Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



11 July, 1628. Mr. David Tyrry, Esq., now Mayor, hath passed an account ot his dis- bursements, and on perusal it doth appear that the Corporation are in anear unto him of the sum of 30li. 178. 8cl, fOl' receipt of which he had a warrant directed to John Gould, Chamberlain, dated 11 July, 1628. 27 June, 1628. Sir William Sentleger, Knt., Lord President of Munster, is sworn a free· man. Richard, Lord Viscount Donnegarvane, is sworn a freeman. Sir William Finton, Knt., is sworn a freeman. Sir .A.rthoure Hide is sworn a freeman. Mr. Peare, Secretary to the Lord President, is sworn a freeman. Mr. William Lovell is sworn a freeman. M1·. Mathew Pine is sworn a freeman. Mr. James Grey is sworn a freeman. John Armestronge is sworn a freeman. 2 July, 162&. Edward Roch fz. Edmond, Morris Roch fz. J ame~ and James Morrogh. are nominated to be put in election for the Maioraltie. 9 July, 1628. Thomas Mathew fz. William is sworn free paying 4 nobles. 11 July, 1628.

James Myagh fz. Andrew do. paying 338. 4d. John Walters fz. Andrew do. paying 208. Thomas Morley fz. Thomas do. paying 4 nobles. 23 July, 1628.

George Walters fz. Adrian and David Tyrry fz. James, in consideration or 20 pounds paid by every of them,. are admitted Councillors of the City .(Conditions as 9 June, 1626.) . 6 .Aug., 1628. Andrew Morrogh fz. James is sworn free paying 208., which was paid to Thomas Surcint[?] for iron work fox the ....•• of the North gatE!. ·



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