Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



pinnacle as many jambs of doors, lentrens and corbetts as shall be conve· nient for his building, only in the pinnacle, and set same higher or lower at his pleasure, and build any other thwarte buildings upon his own mess. close to the side wall to the westwards of said pinnacle, and if he build a side house that then he shall leave six inches between him and the said side wall for his.own drop. EDMO. MARTELL, Maior. STEPHEN MARTELL, Vic. DAD. LoMBARD, Vic. 30 Jan., 1625. By direction of the Lo. Deputy and Right Hon. the Lo. President of Munster, We, the Mayor, &c., assembled for the ease of the citizens, and to give prevention as much as we can to a contagious sickness which hath brought much mortality amongst our neighbours, have agreed to levy by way of tax the sum of 350 pounds ster. towards the relief of his Maj. sol- diers, a great number whereof, being sickly in their bodies, were to be lodged, garrisoned and victualled amongst us, if we had refused to keep them off by that loan. We therefore agree that the said sum be assessed by the under- named, chosen by us to applot and apportion same upon penalties war- -ranted by the law and customs of this City. Henry Goold fz. Adam, Ald., John Goold fz. William, Domk. Tyrry fz. Patricke, Christopher Goold, Domk. Roch, Ald., David Goold fz. Adam, David Tirry fz. Stephen, Patrick Cronyn. 12 June, 1626. Whereas there were four companies of soldiers coming hither to this City by direction of the Lord President, and were to have meat, drink, and lodgeing for the space of six weeks, and on further conference with his Lordship he was pleased to give them their choice, either to take the soldiers for the time aforesaid, or pay 200 pounds for their relief in the garrison towns where they were then resident, which sum this Corporation was not able to get by any means for the present, until the sum was taxed on the inhabitants of this City, but by borrowing 150 pounds of the 200 from Walter Galwey fz. Francis, gent. We, the Mayor, &c., promise to pay the said sum untO said Walter on or before the last day of July next, and promise to save harmless Edmond Martell, Esq., now Mayor, Stephen Mar- tell, and David Lombard, Sheriffs, Domk. Roch, Ald., George Tyrry, Ald.•

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