7 Aug., 1616. Et quod non ponant in assizeis jurat' seu recognicionibus aliquibus extra dictam civitat' Corck, seu suburb' ejusd' ratione terrarum et tenementorum suorum extra civitatem et suburb' ejusd' vel infra existen' capiend' quid' in eadem civitate et suburb' ejusdem fuer' comorant' et merchandiis et negaci- onibus suis intendere possint quo'nus et vacare. By His Maj. Justices ofAssize and Gaole Delivery in the co. of Cork. The citizens of Cork at the general sessions of assize and gaol delivery, holden at Bandon Bridge, the 24 July, 1616, have brought before us their charter, wherein the clause above written is inserted, and have prayed the allowance hereof, which we cannot in justice deny, and therefore require the clerk of the crown to make entry hereof in the crown book, and to enter the appearance of such persons returned by the Sheriff in the grand pannel of the county of Cork, as are resident within the said city, the sheriff for the time being is required to take notice hereof. This is a true copy, agreeing with the original, examined by me, &c., and is likewise recorded in the Crown Book of the Clerk of the Crowne of the Province of Munster. BLENERHAYSETT. P ATx TYRRY, Mayor. RICHARD BOLTON. 27 Aug. . 1616. George Water fz. .Adam was admitted free in consideration of 15s., - whereof there is to be deducted of Mr. George Goold's lending, lOs. The Chamberlain to be charged with 5s. Patrick Goold fz. James was admitted free in consideration of 303., whereof Mr. George Goold, .Ald., is to allow of his lending 25s. The Chi!IIl- berlain to be charged with 58. Mr. George Goold, same day, acknowledged himself tO be fully satisfied of all his !endings in Mr. Thomas Sarsfield's year. . Nicholas Skyddy fz. William is admitted free in consideration of 13s. 4d. Andrew Skyddy fz. William is admitted free in consideration of lOs. Richard Goold fz. David is admitted free in consideration of 15s.
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