 MSS The oldest charter of the city of Cork, of which only a copy exists, is aN~ 441 ' preserved in the Library of the British Museum, it is· entitled "The · · Charter of King John first Feoffor of the city of Cork, that is, a charter written in French by which John son of Henry II. King of England granted to his citizens of Cork the same free laws and free customs as the citizens of Bristol enjoy." By this charter the king confirms to the citizens of Cork all the enclosure of land of the city of Cork, except a place in the same city,. which he keeps to make a fortress, to them and their heirs to hold of him and his heirs, remaining in free burgage, by such custom and rent as the burgesses of Bristol render yearly of their burgages, and to dower the city of Cork he grants to the citizens all the laws, franchises, and free customs that are at Bristol &c. to make terms and treaties in his hundred of Cork, he forbids that any man do any wrong or deed to them contrary to the aforesaid laws and franchises which he has given them. The witnesses names are not given, but there follows this charter a number of bye laws, whether of Cork or Bristol does not appear, but made in pursuance of some other charter. · Charter The next charter was granted by King Henry III., dated Jan, 2, 1241-42, Hen. in: by which the king grants the citizens "to hold the city of Cork in fee · farm at 80 marks a year, prisage of wines, the citizens not to plead with- out the walls but within their Guildliall, no bail.ift" shall take, against the will of the owners, the chattels, &c., of citizens or merchants entering the city, no citizen shall wage battel in the city, but purge himself by the oath of twenty-four lawful men of




the city, no man shall take lodging within the walls of the city by assise, &c., of the marshals against the will of the citizens, and the hWldred court shall be held once a . week only, in no place shall any one be hindered by mesken-ningam, fihe citizens shalt have their lands, &c., throughout the realm, and may distrain their debtors by their sureties in Cork, and no strange merchant shall bny of a strange man com, hides, wool, &c., but only of citizens, no stranger shall have a wine tavern unless on board ship, nor sell cloth in the city unless in cut portions, nor remain in the city to sell hii merchandise but only for 40 days, unles~ by will of the citizens, &c. The citizens may marry themselves, their sons, daughters, and widows without license of the king, &c.,. have their guilds as the burgesses of Bristol, and better themselves by erecting build- ings along the bank of the river, &c. The Templars and llospitallers shall have hut one man or one messuage quit of the common customs of the city within its metes, the city shall not dispose of the lands of those who hold without the walls to the said metes and have a charter from King John, but the holders shall render the customs. of the city like other citizens, saving of liberties of all cities and burghs in England and Ireland. Witnesses. Walter Abp. of York, Walter BQ. of. Carlisle, Peter de Sabaud, John of Monmouth, William de Cantilupe, Godfrey Dispenser, Bertram de Cryoy), Roger de Montalt, Robert de Mucegros, Paulinus Peyvre, John de Plessetis, Godfrey de Langley, Westminster. !~is charter was confirmed ~y Edward .I., Jun.e 12, 1291, with. this Charter prtviledge. "Because that the City of Cork 1s far distant from Dublin, so :E.dw ' 1 · that by the violent insurrection and rout of the Irish peop)e, there has not · · )</. been at any time a safe access from the said city of Cork to Dublin, nor will there b& for the future, Wherefore being willing to provide for the security of the citizens of Cork by this charter we have confirmed that their Mayor elect, every year, may make- oath dUly before him who preceded him in office, before the commonalty of said city, unless the Justices of Ireland or one of the Barons of the Exchequer be present in Cork, bef6re whom such oath shall be taken &c. and that the citizens shall not be put in assise juries without said city, that they may more quietly attend their mer- ehandise &c. And that the mayor and bailiffs may have the assize of bread and beer,. and the assay of weights and measures in the city and suburbs &c. Witnesaes W. Abp. of Cant. John Bp. of Ely, OUI' Cane. John Bp. of Norwich, Richd. Bp. of London,. Adam de Valencia. E. of Pembroke, Hump·. de Bohun E. of Hereford and Ch rte Essex, Hugo le Dispenser sen. Roger, de Mortuo-Mari de Wigmore, Barth~ Eo.:' 11 de Badlesmere and others.'' Kin~ ~dward II., Jan. 20, 1318 1 in a new · · charter added·" that no stranger without the consent of the citizens exce~t the· Kin~ servants, shall bear arms in the city." Witness Roger de Mortuo-Mari our Clonmel. King Edward III. at Woodstock, July 15, 1330 !>Y a new charter confirmed all the above. Witnesses H. Bp. of Lincoln, Cane. John de Eltham E. of Cornwall, the King's brother, John de Warren, E. of Surry, Roger de Mortuomari E. of March,. Oliver de Ingham, John Maltravers seneschal of our household.'' In 1331, Feb. 12, the same King granted a new charter, reciting that having seen the lettel'_l:!__patent which his royal father had granted he n"lw confirms them. King Edward IV., Dec. 1, 1462, granted a new charter confirming all former ones and mentions Charte p parish ?hurches haying been in the city and suburbs for one ~e round Edw~Iv. 1t, for which they pa1d 80 marks to the crown, so long as said suburbs remained undestroyed.z...and that now said churches and suburbs by reason of the warR- of Irish Enemies and ..r..anglish rebeh! were burned and laid waste for 15 years ~ast, B() that the citizens were unable to pay said sum, and did seek pardon for saJ.d sum, which he remits, s&id King gran~ them a custom called cocquet for rebuilding their walls until they could travel a mile round their city in safety." King Henry VII., .Aug 1, laOO, in confirming all former grants and aforesaid liberties, &c., as through all the ~arbour from Rew Rone on the west ~ Del}OW'dram ~. ~tiL the east, and Carngrohan on the west, all creeks &c. 1 m whiCh there IS ebbing and flowing of the tide, and in regard of their poverty, in lieu of all rents he accepts 20··lbs. of wax yearly at Easter. This charter restores the city to the Kiog's favour, it being disfranchised for aiding Perkin Warbeck. . · b-.2



King Henry VIII. confirmed all the privileges heretofore granted by letters patent, dated at Westminster, Feb. 4, 1509, and by another dated Dec. 10, 1517, he makes the Mayor, Recorder, and four senior Aldermen Justices of the peace in said city and liberties, to be Justices of gaol de-

Charter, Hen. VIII.

livery, with power to commit felons, erect gallows for their execution, all fines, &c., · to go to the city. He also grants to William Coppinger, Mayor, and his succesors, to have borne before him within the city and libertie_s one decent sword, sheathed, and that the sword bearer be adorned with a remarkable cap, also to said Mayor the keep- ing of the Castle of Cork, &c., and that no Sheriff of the county of Cork shall for ever hereafter, concern himself with the said Castle or any thing within said Castle. That the Mayor, &c., may employ an agent in England to buy 40 suits of armour and ship them from England to Cork." All the foregoing privileges were confirmed by King Edward VI. by ChE~;r,VI charter dated May 9, 1549. Queen Elizabeth, by letters patent, dated 157~ and Euz. confirmed all former charters, and in 1571 bestowed a silver collar of S.S. to · Maurice Roche, Mayor of Cork same year, for his services against the Earl of Desmond. This collar is now preserved in Garrettstown House, near Kinsale, and has been engraved by Richard Sai:nthill in his Olla Podrida, vol. II., p. 226. It is of fine silver, weight 4 oz. 5 dwts., composed of 41 S's each connected by two rings with a quaterfoil centre, in the centre are two porte~, pendantes, between two S'P, interlaced cross-wise, two buckles connect the whole when worn, entire length 32l inches, breadth of each Shalf an inch, height three fourths, length and breadth of each portcullis the same. The following charters are in the possession of the Corpo~ ation. 1. lnspeximus, dated at Banbury 5 April seventh Car. I. of char· Charter, ter of 18 Elizabeth. 2. Charter from James I. dated Westminster 10 0 c~~~· March in the sixth year of his reign. 3. Charter of Oliver Cromwell ·well • dated Dublin 27 April1656. 4. Charter of George II. dated 2 Jan. in the Geo. iL ninth year of his reign. . An abstract of the charters of King James L and Car. l. will be found in Smith's Hist. of Cork, vol. I., pp. 418-19.

1172. The Sheriff renders his account, for delivering the hostage of the · son of the King of Cork who was at Winchester 6li Vill. Southampton.•.• St. Lawrence renders his account, corody for the son of the King of Cork,

Cal. of. . S. P.

for 1 night 6s. 6d. by the King's writ-(corody signifies a sum of money or allowance of meat drink or clothing due to the King from an abbey or other house of religion whereof he was founder towards the sustentation of one of his servants). 1200. Oct. 28. Grant to Me_yler fitz Henry of a cantred belonging to Humurierdaa in Qork, namely, Y oghe!!~~_Lokhelen to hold of the King in fee by serviceoTT5 Knights. . 1206-7. Feb. 22. Mandate to the Justiciary of Ireland to deliver to Bartholomew de Caniera, the King's clerk, the land of Cork near Bren' which belonged to Fulke de Cantilupe. Barth. to answer in the Kings Chamber for the issues of this land. 1207. Nov. 8. Grant to Philip de Prendigast of 40 Knights fees (inter alia), 15 between the ports of Cork_and Insovenach'. 1215. July 2. Mandate to the Justiciary of Ireland to cause to be enquired by dis- creet and lawful men of the county of Cork whether the land of Keriokery belongs to the Kings city of Cork, and if so, to cause the citizens of Cork to have such seisin thereof as they ought to have by tenor of the charters of King Henry the Kings father, and of the King. 1215. July 3. Thomas Fitz Anthony for (a fine to the King of) 100 marks to have a grant, inter alia, of the city of Cork as far as belongs to the King. 1216-17. March 21. Mandate to Geoffrey de Marisco, Justiciary of Ireland to cause Petronilla Bloet, wife of Dermot Macarthy, King of Cork to have her marriage (portion 1) which Thomas her brother gave her. ·- · 1218. July 8. The King to the Justiciary. Has been informed that it would tend to the security of the King, and of Ireland, if the city of Cork were fortified. Man- date that 3 years farm of the city be paid to Thomas Fitz Anthony, the King's bailiff for that purpose.


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1222. Nov. 13. The King (inter alia) commit~ the custody of the city of Cork to Henry Abp. of Dublin, and commands his bailiffs and subjects as well English as Irish, to be intentive to the Abp. as the Kings bailiff. 1223. June 3. The King to the Abp. of Dublin, Justiciary of Ireland, as Thomas Fitz Anthony has not come to the King with the charter of King John touching the. custody of Cork Des. [Decies] and Desmond, whereof he has detained some of the Kings escheats, the King commands the Justiciary to take those lands with their . castles into the Kings hand, and io deliver the custody thereof during pleasure to John Marshall 1226. Aug. 19. The King to the Justiciary. The Prior of Cork represents that whereas he holds a mill and 2 burgages in Cork of the gift'of King John when Earl of Morton, Thomas Fitz Anthony, to whom the same King afterwards committed on lease the county of Cork, disseisid him. Mandate that the Justiciary exhibit justice to the Prior by assise of novel disseisin, unless th.e mill and burgages are in the Kings demesne. 1232. Aug. 1. The King commits to Peter de Rivall, for life, the custody of the city of Cork, mandate to Hubert de Burgh to cause seisin thereof to be given to Peter, mandate to the men of the vill to be intentive and respondent to Peter. 1234. Nov. 21. Licence to Richard Curteis, burgess of Br1stol, to ship at Cork 100 quarters of wheat and 100 quarters of oatmeal for export to England. Mandate to the Justiciary that he is not to be impeded. · . 1234-35. Feb. 12. Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, asserts that the ship called 'La Gundewyn', arrested in the port of Cork, because suspected of coming from hostile lands, is his ship, and the King credits his assertion. Mandate to the Justiciary of Ireland to allow the ship freely to proceed whither.ordered by the Earl. 1297. June 15. To the receivers for the victualling of the King of England in .' Gascony William de Moenes Chamberlain of the Exchequer in Dublin &c Greeting ·! we send to you for the support of the army of the King in Gascony from the vii of ) Cork in the ship which is called" the Snake,'' whose master is Simon le White, 140 quarters of com, London measure. Given at Cork &c. 1499:·Nov. 23. John Water Mayor of Cork was hanged and quartered Ann Is with Pe~ken W, arbeck at Tyb~rn, and their heads fi~ed on London Bridge. otEng. ' Conclusive eVIdence that this young man was Richard of York, has not p. 279, · come down to us. "He arrived in Ireland in the company of one Pregent Meno a Breton in whose service he was. When he landed in Cork, because he was arrayed in some clothes of Rilk of his master, the men of the town insisted that he was the son of the Duke of Clarence, which he denied, they next declared him to be the natural son of King Richard, which also he denied, but they to be revenged u_pon the King of England promised to aid and assist him if he would style himself Richard Duke of York, and thus against his will they made him learn English, and taught him what he should say and do." Lord Bacon says, that the Mayors son also suffered with him. Shortly Vol. v. after the following oath of allegiance was administered to the leading citi- p. 155. zens of Cork whose names are appended. . 1500. Oct. 15. The othe of the citesyns and cres of the cite of Cork Hibernia and the towne of Kynsale made unto our So!erayn lord K~g henry the Bag. vii the xv day of October the yere of the Reigne of our sa1d Sovera,rne s. P.o. the lord xiiii before the right noble lord Gerald Erie of Kyldar depute lieu- tenant of Ireland and the Kynges Counsell of the same, ye shal.J. swere by the holy Sacrament here present and by you bodil.f touched, and by all the holy 'l<.eliques that be here that ye shall well and truly from hensforth observe and kepe all and every article that hereafter foloweth.

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First ye shall be true and feithful subjet unto our Soverayne lord Kyng henry the vii by the grace of God Kyng of England and of France and lord of Ireland, and to his only begotyn heyres kyngs of England duryng your lyfe natural accordyng to the duete of your diligeance. Also yifi ye shall.knowe eny treason or eny other hurte towards our said Soverayne





lords person ye shall to the uttmes~ of your power let and resis.t the same, and that with all diligence P?ssible ye shall g~ve knO\ylege therof to our said Soverayne lord or to his depute and ylfi ye may not, ye shall g1ve knowlegE) thereof unto oon of our sayd Soverayne lords Counsell next unto you whereby his Majesty may be sonest adver- . tised of the same. · Also ye shall humbly and mekely obey the Kyngs commandements and them ob- serve to your power. Also ye shall not assent to the dishenherityng of our said Sove- r.ayn lord the Kyng in eny of his rightes, but to your power ye shall ayde and assiste our said Soverayne lords, officers within this his cite of Corke and the fraunchesies of the same to Ievie, rese and perteyne our Soverayn lordes duetiestFthat is to say, his. rentes, revenues and all his custumes. Also ye shall ke_pe this the Kyngs cite truly to the best of your yower to the Kings use and his depute lieutenantfor the tyme beyng, and that ye shal not make eny bond or promyse with eny other lord, Gentilman 01' eny other persone to the hurt prejudice or let of the same. .Also ye shall truly kepe our said Soverayn lord the Kings peace, and that ye shall make no querell, debate nor stryff with eny of your neyghbours ne eny other ihe Kyngs subjetts for eny matter or cause, had, moved or dependyng before this betwixt you and eny of them, but that ye shall peasibly and quyetly entrete your said neigbours and demeane yourselves in every behalf accordyng to our sayd Soveragn lords lawes. And for the more larger assurance in observyng and kepyng all and every article expressed in the forsaid othe. We whose names be herondre subscribed put to this writyng our several! seales, and shall delyver our sufficient pleggs into the hands of our said lord depute with hym to remayne duryng our said Soverayn lordes pleasere. Johannes Water, Mauricius Roche Armig. Thomas Thopeii, Edmundus Tyrry, ~ Johannes Lawallyn, Jacobus Myagh, Willielmus Golys, Edmundus Golys, Willielmus Tyrry, Geraldus Golys, Ricardus Galwey, Dionisius Mengane, Willielmus Maghen, ~ Phili_ppus Sareswell, David L,.waUyn, Patricius Creagh, Petrus Copener, David Mar- tell, Robertus Tyrry, Ricardus Tyrry, Willielmus Whyte, Philippus Tyrry, Edmundus ~· Roche, Johannes Lyan, Ricardus Maghon, Frater Willielmus Nele, Ricard~ T.awa}lYn, Philippus Water, Thomas Skiddy, Johannes Skiddy, Dominus fitz 'ers TyrY,y, Ricardus Morowe, Johannes Maghon, Oliverus Tyrry, Johannes Roche, Roulandus Tyrry, David fitz John Law_:sU!yn, Nicolaus Skyddy, Johannes fitzWilliam Skyddy, Edmundus Staunton, Davidl."\fyagh. Edmundus Martell, Proposit'lts de Kynsale, Johannes Gallwey, de eadem, Johannes Martell de eadem, et Leonardus Nasshe de eadem." (There are 41 small seals of green wax·remaining pendant to this document, with the Mayor of Cork's seal in the middle. Obv. The arms of the city "a ship beneath an arch having a :flag displayed on the top of the mast with a plain cross.between two bastions or towers, from one of which an archer is directing an arrow,towards the other on which is a man blowing a trumpet. Rev. Three lions passant guardant within an arched tressure with a wreath of oak leaves. The small seals are. mostly imp1essed with initials and a few with roses.) · St te 1548 J~y 2~. "The Mayor &c to Sir Edwd Bellingham Dep. of ~apers Ireland. This poor city standeth in marsh ground environed with fierce · . water streams that beateth down now and then our walls and towers, which we do build daily, that we do not fear all the Irishmen in Ireland, and English rebels also if there be any such, as for news we hear of our neighbour of Kinsale, · there is a big ship of three tops there at the havens mouth of the number of 50 men, well appointed for the war out of St.. Maloes, bound for Galway laden with Gascoyne and Spanish wines, for to receive of those at Galway 15 lasts of hides, whiclt they owe unto them. Richard Styvens late Constable of Dungarvan has been killed by ............. OSwelwan-bere with a skeyne." St te 1548,Aug..27. The. M~yor &c. to Sir Edw. Bellingham. "Whereas Edmond l>a ers Tyrrye bayliff of this city one of the best young men here, last week com- · P • plained to the Earl of Desmond of certain lands holden from him by the_ Barries, whereupon the Earl delivered said Edmond into·the hands of Lord Barrymore _ to minister right unto him, whom he took to his Parliam~nt in his own country holden






I ' "'n a.hlll, and Edmon~ on the Kings high way was by the Barries murdered by 23 f~nQQ of an Irish kmfe to the very heart, besides other strokes on his body & ,..-- we dare not walk out of our gates by robbing and murdering we have no friends but the Earl of Desmond, we beseech you have this shameful'murder revenged. For news John Tomson and other captains have been put at large by OSwelwan-bere for · a great sum of gold and then pursued the great French ship at the haven of Kinsale ~nd took her artillery and goods." 1548, ~ov. 18. ~he Mayor &c. to Sir Edwd. Bellingham. "Since we do not VIctual .t~e puates th~y b?ast they will do us as much hurt as they Btp~ ers can, not perceivmg your mmd m the word piracy, we write to know P • whether .we shall apprehend them and of need kill them or not. Lord Barrymore hath delivered the m'!lrderers of the Kings bayliff to be put to execution which we have:' done. ~ere arrived lately a great ship of Venice 700 tons with other ships of S~am laden With Malmesay and Spanish wool bound to London. Certain of the wild Irish came to make a prey on the Earl of Desmonds . ·. . . Within 4 miles of us Lord Barrymore going to do the like on certain other wild Irish by night killed 80 of them, wherewith we are glad.'' 1548, Dec. 29. Robert Myagh, Mayor of Cork, to Sir Edw. Bellingham. "Here arrived on Christmas day in our haven one Tamsin and Richd. Stpte Stephenson heretofore under Mr. Robert Sentleger, Constable of Dungar· apers. · van, with a ship of 80 tons laden with wines, sugars, figs &c. taken on the coast of Spain, there are certain Portingales aboard, who have sent me word, if I should buy their wines I should have a tun for 5 or 6 pounds, and have desired a safe conduct to come to our city, which with my brethren I thought fit to grant least they should take certain of our neighbours who are as yet beyond the sea. I beseech you to certify whether we shall buy and sell with them.'' · 1549, Jan. 10. The Mayor to Sir Ed. Bellingham. "We have received


your loving answer unto our Mayor confirming the arrival of Tomsen and Stit: Stevenson at the mouth of our haven 12 miles here hence, where certain pers. of Youghal, Kinsale, Dungarvanz and Waterford resorteth, buying and selling with them, we have. the name they tne profits. In times past certain of our neighbours had goods of them thinking no harm, which they were compelled to restore by divers inquisitions made by Shadwell the Lord Admirals servant, directed unto us 1 which causeth us not to buy or sell with them. At this time one Richard Cole ana. Frow· nard arrived in our haven having much spices &c. 1557, Oct. 13.. Desmond to the Queen from YoughaL '' The poor Bt te savage people in these parts know not where to be buried decen~ly, by Papers occasion of the dissolved houses in times past their burial places. May it · please your Grace to direct John Browne and Edmond Gowle of Corke, merchants, who purchased the house of the Fryars preachers adjoining the walls of Corke, where a great part of all the gentlemen and lords hereabouts have their monuments, seeing same hou~e is not yet all defaced nor plucked down to restore it to the same order again." 1563 1 April 16. " Most gracious and vertuous Princess and our dear Bt te Sovereign Lady andJQueen, we the Mayor ~con behalf of you~ City, which Papers. is situated in the west of Ireland 110 miles from the English pale, en· vironed about with Irishmen, much annoyed on the land and lett of our merchandise, also our haven and river being large and long we are ~y pirates and other malefactors grievously hurt and J;>Ut to ext.reme cha~g~ m bamsh1~g them, w~ adver- tise your Majesty to further us '!1-th s~Cient mu!l1t10n and artillery to re~I~t them having but one falcone and dem1 culverm, beseeching your fa~our unto ns citiZens of Corke, which city your most noble progenitors hav~ ever had m great respect." 1569. The Lo. President" to have also a house m Cor~e, the meetest State then being the Abbey of Gillef, an~ to hav~ all the BIShop of Corks meadows and ground about Cork, w1thout which he shall no way be able




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to lie there.'' ::- . ,. · · . 1571, ..April25. • In~gence from -Lisbon. ."Two ships of Corke were confiscated,\~ "' ·



one a fly boat belonging to Sir Thomas Norris anrl freighted by some Corke merchants, the other a French ship with an Englishman as master



and therefore confiscated."


t MSS 1573. To all Christian _people &c. The Mayor, Recorder and Alder- 0v:I. 66.. men of th~ City C?f Corke, Gre~ting. Wh~reas divers passengersTof sund~ nations mz. Portmgalls, Flemmgs &c. arrived at the haven of Y oughal1n a ship of Marsailles called the Peter and Paul, amongst whom were two Italian::~ one Neapolitan, two Frenchmen, and one Englishman, who were brought to Corke by order of Sir J. Perot Knt. Lord President of Munster about 20 pee. last 1572, we cer- tify that ~aid pas~engers remained in our city being placed in the Aldermens houses and best rooms by the Presidents command, having the liberty of our city·(one Lucas Velis excepted) for what cause we know not. In witness we have caused our·Mayor- alty seal to be affixed xviii April 1573. John Water, Mayor, Andrew Skyddie, Re- corder, Georg Gallwey and John Fagan, Bayliefs, Richard Tirry, William Skyde, Edmound Goull, Will. Gallwey, Will Tirry. A note of such jewels and rings as were had in the ship named the Peter and Paul which was stayed at Yoghull Anno 1572. Imprimis. Emerald set in ring, whereof the one of a reasonable bignes the other worth x crouns as appeareth by the merchants letters, which rings I have given away and will answer for them according the price. It. Two emeralds both given away the price in the merchants letters 30 crouns. It. a topall rated at 20 crouns. It. about 120 small emeralds the best of them not worth 2s. a piece. It. Certain small raggs of Rubies, for the best of them I will not give above 6d. It. Two Sapphires in rings not worth above.7 crowns gold and all. It. A Ruby in a ring worth three crowns. It. 3 Ruhies unset not worth one with another 5s. a piece. It. 14 Pearls worth about 12d. a piece. It. 11 other Pearls of evil colour and not round the price I know not, but I have bought Irish pearls sithence my coming for !s. 6d. a piece and more orieur (1) than the best of them. It. 7 other stones unset of cats eyes, sapphires, amethists, Jacinths and I think two opals which are not worth, as I guess~ above 12 crouns. It. A little bag of garnets which one John" Deriay ouner sold for 4d. the dozen. It. A chain worth 5 crouns with a cross to it. It. One other chain worth as I now guess 4li. It. Two little rings.of gold worth two crouns. It. 87 crouns of gold. J. Perot. 1573, June 18. J. Perot writing to Lord Bourghlye from Corcke, desires permisson to come over to her Magsty, that he has been very active in the discharge of his duty, "~nd ex~cuted this t~m~ for.treaso~s and felony's ab?ut 60 persons, caused ~1 the Inshry (m manner) Withm this proVInce to forego theu glybbes, and waded mto a further danger as in banishing all the great rowles for the wearing of ladies and gentlemen, townswomen and others, by which means I am assured to have no wife in these parts, for all my gains here is for every white hair that I brought over with rue sixty and a thin purse, how great soever the report went of things that came to my hands by the Marcellian ship &c.'' 1578. Lord Justice Drury and Sir Edwd. Fyton to the P. C. "13 Oct we came to Youghal where the Earl and Countess of Desmond entertained us. The next day we stayed at Clone and on the 15 came to Cork, we remained there till 19. Viscount.~ Barry and Roch the Lord Coursey and Sir Cormock McTeig with other principle men came thither to us. The great ones oppress the poor tenants, one poor man a free- holder under Roche holding 8 plowlands of him was kept by him in a handlock until such time as he released 7i plowlands to have the other half free from his accustomed exactions." · · ' 1582. Amongst the complaints against the Earl of Ormond. " He spent most of his time at Cork in his own house, suffering a great number of soldiers to lie idle there, and sundry garrisons that were very aptly P.laced there for annoyance of the enemy by Sir Will. Pelham. Also his whole family spending the Queens store and nevert}ieless cess upon the co. Cork, a burden very mtolerable." '· 15~2, Ap. 20. Sir Wa.rham St. Leger. writing to the Q';leen describes t~e state of -.J Cork. " By the great murders and spoils done by the traitors on the one side and by 1\ the soldiers in service on the other as well as by the great imposition of cess, for by



these disorde~ and banishing of plows, which should be the relief of men to live, there is such famine among the people here as is to be feared the province will ere long be unpeopled. Besides the mortality being such, as the like hath not been known in the life of man, the deaths some days in this town (being but one street not half a '/ quarter of a mile in length), 62, 66, 72 one day with another, through the week 20, 30, ·

40 when they die the least. The like death is through all the counties of the provmce as well in towns as elsewhere, saving among the traitors, who neither be touched with these diseases, nor yet taste of any famine, and who enjoy continually the whole- some air of the fields, which is the cause of their pursuing John fz. Edmond, the best subject the Queen hath in these parts, and who in his towns and wards maintaineth within two months 600 persons and hath not now left above 30. It is not the plague of pestilence that is amongst this people, for neither have they God's marks, nor yet when they be dead, it maketh a speedy work with them as doth the plague, for they live not sick above 6 or 7 days, besides the sickness we have here the plague of famine, as were it not for the Queens store we should starve, of which there is nothing these six weeks but bread and beer,.I have been in two towns besieged and never found like scarcity as is here. If her Majesty will maintain 2000 footmen and 300 horsemen four months and send victuals at once for that time she shall make an honourable end of this rebellion.'' 1585. At Cork one Moragha Gang1.ach was attainted of felony for taking of buow- ria-begg• for the late Earl of Desnjond in Imokilly and one Cuchelayn was attainted and executed at Cork for taking Shrach, and the like for the Earl in Kierrie-Curihy. The Seneschal of Imokilly was forbidden by Sir Will. Dreury the Lord Pres. of Mun- ster to take any allowance of Kerm'ty or the like in Imokilly. 158t, March 20. Stephen Skiddmor als. Skiddie citizen and vintner of London (after desiring his body to be buried in the Parish Church of S. Stephens Colman Street whereof he was a parishioner), bequeaths "the sum of £24 of lawful English money to the Mayor for the time being of the city of Cork in Ireland, wherein he was born, or to his sufficient deputy bringing with him a discharge for the receipt under the common seal of the said city (at the usual feasts,) to be bestowed by sa1d Mayor and with the consent of his brethren the aldermen of said city yearly for ever in manner following, that is to say upon ten of the honestest poorest persons of the said city of Cork men or women aged 50 years at the least 40s. a piece, and he hopes this charitable act will put in mind the Mayor, &c., of Cork to make provision of some con- venient place within said city to continue for ever an almshouse for said poor persons to dwell in. _ 1591, Dec. 4. "The King of Denmark complains that the Whale of State " Copenhagen was taken by the Salamander of Bristol and May Flower of Papcn. S. Ives and brought into Cork and thence to Kinsale, restitution offered but refused, 6,600 dolla.m demanded." 1597. Murtagh Oge Me Shee and his brothers Rory and Edmund from the cradle inclined to mischief as all that Sept hath been being apk~T BtP~pers. hended and having broken prisons, Murtagh at Lymerick, Rory at · - kenriy, after many favors went into open action and in the end were cut off. Mur- tagh was grieved (as he said) that he was oft protected but could never get his pardon, that when the date of his protection was expired, he must pay money for the con- tinuance of it to Sir Thomas Norice from time to time. This rebel was marked by nature. He h&d a strong arm, a desperate villain, a skilful targeteer, he was taken in a wood .killing porkes to entertain the rebels of Leinster. Tyrrell the traitor, his company being brought to Oork, evidence was given against him that he had spoiled and m~rder~d about fourscore English families. The one sentence was given upon



• B'""'f'W..b~g were soldiers kept in readiness aa well in peace aa in war at the charges with meat, d.rink, and wages. Bltraclt, "an exaction in money taken by great lords to bear their charges in coming to parliaments, oouncils, or borough towns.'' Kernit!J,.& charge of 3 or 4 shillings upon a plowland towards the maintenance of the Earls Keme 100, 200, or 300 men more or less. c



this traitor that he shoald have his arms and thighs broken with a sledge and hanged '-· in chains so was here executed without the m>r!h gate of Co 0 rk. d 1598. Ormond writing to the Queen from Y oughal 21 ct 1598 recommen s to Bend 3000 men to Cork with munition, victuals and money to suppress this most wicked .rebellion with fire, sword and other extremities. 1598, Oct. 21. James Sarsfield Mayor of Cork to the P. C. "Patrick Galwey fitz Edward of Cork Ald. put in trust by the Corporation of this City to make suit to her .Majesty for pay of 220 li. due to the inhabitants for maintenance of soldiersz and to bestow such money as he should receive, in powder &c for the defence of tne city. \ Most of the undertakers have for fear of the rebels, and especially those of Kerry ., come to this city for refuge after being spoiled, men, women and ~hildren, of the very .clothes from their backs to the great grief of all loyal subjects. 1598, Oct. 23. Sir Thomas Norreys writing from Cork states " that the White Knight, Patrick Condon, John Barry brother to Lord Barry and David son of Lord. .Roche have all been with the traitors.'' 1598, Oct. 28. Arthur Hyde writing from Cork to the P. C. says, "after the Ulstet" .rebels had entered the co. Limerick, the Munster rebels rose immediately a.nd made ~port with fire and sword upon all English subjects at which time my wife with her' children fled to Cork escaping their hands being assisted by Lord .Barry, which morn- ing the .rebels took all th.e Castles on my lands and my English tenants. But my wife having left a ward in my castle for defence with all my goods therein which were preserved till the 19 of the month on which I landed from England at Y oughal. on which day the new proclaimed Earl of Desmond &c assaulted the Castle with shot, burned the town by it with the houses and corn, and the top of the Castle, mined ~ the wall, the warder died of his·wounds and the Castle was compelled to yield. 1601. Sir George Carew toP. C. "To strengthen this town of Cork I have been ef late casting up certain earth works, but that your Lordship may know that I have .a care of her Majies. purse, the charge thereof is defrayed, tho' unwillingly yielded unto, by the town and country, each of these affording me 200 labourers, the Queen being at no other charge than the use of her sbov.els and spades." 1601, Christmas Eve. As the news of the Victory at Kinsale reached Cork in the evening with commandment to pray in their churches bonfires were made all along , the streets but very slenderly furnished with three stick;: across upon many of them. "t-- The townsmen walked by troops of 3, 4, 5, with very sad countenances so I cannot conclude whether they do more rejoice or grieve for that worthy victory. State 1602. Sir G. Carew to P. C. "The 21 April is the day assigned for the Papers Army to rise from Cock, which though it be strong in colours, yet in per- . • sons able to march exceeding weak, and now to my exceeding grief, the sickness falls upon the old men, so as I fear when my greatest force is gathered together of En~lish, Irish and all, I shall·not be able to carry 1600 men into the field &c. In the defence Otnre river at Cork the lord Deputy twice took an exact view and found it ll1l et that at the entry of the harbour on the west side the·work begun in King Edwards time and now revived should be perfected, and likewise in an Island called Haleboline a fort should be raised.'' State 1602, Cork, Aug. 6. Carew to Montjoy. "That irregular work yonr · Papers. Lordship saw at the south end of COI'ke, first i.ittended ior no other end than a poor entrenchment for a retreat, is now ra.J.s~d to a great height· equal or .above all the grounds about it, and so reinforced with a strong rampart as a :powerf~l enemy shall not carry it in haste, and whilst that work holds out it shall be 1mposs1ble for an enemy to lodge near that end of the town. The work is great, the Queens charge in erecting it nothing." State 1~02, Aug. 11. Carew to P. C. "The fortifications at Kynsale and Hale· Papers. ~oline want no hands, bu~ the nature ~f the ground where they are erected · 1s s~ rocky as the works nse slo'YlY Wlth great expense and waste of tools, and my doubt lS that before they can be fimshed, the enemy will be here." State 1602, Nov. 3. Car~w to the Lord Treasurer, Cork. "The largest quan- tity of our victuals consists of fish and that so ill conditioned that it l'apers.

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