Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



·all these things being disposed, and the signal upon point of giving. The enemy perceiving our design hung out a white flag, and beat a Parlee, which being agreed to they sent an officer to my Lord Malborough to treat of conditions, and that they might march out with colours flying and ball in mouth. But that being refused they surrendere~ at mercy, as by the capitulation appears. On the 29th My Lord Malborough entered the town, and all things being performed accord~ng to the articles, ~he Iri~h were made prisoners of war, and J!.~t under a ~trong guard m the Castle, and 1mmed1ately 500 horse were detached to Kmsale, which we do not doubt but is surrendered, since they had weakened themselves by sending two regiments to Corke. Never was such joy seen in a place, when all the Protestants were released, the Bells were immediately set a ringing, and all other demonstrations of joy. There were very great magazines and stores found, but as yet we have not the particulars. Capitulations given to the Garrison in Corke, by the Right Honorable the Earl of Malborough, Lieutenant-General of their Majesties forces in Ireland. I. To receive them·Prisoners of War, giving my word that there shall be no pre- judice 'done either to Officers, Soldiers, Inhabitants, or Clergy of the said Garrison, a!ld will use my endeavours to obtain his Majestie's clemency towards the said Gar- nson. II. They shall deliver up the old Fort within an hour at furthest, and to-morrow, at 8 o'clock in the morning, the two gates of the City, to those whom he shall order. III. They shall put at Liberty immediately all the Protestants that are in Prison, without any pretence whatsoever to the contrary. IV. They shall put in a secure place all the arms, as well of the garrison as of the Inhabitants of what condition or religion whatsoever. . They shall give a.just account of the magazines as well ammunition as provisions, and the Governor of the City shall make a list of them, signed with his hand, which shall be put into.the hands of our commander of the artillery. Licensed Octob. 4, 1690, J. F. MALBoROUGB, Terron Rycot. · Dated at the Camp before Cork, this 28th of Septemb., 1690. 1690.. "The siege presently came on, for the governor would not sur- Sie~ of render upon summons. The paving of the streets waa pulled up to Cor .Lifo deaden the bombs, of which there were, I think, twelve or thirteen ;r ~2 Pike, thrown into the town while the siege lasted. The cannons from with- · · QUt roared, and they made a breach in the wall on the east side towards South Gate ; · the then Duke of Grafton commanded the Marines, and approached to Dunscombe Marsh over the river, intending to storm at the breach ; and in all human probability had carried the town, but that he was mortally wounded from the walls, and so carried Qff, and died in about a week • • • When the town was delivered up, the prisoners . computed at about 4,000, were put into the places of worship, &c., and the weather being wet, the English soldiers as well as Irish prisoners, grew very sickly, and great numbers died, so that they buried them in a large hole or t>it almost every day. ·The citizens were also infected, and very many died, and the C1ty became like a hospital, in a dismal condition for a long time." ~ " September 22, My Lord Marlborough landed some men in boats, near Storey, Cork, where they beat the enemy from a battery that disturbed our ships, co~ and forced the Irish to leave their guns behind them. An express was sent ~~P 16 to Major-General Scra.vemore, then on his march with a body of horse,and 1 69() ' after that, another to the Duke of Wirtenberg, who both in a few days · joined my Lord Marlborough with about fifteen hundred horse and four thousand foot. The town of Cork held out till the 28th, being five days, and then the garrison, about four thousand five hundred, submitted to be all J>risoners of war amongst whom were the Earls of Clencarty and Tyrone, Colonel Mackellicut, the Govern~r, Lieutenant-Colonel Rica.t, &e. The Duke of Grafton received a mortal wound w our last approach of which he died in a few days." . . . 1699, Sep. 2. By Indent. between the Hon. Will. Worth of Dubhn, and William Goddard of Cork, mercht., Mayor of the Staple, and Will. Andrews and J onath. Per- d--2

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