Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



breedeth infection and disease amongst the soldiers. Many th31t lived· on them- died\ and such as would not eat them sold 80 herrings for. a.penny, so as three weeks. allow- ance served not for one day, and the rest of the time lived on bread or little else. The- Victua.Iler is enforced to sell6oo.barrels of corr-upt herrings." - ·

1603, Aprill2. Robt. Morgan came to-Cork with letters. from- the Deputy and. Council to proclaim the King, where presently Sir·Geo. Thornton. the chief. J ustioo· and others were ready to proclaim, but were forbidden by the MayoD and. others.. .'b3th May themselves him. 14th. The English with certain of the Irish' went out of the city and proclaimed him. 15th. They got the keys o£ the·churches: and set to sweep and paint images. H>th. The Mayor-being absent, the great par.t ot the town with priests, copes; and banners began· their procession and liallowed the· churches. 17th~ One Michael an old priest died and with tapers &c the Mayor and townsmen buried him. 18th. Being Sunday the Mayor and townsmen were all nt masses in the churches. 1-9-th. Sir Cha. Wilmot &c came from Kerry, the Mayor denied to give them the Kings victuals for the Castle of Ballinger, so that they were. fain victuaJ it from Kinsale, and when certain townsmen attempted to win the Castle: from the King they were well patted. 16G3, May&. Sir Geo. Thornton wciting to. Cecil from Bishops Court says, In. Cork they have raised the Kings fort, fortified their town with the·Kings ar.tillery,. apprehended the officers of the munition and victuals- and·sent seditious letters to all the·noblemen and chieftains &c to come and remove the siege. " Yesterday brought . a·Spanish saker from Halebolinge, and placing her before the town raked three or four·shot through some·of their houses, whereupon they sent out.a drum, with Wal-. ter Co_ppinger &c entre&ting a pa,ss·for him and·Mr•.Andrew Barrett to .repair,to the: LDrd Deputy as agents for the Mayor &c-.'' 1603, June. Amongst the items in the indictment of William.Mead, Recorder ·of' Cork, is the following. '' ThatJ he caused Skiddies Castle; being a fort and a store-· house, wherein the Kings victuals a.nd munitio~ lay, to b& taken by fo~e, protesting· that unless the Mayor would take it; he would not stay an·hour in the- tow~ where- upon· the people gave·a great shout, and so the·fort was entered and taken.'.' 1604,.Oct. 17. Sir Henry Brouncker writing to Cranbourne complains "that the· siokness at Cork hath driven him·to the ruinous house at Mallow, where he is not like·to be long free, all the towns and parts of th~ province being infected." 1607, Jan. 3. Sir Henry Brunker Lo. Pres. of Munster died, and was buried at 8 •. Mary's, Cork. "·The Wonderful Battell of Starelings Fought at the City of Corke in . lTeland the 12 and 14 of. October last past 1621. As it hath been credibly Br~ ~ 8 • · informed by divers noblemen and others of the said kingdom &c." Lon,.. ac ·- don. Printed for N. B. 1622. "Corke is a City in the West of Ireland·in the Province of.Munster, for situation;. and. all·commodoties·which sea or land. may afford,.non inferior to any Citie in that country. About the seventh of October last, Anno 1621 there gathered together by· degrees,. an unusual multitude of birds called stares, in some Countries knowne by· the name of Starlings ,.. these birds are for the quantity of their bodies strong, for their quality bold and ventrous, amongst themselves very loving, as may appear by their fli_ghts keeping together all times of the yeare; excepting the breeding time. It is, an<l hath beene an old proverbe, that, Birds of a.feat/i,er hold and keep togetke'lj. which hath ever beene a common custome in these as much as in any other kina· whatsoever~ but now the old proverb is changed, and their-custome is altered cleane. oontrary. .11·or at this time, as thea&. birds are in taste bitter, so they met to fight· together the II!ost bitterest and sha~1>E'.st battell am~ngst t~~ms~lves, the like, for tha manner of their fight, and for the ttme the battell did continue, never heard or seene at any time in any country of the world. · We reade in the Histories of our oune countrie, that in the twelfth year of King ~ichard the second, tha~ the Gnats mustere<l: together at Shine ilow ·called Richmond 1 m· great abundance, w1th so. great a mult1tude, that the ayre was .obscur 2 ed c-



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