Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



holders concerning their receipts of the prize wines in David Meade's year,· we find that said Morish hath cleared accompts for 63 pounds ster., and there remaineth unpaid to said Moriah and the rest, of the 600 pounds, the sum of 54 pounds ster. 6 Dec., 1637. That the letter of attorney granted by David Meade, late Mayor, Patrick Arthur and William Verdon, Sheriffs, unto Domk. Tirrie fz. Patrick for the receipt of 12 pounds ster., which fell due Michrelmas, 1637, which letter beareth date 16 July, in the year aforesaid, being of the legacy left by .Stephen Skiddie ats. Skidmore, to be distributed amongst the poor of the Hospital of this city. To the Right Honl. The Lard Deputie of Ireland. The Humble Petition of the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Citizens of the City of Corke, Humbly showing that whereas the four several dissolved monasteries of St. Francis, Gille, St. Dominicke, and St. Augustine, are situated within the liberties of the City of Corke, and near the walls thereof, where sundry merchants and tradesmen do dwell, yet so it is, Right Honl, that the in- habitants of the aforesaid Abbies, notwithstanding divers directions of the Right Hon. the late Lord Deputie and Council of this kingdom, have re- fused to contribute to the public and general charge of the said City, to their exceeding great damage. The premises considered, and for that the said Abbies have not these many years been at any charge concerning the Army or any part thereof or Garrison in the said city, they most humbly pray that your Lop. would be pleased to order that they may respectively answer and contribute unto the charge of the said City for billetting and lodging of the officers and sol- diers charged upon the said City, or hereafter to be charged, as other such pretended liberties do as well within the City of Dublin as elsewhere in these kingdoms, which they humbly offer to your Lordship's grave con- sideration. And they shall pray. Dublin Castle, 15 Marcii, 1636. For the reasons expressed in this petition, we think it fit, and accordingly we do hereby require all and every the inhabitants of the said pretended

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