Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



28 May, 1626. Thibott Roch fz. John is sworn free paying 40s. 24 Oct., 1626.

Whereas John Gold fz. James, Sheriff, hath disbursed for this Corporation the sum of 30 pounds ster., and is yearly during three years to disburse 30li., if occasion shall so require, In consideration thereof he is elected Chamberlain for three years, to be paid said 30li. out of the first money re- ceived, and if it happen that anything be due to him as Chamberlain, he is to continue Chamberlain until he be fully paid 30 pounds. Will. Hore, Maior, John Meade, Rec., James Mathew, Vic., John Coppin- ger, Thomas Coppinger, Dom. Roch, Com. Speaker, Dom. Tyrrye,.Will. Goolde, George Tyrry. 6 Nov., 1626. In consideration of the sum of threescore pounds ster. paid by Thomas Gold fz. Patrick and John Gold fz. William, of Corcke, merchants, towards the urgent wants of this City, The said Thomas and John were, by assent of the Mayor, &c., admitted councellors, not to be compelled to undergo the office of Sheriffbut by their own free will, except all councillors before them, one after the other, be compellerl to undergo said office, and then when it shall come to their turn to be charged with said office. For performance to have a Common Seal. 17 Sep., 1627. John ~yagh fz. Stephen sworn free paying 40s. 6 Nov., 1626. In consideration ·of the sum of 30 pounds paid at Court by · Christ. Creagh, of Cork, mercht., for the urgent occasions of the City, By assent of the Mayor, &c., said Christopher is elected a Councellor. (Conditions as be- fore, 9 June, 1626.) 13 April, 1627. This day, Mr. Henry Gold fz. Adam accounted in open Court for the money of the Hospital received by him in the time of his mayoralty, viz., Re:- . ceived of Robt. Coppinger fz. Domk., 20 Nov., 1624, of the remainder of four gales 'received by same Robert, ending at Easte.r before, £34 19s. 4d.

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