Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



James Power is sworn another Pillot for this year. Edward Gould fz. Edwa1·d, is admitted to his freedom within this City, in consideration of his pain taken for the City and Corporation causes in the King's Bench in Dublin, and to continue their Attorney hereafter therein. 23 Oct., 160~. Mr. Andrew Barrett is sworn and chosen Recorder for this year, for that Sir Domk. Sarsfeld, Kt. refused the same. Morris Gowld and Nicholas Walter sworn Yeamen. Mr. William Sarsfeld is sworn one of the Overseers for this year. Stephen Skyddy fz. George is sworn another Overseer. Haria Gould fz. Adam is sworn Common Speaker for this year. 25 Oct., 1609. This day, a question being moved betwixt the Sheriffs and Corporation for the petty customs of the gates, which the Sheriffs challengeth as be- longing to their offices, and by the Corporation as their right as well by the bye-law for new customs as of their ancient right, and all the .Alder~ men and Council being a~sembled together in the Guildhall of this City, it was concluded that the said small customs, called the old customs of the Gates, do of right belong to the City, and that the collectors of the new Customs shall take the same and ac~ount for the same with the rest of the Customs, and the Sheriffs not to intermeddle therewith from henceforth -until all the said Customs shall be further disposed of and determined. 25 Oct., 1609. -The same day, having considered the made in the time of William Sarsfeld, Mayor, 23 Dec., 1605, touching the Bailiff's receiver,. and the manner of the disbursement by him to be made and to b& ~ed Chamberlain, and from that year forth that one or more chamber- lains should be elected yearly to tak~ and receiv~ all the City revenuea ; it was thought meet that one of the Sheriffs for the time being, viz., the Sheriff of the North Gate, called the King's Sheriff, shall be yearly sworn one of the Chamberlains of -the said City, for receipt only of all the old 2-2 .

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