Cork Coffee House Charter 1793/4 (Ref. PR15/15)

Printed 'Copy of the Deed or Charter entered into by the Associated Society To Raise a Fund for Erecting a Coffee House and Other Buildings in the City of Cork for the Government of Said Society and the Management and Disposal of the Funds Thereof’.

Cork City and County Archives PR15/15

Cork City and County Archives PR15/15

Cork City and County Archives PR15/15

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Articles ef Agreement, Indented, Made, Concluded, and Agreed upon, this Date. 'i wenty-Fir:Jl Day of January, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand, Seven Hundred and Ninety-Three; BY AND BETWEEN Cooper Penrofe, James Penrofe, and William Edward Parties Name,. Penrofe, of Woodhill, in the North Liberties of the City of Cork, Efquires; Samuel M'Call, John Cotter, Marcus Lynch, George Lombard, Thomas Waggett, Thomas Roche, Thomas M'Call, Andrew White, John Ruffell, John Shea, George Shea, John Moylan, Richard Moylan, John Church, Charles Denroch, William Leycefier, William Cormack the younger, Patrick Goold, Ifaac Mee, William Clark, John Anderfon, Simon Lowe, James Sadleir, Bar. tholomew O'Donnoghue, William Lumley, Henry Bagnell, Henry Sadleir, George Waters, Chriflopher Waggett, John Cuthbert, Thomas Cuthbert, Reuben Harvey the younger, Walter Martin \iVhite, William Crawford, James Morrogh, Charles Fergufon, Jeffery Pierfy, Matthew Church, John Thompfon, John Power, Richard Harris, John Forfler, John Harris, Patrick Lynch, Peter Maziere, Thomas Walker, Patrick Waters, John Good, James vVefiray, Patrick Comerford, William Bleazby, Ebenezer Deeves, Michael \Vood, Henry White, William Kellock, Bartholomew M'Dermott and Daniel Callaghan, all of the faid City of Cork, Merchants;· Julius Ilefmrd of the fame City, Sail.Cloth Manu- faclurer, Robert Stevelly of the fame Silk-Afcrcer, \Villiam Crook of Gillabby, in the South Liberties of the faid City of Cork, Efquirc, Edmond Finn of faid City of Cork, Gentlmwn, Jeremiah Sullivan of the fame, E- 1 nkfa!kr, Heyward St. Lrger



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[ 5 J nu affo Three Dwelling I-foufes to the rear of Coffee-I-Ioufe, fronting to Co!trt 4 Lan: in faid City of Cork; for ·hich purpofe they the faid Parties have · d h · I · · 1 S f ~rl Th f; cl F' Poundsfierling, m One Hundred an wenty- ve .oun s er, each, the benefit an.d ;idva-ntagc arifing from fuch SJiares to be applied, difpofed of, and rcgulatccl in the tn,.urner hc.:r :n after mentioned. fubfcnbe t C Capita or pnnqp:.t Ulll O iree OU Jll ive • d F Sl f T fi p orty . iares, o

[ 4 J St. Leger of the fame, Efquire, Mary Baldwin, Widow of Michael Baldwin, late of the fame, Efquire, Doc?or of Phyjic, dcceafed, vVilliam Roberts of the fame, Woollen-Draper, 'Thomas "\i\Tefiropp of the fame, Efquire, Doaor of PhJlic, Abbott Trayer, of Sunday's-Well, in the North Liberties of the faid City, Attorney at Law, John Shaw, Efquire, Mayor of the faid -city of Cork, Charles Evanfon of the fame, vVoollen-Draper, Thomas Campbell of the fame, Hardware-Merchant, James Bonwell, Thomas Roberts and Robert Traverfe, all of the fame City, Bankers, Francis Archer ·white of the fame City, Courifellor at Law, Timothy Lyne of the fame, Viflualler, William Lane of the fame, Clothier, Abraham Forfter of Ballymoloe, in the County of Cork, Efquire, Sir Samuel Rowland of the fame City, Knight and Alderman, William Jones, James Gregg, Thoma -Chatterton and James Wallis of faid City, Attornies at Law, Thomas Spires Gabbott, of Blackrock Road, in the South Liberties of the faid City, Efquire, Edward Pope of the fame City, Cooper, Sir "\i\Tilliam Clark of the fame City, Knight, Richard Lane of the fame City, Clothier and Burgefs, Brad:lhaw Popham of the fame, Cotton•Manufaclurer, Noblett Rogers, of Lota, in the North Liber. ties of the faid City of Cork, Efquire, John Power of the fame City, Wool/en. Draper, John Fuller Harnett, of LceJ]J4unt, in the North Liberties of the faid City of Cork, Efquire, Phineas Bury, of the Little ljland, in the County of Cork Efquirc, James Chatterton of the fame City, Efq; His Majefly's third Serjeant at Law, Henry Terry of the fame, Linen-Draper, Thomas White of the fame, Book- feller, Sir Robert Warren, Baronet, of Crookjlown, in the County of Cork, Edward Allen, of Tif'oodvicw, in the South Liberties of the Chy of Cork aforefaid, Gen• tleman, Sir John Franklin of the fame City, Knight and Alderman, Thomas Daunt of the fame, Apothecary, Robert Hutchinfon, of Codrum, in the County of Cork aforefaid, Efquire, Richard Fitton of the faid City of Cork, Efquire, Counfallor at Law, Edward Rowland, of Shanagarry, in the County of Cork, Efquire, late an Eryign in his Majf/ty's '.Twentieth Regiment of Foot, Nicholas Cummins of the fame City, Viclualler, William Harrington, John Meade, and "\Villiam Roberts, Ajfignees of Edward and George Wynne, Bankrupts, of the faid City of Co'rk, Daniel Kni_;ht <f the fame City, Grocer, Aufren Shinkwin of the faid City, b-ifurance- Bro?.er, the Reverend Francis Orpen, of Middleton, in the County of Cork afore- faid, Clerk, John Litchfield of the faid City of Cork, Linen-Draper, Timothy Hughes of the fame City, Ironmonger, Timothy Canty of the fame, Woollcn- Draper, Hannah Millerd of the fame, Spirylcr, Jacob Biggs of the fame, Clothier, Elizabeth "\Villis, Widow ef James Willis, late of the faid City of Cork, Merchant, deceafed, and Valentine Johnfon, Julius Befnard, and Henry Sadleir, Ajfignees if \Villiam and Charles Willcocks of the fame City, Bankrupts.

:Parties Name~.

Hundred And have fuhfcribcd a Ca- pita! of 3.500I. in 140 Share,

d jl / for the purpofc.

0 ':-. ~;r:r ~ .. ~~ll'i tl fai'd Parties hereto ha\.:C already expended part of the Part of wl~ich Sum has been «nv ,1...~u.:t)(,H,"P le c°l:pendcd m the purchafc of taid Capital Sum of Three Thoufand Five Hundred Pounds in the Purchafe of Grou nd '· the Grounds whereon they iutend to b ild and erect the faid Coffee-Houfe, D 11. cr.Ifoufes and Prcmiifes · and have agreed to expend and lay out the A~d the remaind~r !s to be we lllo ' laid out on the Du1ld10gs. refidue of the faid Sum 1n. the building, erecting, finifi ing and decorating the faid intended Coffee~Houie, Dwelling-Houfes, Shops and Prcmiifes. a l'l'I ~~11"., .. Ca" the faid Cooper Penrofe, John Anderfon, John Shaw, The fevcral Int~refi3 in th «J V IJ.-'U.~11;,-" .~, Groµud vt.lkdrn Trufu:c1, Andrew White, James Bonwell, Marcus. Lynch, ~nd. Samuel M'Call (Parties to thefe Prefents) are, on the Perfecrion of thefe Prefent , feizcd and poffeffed of the Ground~ and Premiifes whereon the faid Coffee-Houfe, Shops and Dwelling Houfes are fo intended to be creeled, by Virtue of and under the feveral Deeds, Affigmncnts and Leafes, mentioned and re.cited in a certain Indented Deed; bearing equal Date with thcfc Prefents, fubje& ~everthelef to the fevera.l yearly Head Rents payable thereout, amounting in he whole to the yead Sum of to thefe Prefents, that the faid Grounds and Premiffes arc fo vefred in the faid Cooper Penrofe, John Anderfou, John Shaw, Andrew White, James Bonwell, Marcus Lynch, and Samuel M'Call, in trufr only,. and for the l;>enefit and advan.. tage of all and every the faid Parties hereto. And that the fame Grounds and Premiffes, and the faid Coffee-Houfe, Shops and Dwelling,-Houfes, when the fame {hall be fo built a.nd erecred thei;eoil, and the Rents, Iffues and Profits thereof, and all Benefit and Advantage thereby to be had ~nd gotten, fhaU be difpofed of, paid and applied, in manner clnd form herein after Mentioned, ExpI."el{ed, and Dec;l,; gll ~ ~~i1,e, ea~ it hath been ao-teed upon, by and between the Parties For the ufe or the Patti , V U-'1-l ~ t t» hereunto,

gntJ [[tbeiea~, the faid Parties to thefe Prefent hasc, at, Qr before tl:ie PerfeB:ion hereof, paid into the Hand· of the faid James BQilwell, the full Sum of Three Thoufand Five Hundred Pounds, in fuch Shares ancl Propottion a~ is J?articularly mentioned and expreffed in the Schedule hereunto annexed, and the Receipt of whi<:h faid Sum the faid Jame~ Bonwell doth hereby acknow◄ ledge. B

Recite that they had !gmd IDUbeiea.a', the faid feveral Parties to thefe Prefcnts have agreed to affociate to form thcmfcl..,es into a Company for m:--'ling a new and form themfelves into a Company for building and erccring a New Coffo::- CnfTt:e - Moufe, and other • • Bui!Jing • Houfe, with Shops and other Apartments thereunto belonging, frontmg to Cqfileflreet in the iai<l City of Cork, and adjoining to the Exchange of faid City. ann

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'J'hcfevmlPatties_ do there- J0ob.l tbeFfO!C tbefe wiertnt.a' ·w1TNESS, that in purfuance and per- fore agree to afToc1ate thern- felm into_a Co~i•pany, un• formance of the faid Intention and Agreement, and in order fully and effecl:ually cler the lullowrn Agree- ·.ni,:nt~, vi:c. to carry the fame into Execution; and for the fcveral ·other Purpofes and Confi- derations herein after contained, they the faid feveral Partic:s hereto, 11)abe affoci- ated and formed, -and by thefe Prefents, IDo aff-ociate and form themfelves into a Company and Joint-Partnerfhip, under, and fubjecl: to the feveral Regulat~ons, Provifoes, Claufes, Conditions and Agreements, herein after expreffed and de- clared, and none other: that is to fay, ]t i.a' hereby declared ..and agrt:ed by J:,mes Bonwell 10 ·be Trea- and between the faid feveral·Parties hereto, that the faid James Bonwell be and

that is to fay, to the Ufe, Intent, and Purpofc, that each Subfcriber hereto, To the ufc, that each of them {hall receive a Dividend fhall have receive and be paid )rearl)r out of the Rents Hfues and Profits out of the Rents, for each ' ' ' ' Share fubfcribt:d. thereof, and as his Dividend or Dividends thereof, fuch Sum or Sums of Money as the proportion or proportions of an Hundred and Fortieth Part thereof, for, and upon each and every Share and Shares of Twenty-Five Pounds by him fub. fcribed as aforefaid, :!hall amount to the fame, to be paid to fuch Subfcriber, his Heirs and AffiCYnS, for and durincr the refpedive natural Lives, or Life of During the Life of hii; or her . O O Nominee, and no longer.

the Perfons, fo by him nominated for fuch Share or Shares refpefrively as afore- faid, but no longer: And from and after the Death of any Perfon, for whofe Life any fuch Share fhall fo be held as aforefaid, then the faid Proportion or Dividend payable thereon as aforefaid, to go and belong to fuch of the faid Parties hereto, whofe refpective Nominees flull be then living, and be equally divided between them, according to their refpective number of Shares, fub.. fcribed by them refpectively as aforefaid.-It being the true Intent and Meaning of thefe Prefcnts, and the feveral Parties hereto, that the Right and Title of any of the faid Parties, their Executors, Adminifirators and Affigns, to any Share of the faid Ground, Coffee-IIoufe, Dwelling-Houfes, and Premiifes, or the Rents, Hfues and Profits thereof, {hall as to fuch Share, ceafe and determine, when and as foon as the Perfon by him fo nominated as the Life for fuch Share, fhall happen to die, and that the fame ihall then be applied in the mannel." aforefaid.

is hereby appointed Treafurer and Keeper of the Monies, Goods, Property and Effects, Deeds, Writings, Vouches and Papers -of this Company and Affocia- tion, for the Term herein after mentioned.


3ft i~ arro hereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid fcveral

That Scheduleannmdcon- t,,ins account of the Shares

• , Jl. c. rc. . phal,and alfu of Names Parties hereto, tbat the fa1d Schedule hereunto annexed, contarns a true, JU1t., Ar.,es, &c. -o! the Liva no- minated. • • and perfetl: Account of the feveral Shares of the faid Sum of Three Thoufan<l Five. Hundred Pounds, by the faid feveral Parties hereto refpecrively fubfcribed, as alfo the Names, Places of Abode, Occupations, Ages and Defcriptions of the fevcral Perfons nominated by the faid Parties hereto refpecl:ively, for whofe Lives refpectively, the rcfpeaive Rights, Titles and Interefis of the faid Parties hereto, their Executors, Adminifirators and Affigns, into the faid Ground, Coffee-Houfe, Dwell-ing-Houfes and Premiifes, and the Rents, Iifues, and Profits thereof, ihall refpeltively continue, as herein after is exprefsly mentioned and appointed.

3ft i.ll affo hereby declared :i.nd. agreed, by and between the faid feveral Parties hereto, that the full and entire of the yearly Rents, Iifues and Profits of the faid intended Coffee-Houfe, Shops, Dwelling-Houfes and Premifles, and all Benefit and .Advantage thereby to be had and gotten (after defraying and dif- charging the faid yearly ~ead Rents, and all further and other Cofis, Charges and Expences, which the Company may be neceifarily at, or put to, in the profecution of the Scheme hereby efiabli{hed) fhall once in every Year, at the Time, and in the manner herein after mentioned,_be equally and fairly divided between the faid Parties hereto, their Executors, Adminifirators, or Affigns, or ,,. between fuch of them whofe Nominees fhall be living at the time of making fuch yearly Dividend (but none other) according to the number of Shares, or the Share whereof the faid Parties, their Executors, Adminifirators or Affigns, :!hall be then refpecl:ively Proprietors, until by courfe of Survivorihip, three only and no more, of the faid Nominees :!hall continue alive: AND that when and as foon as three only of the faid Nominees iliall continue in being and alive, then the whole and entire of the faid Grounds, Coffee-Houfe, Shops, and Pre- And when only three Nomi- • • • • • nees {hall be living, then the m1ffes, with their and every of their Rights, Members, and Appurtenances, Grounds, Buildings,&c. {hall be the fole Property of the and the Rents, Iifues, and Profits thereof, {hall from thenceforth go and belong Subfcribm, ,,hofc sham ' depended on foch three fur- to fuch one or more of the Parties to thefe Prefents, his or their Executors, viving Lives; and fan,dhall be: aili~ned t& them. Adminifi.rators, or Affigns, as iliall be the Proprietor or Proprietors, Owner or Owners

]t i.a' alfo hereby declared and agreed, hy and between the faid feveral

An Innrument, in nat'ure of a Debenture, figned by a

D b



• W • •



Committe of Direcl:ors, to be Parties hereto, that an Inurument lil

ntmg, lil nature O a

e enturc, 1gne

given to each Subfcriber.

• by a Committee of the Directors herein after named, :Chall be delivered to each of the faid Subfcribers, for each and every Share by them refpect:ively fub... iu :bed as aforefaid. ]'t i~ alfo hereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid feveral Parties hereto, that t e aforefa1d Grounds and rem111es, w ereo t e fa1 Cooper Penrofe, John Anderfon, John Shaw, Andrew White, James Bonwell, Marc~s Lynch and Samuel M 'Call, are fo now feized and poffeffed, as afore- faid ; and the faid intended Coffee-Houfe, Shops, Dwelling-Houfes, and Pre- miifes, when the fame fhall be erecred and built thereon, and all the Right, Title Interefi, Term and Terms, therein and thereto, and the Rents, Iffues, ' ~ and Profits ther~of, and all Benefit, Produce, and Advantage, thereby to be had and gotten, :!hall and will, at all Times hereafter, continue and remain veiled in the faid Subfcribers, Parties to thefe Prefents, their Executors, Ad~ minifirators and Affigns, to, and for the following Ufes, Intents, and Purpofes, th:it h . p • Ir h f h "d

The Ground and Building to remain vefiedin SLtufcrib-

er .

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[ 8 J Ownen reJi,ecrively, or the Shares for which the forviving Nominees !hill l1ave been nominated and appointed-: AND, the Perfons in whom the faid Grounds, Houfes and Premi!fcs ihall be then vefted, as Trufiees, {hall imme. .. diately upon receiving du,e notice of fuch Survivorfuip, or within a reafonable time thereafter, convey, affign, and make over the faid Grounds, Coffee-I-Ioufe, '.Dwelling-Houfes, and Prcmiffes, for and during all the Efrate and Term then to come and unexpired therein, and 'ih.all hand over all Deeds, Evidences and Vfri .. 'tings, touching or concerning the Title or Poffeffion thereof, as the faid Tru:ftees fhall be then po!fefred of, unto fuch one or more of the faid Parties to thefe Prefents, their Executors, Adminifl:rators, or Affigns, as fl.1all become entitled ·thereto, in manner aforefaid. AND, if it ihall happen that the faid Grounds, Co-ffee-Houfe, Dwelling-Houfes and Premi1I-e~, ihall, by fuch right of Survivor- ,:lhip> become veHed in, and the Property of, any two or more of the faid Parties. --to thefe Prefonts, their Executors, Adminifrrators, or Affigns, and that any, Ancl any orrc or them may one of the foid Parties, who :!hall thereupon become entitled to one or two-third .-equire a Partition.

[ 9 J Clerk to this Compa.ny or Society, in which Ofiice he :!hall continue until the death or rcfignation of him the faid Thomas Chatterton, or until he :fhall be removed by a General Meeting of the faid Company or Society; and that the faid Thomas Chatterton :£hall receive a yearly Sallary of Twenty-Two Pounds At :i Sallary of zo Guineas a Year. Fifteen Shillings for his trouble in executing faid Office, provided .that he :!hall . . d p d s . £ l d d f . 1 f 1 n· r h e th f To give 500!. Security for his g1ve Five Hundre oun S ecunty or t,1e ue an a1tl U lJ.C arg erco • fai!hful difchargc of the of-


]t i~ alfo hereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid feveral Parties hereto, that the faid feven Directors herein before named, or their Suc-

ceil·ors or any Three or more of them, with or without the Treafurer, ihall T~ree Direcl:ors, with or ' without Treafurer, to be a .c d b C · tt e of this Society and fhall have full and entire po\ver Committee, to uanfacl: ~.1 1 1orm an e a OlTIIDl e , bufinefs, &c. of the Com- and ::mthority to do, tranfacr, perform, regulate, manage and dirdl: all Matters pany. and Things whatfoever, touching or in anywife concerning this Company or Society, or the Monies, Goods, Premiffes, Effects or Property thereof, or the Receipts or Expenditures thereof; provided that no Act of theirs ihall or do alter or vary the Rights of the feveral Subfcribcrs to their rcfpecrive Shares and Dividends, upon the fcveral Sums by them refpecrively fubfcribed as afore- faid, and to the benefit of Survivodhip, as aforefaid: that the faid Committee fhall from Time to Time have full power and authority, by Deed or Deeds in And to fct Lcafcs:i.timprov- ed Rents.

.part or parts thereof, his Executors, Admini:ftrators, or Affigns, faall be. mind.. ed and defirous to come to a Partition or Divifion of the faid Grounds, Houfes.. and Prcmiffes, then and in that cafc, the others or other of the faid Parties to thefe Prefents, their, his, or her Executors, Adminifl:rators, or .Affigns, who fhall be the -Proprietor or Proprietor of the remaining Surviving Shares or Share, :!hall, at the reque:ft of the Perfon or Perfons fo minded and defirous, and at their mutual Cofts, Charges and Expences, come to, and make fuch Partition and Divifion, and make perfecr, and execute all fuch good and fuffi- cient Deed and Deeds, and other Afiurances in the Law, as Council fuall advi~ to be requifitc and neceffary, for fully and effectually carrying fuch Partition and. Divifion into Execution, and for fettling and aifuting unto fuch of tl1e faid Parties to thefe Prefents, their Executors, Adminifirators, or Affigns,, who £hall fo become entitle-cl to the faid Grounds, Coffee-Houfe, and Premiifes, their re- fpecrive Shares and Proporti-Ons thereof, according to the number of Surviving SI ares, of which they fuall be fo refpe8tively Proprietors.

Writincr under their Hands and Seals, to nemife, Leafe, or Let the faid ~, Coffce-Houfe, Dwelling-Houfes and Premiffes, or fuch Part or Parts thereof as they ihall think proper, to fuch Pcrfon or Perfons, for fuch Term or Terms, and at and un<ler fuch yearly Rent or Rents, as the faid Committee ihall in their Difcretibn think fit ; (provi<led the fame be made at the beft yearly improved Rent that may or can be reafonably had for the fame, from good and folvent • . n. C . . f th fl ll

t An<l that Direcl.or,, or a em, la mee Committee of them, il1all

Tenants.) And that the Directors, or a

,omm1ttee O


meet once a ~ arter and once in every Q?arter of a Y car at the kafi, and oftner if fummoncd by t 1e oftncr if fummoned. Treafurer or Clerk.

]t in' alfo hereby declared and agreed, by and bet,veen the faid fcvcral P ·. 1

th t General Meeting of this Company or Society {hall be held General Meeting to b~ held

art1cs 1ereto, a a

on every fid1 Mondy Ill Oc-

lt i~ alfo hereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid fcvcral p rties hereto, that the fa.1.d Cooper Penrofe, John Anderfon, John Shaw, An- ,


in every Year at which General tober, who !hall elect a

F . 11. M d · 1nL

th f Q[l b

()n ay 1n t 1e on

Cooper Penrofe, John An- <lerfon, John ~haw, Andrew White, James Bonwell,


O er

on the


Chairman. Meetincr a Chairman £hall be chofen by a majority of Votes of the Subfcribers t> prefent, to prefide; and thereupon the names of the then Directors ihall be fe- p arately put into a Hat, and two of them fhall be drawn thereout, and the Direcl:ors name! putinaHat and two dr:iwn, who foal! P r hofe Names ihall be fo drawn thercout, fuall from thenceforth ceafc ceafe, a_n<l t,:o Subfcribc:n cr1ons \V clec1cd m their 11:ead, by ma- to be Directors; and two others (being Subfcribers) fhall thereupon be chofen jority of Vom•

Marcus Lvnch, and Sa.mud M 'Call,appointed Direcl:or~, drew vVhite, James Bonwell, Marcus Lynch, and Samuel M'Call, be .and are " ho with the Tuafurer, are to, continue in Office until hereby appointed Directors and Managers of the Funds, Effecl:s and Property of otncrs arc: elected.

this Society ; and that they the faid DireB:ors, with the Treafurer herein before . ppointed, fuall continue in Office for one Year, from the Firfi Day of Oclober next, and until a new Treafurer and Directors fhall be elected a.nd chofen at a General Meeting, as herein after is directed.

and elected by a majority of Votes, to fervc as Directors in the place and ftead .of the Perfons fo ceafing as aforefaid; fo as that not more than Five of the faid Directors £hall continue in faid Office, from and after the Fidl Monday in O[lober in every Year; notwithHanding that the full number of Seven Directors !hall be conftantly continued and kept up. C

'1ft i.« alfo hereby declared and ag:reed, by and between the faid feveral

Thonm Cb tertoll :ippoint- ,cod Clerk, and to continue


'-I till h:SdeaLh , refignation,. or Part1"es hereto that the ra1'd Thom-:ic Chatt"'rton be, and is hereby appointed removal by gencr.u meet111g ' 1 • - "' oi the som1~. Clerk

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C II J raining the Names of the Suhfcribers, and the Sums by each fu bfcribed, and the Share or Shares to which each Subfcribcr is entitled, as alfo the Names, Ages, and Places of Abode of the Nominees for fuch Shares refpecrively ; and the Names, Places of Abode, Additions, Occupations and other Defcriptions of their Parents (whether Living or Dead) as ihall beft afcertain the Perfons, and identity of futh Nominees refpecrively.

T IO )

3f t i'3 ·alfo hereby dedared and agreed, by and ·between the fald fevera.l Parties hereto, that at the fame General Meeting, the then Treafurer ihall be continued in his Office, or removed therefrom; and a new one (being a Mem- ber of this Society) chofen-in his room, as the majority of Subfcribers prefent fuall determine and agree.

Trcafurer continued or re- mov.:d, at will of the M.:et- .ing.

]t i1! alfo hereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid feveral Parties hereto, that at all fuch Elections, OT ;t any other General Meeting of this Society, the Chairman chofcn to thereat, fhall have a Vote as a Sub- fcriber, -upon any ~efiion or Refolution relative to this Company or Society; . and that where the Votes of the Members prefent .{hall in any of fuch occafions happen to be equal, then and as often as it ihall fo happen, the Chairman chofen to prefide at fuch Meeting, ihall have a calling Vote, over and bcfides the Vote he {hall have given as a Subfcriber.

Chatrman to have a calling Vote.

1it l!i alfo hereby declared and agreed, by the faid fcveral Parties hereto, Power to Subfcriber to af. h · 11 11 d b 1 f 1 r S br 'b r . . fignordevifeShare. t at 1t llla an may e aw u 1or any u 1cn er or Sub1cribers, lus, her, or their Executors, Adminiilrators or Affigns., at any Time or Times, during the Life or Lives of his, her, or their Nominee or Nominees, by "\:Vriting under his, her, or their Hand and Seal, or by his, her, or their ]a{l Will or Vlills in Writing, to Affign or Devife his, her, or their Share or Shares, of and in the faid Grounds, Houfes and Premiifes, and the Rents, I!Tues and Profits thereof, to any Perfon or Perfons, for and during the Life or Lives of fuch Nominee or Nominees refpecrively, PROVIDED that a Minit or Memorandum A Memorandum thereof to • r • be entered in a Book by the of fuch Affignment or Dev11e be entered m a Book to be kept by the Clerk for Clerk, within three months. that purpofe, within Three Calender Months from the Date of fuch Affignment, (if affigned) or from the Death of the Perfons <levifing the fame (if bequeathed And the affignment, probate by Will) and that fuch Aflignment, Probate of the Wil1, or Letters of Admin- ~i t~~n~~~~~~~~: produced ifl:ration as the Cafe may be, fhall be produced to the Committee of DireB:ors. AND PROVIDED FURTHER, that an Affidavit of the Execution of fuch And affidavits of execution of affignment filed with the Affignment (if transferred by Deed) fworn before fome Magifirate, fhall be Clerk. filed with the Clerk. And that the Debenture iffued for fuch Share fo affigned, devifed or bequeathed, ihall be given up and delivered to the Clerk; and that Andon Debenture delivered h 1 r. ·d r 1 M d Th' h b r 'b d b d n.. ll up, a new one ilrucd to pcr- w en t1e 1a1 1evera attcr.i an rngs ere y pre1cn e to e one, ma be fon entitled.

~t i~ alfo he-reby declared and agreed, by and between the feveral art1es ercto, t at e 1 es t .e nnua enera eetrng, ere1n erore appomt- .JI ..., • h h b fid h A 1 G IM · h · b r ·

"Trealbrer or Clerk may call other General Meetin:;s, giv- in.,. ten days notice in Cork p



ed, a Committee of the Directors, the Treafurer or Clerk, may call and convene one or more other General Meeting or Meetings at fuch times as they or he :£hall think proper, giving full Ten Days previous Notice of fuch General Meeting in the Cork News-Papers.

J[t f~ alfo hereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid feveral

Clerk to be elccl:cd at next Genc:ral Meeting after a va-

11 ecuritfy to Parties hereto, that at the next General Meetina- to be held after any Vacancy va ary a cer- v fhall happen in the Office of Clerk, fuch General Meeting, whether Annual or

b canc_y, a nd dli\e e g,ven, .l.Il


otherwife, fhall elecl: and chofe a Perfon to fill the faid Office of Clerk, and ihall at the fame Time afcertain and fix the yearly Sallary to be paid fuch new elected Clerk, fuch Clerk giving fuch Security as herein before appointed to be given by the faid Thomas Chatterton. 3[t i~ hereby further declared an<l agreed, by and between the faid feveral Parties hereto, that the Clerk ihall attend all Meetings of the Subfcribers, and alfo all Meetings of the Directors or a Committee of them, and {hall enter the Proceedings of fuch Meetings in a Book, to be by him kept for that purpofe :- that he ihall keep an Account of all Rents, Monies, Effec1:s and Property, which :fhall or may from Time to Time be received for the ufe and benefit of this Society, and of all Sum and Sums of Money, Sallaries, Coils and Expen- ces advanced, laid out, or paid, for or on account thereof :-that he ilial1, if re- quired, affifr the Treafurer in fuch Receipts and Expenditures, and {hall regularly and fairly account with him the faid Treafurer, for any Sum or Sums he fl1all happen to receive.--]t iS affo hereby declared and agreed, by the faid feveral Parties hereto, that the Clerk £hall alfo keep one or more Book or Books con- taining

fully and fairly performed, the Name or Names of fuch Affignee or Afiignees, Devifee or Devifces, Executors or Adminifrrators, fhall be entered in the faid Book, as the Proprietor or Proprietors of the Share or Shares fo affigned, trans- ferred, devifed or bequeathed, and £hall receive an Inftrument or Infirument3 in Writing, in the nature of a Debenture or Debentures for the fame, in his, her, or their own Name or Numes, figned by the then Committee of Directors; and thereupon fuch Perfon or Perfons fo receiving fuch Infirument or Infrruments in nature of a Debenture or Debentures, £hall in all refp&crs be deemed and taken- as an original Subfcriber or Subfcribers hereto, and in all refpects, and to all Intents and Purpofes, be comprehended and included within the Words "Subfcribers hereto," wherefoever the fame are mentioned herein.

Duty of the Cler-.

'irt in' alfo hereby declared and agreed by the faid fcvera.l Parties hereto 'l'reafur_er and Clerk to make .JI • ' ) up their Accouna before that the Treafurer and Clerk fhall, on or before the Annual General Meeting, Annual Me~ting.

make up and frate an account of all Monies, Goods, Effects and Property of this Society~ which £hall have been received collecl.ed, paiJ or ·e.xpended by them,

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t 1 3 J '7.Jt i"" aliio hereby declared and ao-rced by the faid feveral Parties hereto AU Meetings to be held Ill JI P ' 0 ' ' fome Buildini of tile ~o- that all Meetings of this Company or Society, or of the Direcl:ors, or a Com- ciety. mittee of them, fhall be held in the City of Cork in fome Apartment of the Buildings belonging to this Society, to be appointed and appropriated for that ·Purpofe. ]t i.9' aifo hereby declared and agreed, by the faid feveral Parties hereto, When new Trcafurer clecl: . ~ ,. f, fh l I ::,. d ed, former one within Fortr that from Time to lime, when and as often as a new Trea urer al be e ecte Days, to fettle Accountsand • • , , hand him ov<:r .Ballance:, at a General Meeting of the Subfcnbers as aforefaid, the then former 1reafurer Books,&c. :fhall immediately thereupon within Forty Days next after, fairly and regularly

them, or either of them, •from the then lafi General Meeting, and {hall firi~e and fettle the Ballance then appearing due thereon ; and !hall alfo report m Writing a general Statement and Detail of all Occurrences and Tranfacl:ions re- lative to the Society and the then Situarion thereof, and of the Property and And of Deaths of Nominees, EffeB:s thereof. And the Clerk {hall alfo make up and exhibit an Account of th e and of fuch subfcribeyrs as N f r. h Nom1·nees as :!hall have died preYious thereto, and whofe Deaths fl1all not for Seven ears ames O 1UC demand fl1areof Profit.. I. K I d . d f fuch of the Subfcribers as ihall have {hall have come to us now e ge, an o

made Default by the fpace of Seven Years next preceding, in demanding their Annual Proportions of the Rents, Hfues and Profits of 'the fai<l Coffee-Houfe, Dwelling-Houfes, Shops and Premiffes. '{[,pat at fuch General Meeting, imme- diately after the Elecl:ions for Direcl:ors and Treafurer, the Trea urer an er · {i d Cl k

And produce fame at Gene-

·al ?-rit:etiu",

fuall produce the feveral Books and Accounts fo by them kept and made up, which Books and Accounts ihall, at fuch General Meeting, be carefully and minutely infpected, audited, examined, fiated and fettled. And that at the fame Annual General Meeting, the Dividend or Proportion of the Rents, Iffues, 'hen Dividend. (hall be and Profits, and produce of the faid Grounds, IIoufes and PremiiTes, to be ftruck for year prmding. paid to each Subfcribcr then entitled by the cxifience of his N omince. for the Year ending on that Day; and the amount of fuch Divi<lend or Proportion :fhall be afcertained and determined.

make up an Account of all Monies, Sum and Sums, which he £hall have re. ceived and expended during his Continuance in Office, and !hall hand over to fuch new elected Treafurer fuch Ballance or Sum as {hall :ippear to be due thereon to this Company or Society, together with all Deeds, Conveyances, Leafes, Books, \Vritings, Property and Effects wl11tfoever, of or belonging to this Society, whereof he {hall have the Cufrody or Pofieffion in right of his faid Office of Treafurcr. And that if any Treafurer who Ihall be fo difcontinucd as

aforcfaid, fhall for Forty Days after the Eleaion of a Perfon to fucceed him in his faid Oilicc, neglccr or refufe to furnifh fuch Account, and hand over the nallan~c due thereon, and all other Property of this Society in his Hands, to the faid new clecte<l Treafurer, then and in that Cafe the Perfon fo neglecting- . a , lt r ~ 't h' Sh ._, .._, or in e,au 1orie1 ,s are f fi {] 11 I: I: • h' SI l ll • f d • } p din the Society as if J,;ll • 'o- 0r re U mg, la J Ofl Clt lS 1are anc. roport10n O an 1Il t lC roperty an minec dead; and be alfo fued r JT •'.'l. f } • S • • l'k • r I • N · N • for.fuch llallancc, &c. . HCCd o t ns oc1cty, m 1 e manner as u us ommee or ommees was or ,vere Dead, and iliall alfo be fued at Law in the of the faid new elected Treafurer, or otherwife, as fhall be neceffary for the recovery of the Ballance, Effecl:s and Property of this Company or Society, which he fhall fo have in his Hands. And that fuch new elecl:ed Treafurer !hall pafs a Receipt or Receipts for N T fi e- fuch Sum and Sums of Money, Goods, Effell:s, Deeds, Writings and Property ~;!pt~~,~~~c;~m/;,ny: 1 ~!~~1 r, R cw rea urcr to pa • of the faid Society, as he fhall fo receive, in fome or one of the Company's over. Books, which Receipt or Receipts {hall be figned in the Prefence of, and attefi- ed by the Clerk to this Society.


lt t~ alf O hereby declared by the faid fevcrcl Parlies hereto~ that if the Bu..

b f 11


lf bufinefs of Meeting can-


e u Y co -

not be .fini!h~d on that Day, finefs to be done and tranfacl:ed at any General l\Icctmg, cannot

. • lcated on the Day appointed for fuch General 1\1cctmg, then, and w 1enever it p . h • 1 fhall fo happen, the faid General l\Ieeting fhall have a Power to cont1~ue t e faid Meeting by adjournment for any time they {hall think proper, dunng the Veek in which faid General Meeting !hall be appointed to be held. '1ft ill¥ alfo declared and agreed, by and between the faid feveral Parties hereto, that at any General Meeting of this Society (whether Annual or ot~er- wife) fuch By-Laws, Rules and Regulations for the government and regulation f 1 · s · t and tlie Funds Effecl:s and Property thereof, as any of the o t us ocie y, , , Subfcribers fhall deem neceffary, may be propofed to be agreed to and enacl:ed. . And if fuch By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, !hall be approved of at the next J I P General Meeting of the Society to be held after fuch Propofal, by a ma3onty o the Members then prefent; the fame {hall from thenceforth be binding and con- dufive on the faid Parties to thefe Prefents, and every of them, their and every of their Executors, Adminifirators and Affigns, as fully and effectually TO ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES as if the fame had been agreed to, infcrted and • • f

power to ad;ouro,

By-Laws may be propofed • t any General Meeting.

And mav be approv~ of or

lt i£1 alfo hereby declated aod agreed, by and between the faid feveral Parties Books open for Infpeclion • • of the Suhfcriben, who m,1y hereto, that all Books, wl1cther of Accounts or otherw1fe, w Juch fh:ill be kept take Extracts.

not at tl;e next.

by the Clerk for the ufe of this Society, fhall and will at all fc:ifonable and con- venient Times, be open and free for the lnfpeclion and Perufal of every Sub• fcriber to this Scheme, his Heirs, Executors, Adminifrrators, or Affign , who may at their Will and Ple1fure take fuch Extracl: or Extracts therefrom, as they fhall think proper.


. contained in thefe Prefents; provided always that fuch By-Laws, Rules, or Re-


.n Which th

But not to interfere w,tb, or

alter the application of the gulations :fhall not in anywife interfere with, or alter t e manner 1


d p · · :fL •


Frofit- 1 R.cnt,, &.c.


1 cmi c:s arc

Iffues and Profits of this Scheme, or the faid Ground.s, 1 ou1es an

jf t f.S' alfo declareJ and agreed, by the faid feveral Parties hereto, that at At Annual General Meeting, • a Day fixed for meeting of \he General Annual Meeting, ,vhen and as foon as the Sum to be paid to the Directors to p11y Divi~c:ndi, D Proprietor

to be paid, applied, and difpofed of, under this Deed.


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[ 15 ]

14 ]


demand the fame, {hall, from and after the expiration of the faid Term of • Seven Years, forfeit, forego, and lofe ALL his Right, Title, Interefi, and Property, of and in the faid Grounds, Houfes and Premiffes; and of and in ALL future Dividends of the Rents, Iffues, and Profits thereof, in fuch and the like manner as if his Nominee was actually Dead ; and the Sum due to the Perfon fo making Default at the Time of fuch Forfeiture, :!hall go and belong to the then Proprietors of this Scheme and Undertaking.

Proprietor of each Share (the Nominee whereto {hall be then living) is afccr- tained and appointed, a Day fhall be fixed upon within Ten Days after fuch General Meeting, for a Meeting of the Committee of Direcrors, who :!hall have a Power of Adjourning as often and for fuch Time and Times as they fhall think fitting. And that at fuch Meeting of th~ faid Committee, or fome Ad- journment thereof, every Perfon entitled to have and receive a Dividend and Share of the yearly Profits and Produce of the faid Grounds, Houfes, Coffee- IIoufe and Premiifes, or fome Perfon or Perfons by him legally authorized, :By Ord ~ on Treafurer, but fhall appear and receive an Order on the Treafurer, figned by the faid Commit- 1>efore given. tee, for the Sum fo appointed at the Annual General Meeting to be paid to the Perfon fo entitled. '1ft i.a' alfo hereby declared and agreed by faid feveral Parties hereto, that ..JI living _to be produced, a nd the faid Committee before they i:liue fuch Order as aforefaid may if they :filed w1th Clerk. ' ' ' Direcl:ors may require Cer- tificate of Nominee, being think proper, require the Perfon fo entitled to receive the Amount thereof, or the Perfon or Perfons fo by him authorized, unlefs the Nominee or Nominees of the Perfon fo claiming to be entitled, perfonally appe::ir before the Committee; and that they fhall have full Knowledge of the Perfon or Perfons of fuch No- minee or Nominees : And that he or they is or are the Perfon or Perfons acruaily and bonajide nominated for the Share or Shares undP.r which the Perfon fo claiming, :fhall be then entitled to receive a Dividend, to produce to the faid Committee, and file with the Clerk a Certificate figned by the Minifl:cr or Curate and Church \Vardens of the Parifh where fuch Nominee or Nominees refpec- tively fhall live; that fuch Nominee or Nominees refpeCTivcly, is or arc then u alro Affidaviu tofamccf- alive, and refiding in faid Pari.fh; together with an Affidavit of tl1e like import Ica. fworn by two Pcrfons of Credit in fuch Pari:fh or the Vicinity thereof, before a neighbouring Magifirate (who fhall certify the Credit of the Perfons fwe1ring the fame) and alfo an Affidavit of the Perfon claiming to be entitled, of the Living, Refidence, and Occupation of fuch his Nominee or Nominees refpec~ tively, at the time of making fuch Affidavit, and of his and their Age and Ages refpeaively, and then State of Health to the beft of his Knowledge, In~ formation, and Belief. l't iii alfo hereby declared and agreed by the faid feveral Parties hereto, man<l Dividend for 7 Years, lofes all fucure Benefit, and that if any Perfon or Perfons who now is or are, or hereafter 01all be entitled his Nominee to be taken as <lead. Snbfcriber neglec1ing to de- under and by Virtue of thefe Prefents, to have and receive any Dividend or Dividends, Share or Shares of the Yearly Rents, Hfoes, Profits and Produce of the faid Grounds, Coffee-Houfe, Dwelling-Houfcs and Prcmi:lies, fhall neglect or omit to demand fuch Dividend or Dividends at the Times, and in the Manner herein before appointed, for or by the fpace and term of Seven Years; and £hall fu1fer the fame to remain in Arrear and unpaid for the fai<l Term of Seven Years, then and in every fuch Cafc, the Pcrfon fo neglecling and omitti,ng to demand

J[t i.a' beteb~ alfo declared and agreed by the feveral Parties hereto, And Share divided at next • • General Meeting betwtcQ that .all Sum and Sums of Money which !hall become the Property of tlus the thcu Sl!bfcribm.

Company, by reafon or means of the default or neglect of any of the Parties to thefe Prefcnts, their Executors, Adminiilrators or Affigns, in demanding their Dividends in manner and at the Times aforefaid, or by any other Cafualty or Accident whatfoever, {hall be divided at the next General Annual l\leeting after the fame :fhall fo become the Property of this Company, in fuch Shares and Proportions, and to and amongfr fuch Perfons as the Annual Produce and Profits of the faid Grounds, IIoufes, and Premiffes are herein before appointed to be divided.

J~ '.'5 alfo hereby declared and agreed by the faid fev-eral P.irties hereto, Subfrribers within Three • , • l\fonth& after his having no- t iat every foch Subfcnber to tlus Scheme, and Party to thefe Prefents, his Ex- tice of Death of hi$ Nomi- nee. ec t c, i.' <lminiihators or .Mligns, ihall, within Three Months next after he or they i!ull J, l ve Notice of the Death of his or their Nominee, give Notice of fuch De~·h to the t 1en Treafurer or Clerk, and :!hall deliver up his or their Deben- Shall acquaint Trcafurer or Clerk, and furrcndcr up hit t..ire (if then in his or their Po:ffcffion) under the Penalty of forfeiting to this Debenture. Society, and for its Ufc, the Sum of TWENTY POUNDS, to be recovered on pain or '20I. to be reco- vered by the Trcafurer. by the then Treafurer, and fued for in his Name, or otherwife, as fhall be <le ed nece:liar y. ..,, jft 'f5 affi hereby declared and agreed by the faid feveral Parties hereto, that if any of t Parties to thefe Prefents, his Executors, Adminifirators, or Affigns, flull receive or demand one or more Yearly Share or Dividend of the and if receive or demand any Dividend after Death of Rents, Hfocs, and Profits of the faid Grounds, lloufes and Premiffes, after the Nominee. Death of the Nominee for whofe Life fnch Share or Dividend was payable, then, and in every fuch Cafe, the Perfon fo demanding or receiving, {hall forfeit the Sum of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS flerfing, to be recovered by and in the to forfeit 100 1. rccovm.blc:: Name of the Treafurer, or otherwife, as {hall be deemed necdfary, for the Ufe asabo\c, ,

of t 1is Company or Society: And if the faid Penalty ih:ill be fued for, the Proof of the exifience of fuch Nominee :fhall lie upon the Perfon fued for the faid Penalty, and not on this Company or Society, or the Perfon or Perfons fuing for and on its behalf. 3ft

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[ 16 J

[ 17 ]

'1ft 1· r'l arr:o h b d l d

"Truftees fl1ali in Seven Year, ~ffign Leafei to fuch Perfons,



1. 1 ere Y ec are an agree by the faid feveral Parties hereto,




Meeting: It being the TRUE INTENT AND MEANING hereof, that no Perfon whatfocver ihall have or receive any Dividend or Share whatfo~ver, fave only fuch as ihall become payable at the faid Annual General Meeting, for the full Year ending on that Day.

(not lefs than Seven) as Ge- th h f: • d C Jler-al McetiPz ill.ill appoint. at t e ai ooper enro1.e, John Andcrfon, John Shaw, Andrew White, James Bonwell, Marcus Lynch, and Samuel M'Call, in whom the faid feveral Deeds, Conveyances, Affignments and Leafcs, of and belonging to this Society, are now vefted in Trufr as aforefaid, or the Survivor or Survivors of them, his Heirs, Executors, or Adminifrrators, ihall, at the expiration of Seven Years, to be computed from the faid Firfr Day of Oflober next, convey and affign the fame Deeds, Conveyances, Affignments and Leafes, to fuch Perfons (not Iefa than Seven) as ihall be appointed at the General Meeting of this Society, next :md fo Tgties Q!!otie,, and preceding the expiration of faid Term, and fo on toties quoties, from Seven Years r

]t i.8' alfo hereby declare C. and agreed by the faid feveral Parties hereto, When onlyTwenty Nomi nm {hall be in being, the the11 that when and as foon as Twenty Nominees only ihall furvive, then and whcn-Subfcribers may dee\: Direc- tors or Treafurer, not bein ever it ihall fo happen fuch of the faid Parties to thefe Prefents, their Execu- Membm of the society. tors, Adminifrrators, or Affigns, as :fhall be then entitled to the Rents, Iifues, and Profits of the faid Grounds, Houfes, and Premiifes, for the Lives of the faid furviving Nominees refpecHvely, fhall and lawfully may Alter, Repeal, and make Void that Part, and fo much of thefe Prefents as direas and appoints that the Treafurer and Directors ihall be chofen from out of the Subfcriber3 only, and :!hall and may choofe and elect fuch Perfon or Perfons (not being Subfcrib. crs) to the faid Oilices refpecl:ively, as they ihall thin:: proper. hereof, be enrolled m his Ma3efl:y s High Court of Chancery in Ireland, for tL., cnture. Benefit of all the faid Parties to thefe Prefents, their Executors, Adminifrrators, and Affigns ; and that a TRUE COPY hereof, figned by a Committee of the Direaors herein before named, ihall be annexed to each Debenture now iffu.:J, and that a like Copy ihall be annexed to every Debenture hereafter to be iifued, figned by a Committee of the Directors, who ihall be in Office at the time of the iffuing thereof. jf t i~ affo hereby declared and agreed by the faiJ feveral Parties hereto, This Deed to be enrollecl ie h J.i fc fJ II • h" Chancery, and a Copy of it t at the e Pre ents 1a , wit m Twenty-four Calendar T Ionths from the Date figncd by Committee of Di- . , . , , •cd:or -, annexed to each De• ant:J lLaftI!!, it fg hereby further declared and agreed upon, by and be-An_d in cafe_ any 1ifpute re- lative to th1s Society, fame tween the faid feveral Parties hereto, that if any Difputes or Controverfies to ~e rcferml to the arbi- trat10n of three Perfons, to fhall hereafter arife between the Members of this Company or Society, touching trt:mcd by th c 11. ayor •f thefe Prefents, or any Matters and Things herein before mentioned, that then and in fuch Cafe, fuch Difputcs or Controverfies !hall be fubmitted to the Arbitration and Decifion of Three Perfons, to be named by the Mayor of the ity of Cork for that Time being; and that fuch Award or Decifion as fuch Pcrfons fo named by fuch Mayor of the City of Cork, or any Two of them, :Chall make therein, £hall be Final and Conclufive, upon all Parties : And And any Subfcriber rcfulin~ • C r M b M b f h•S • fh ll d I' f r :{i to obey Award, to forfrit 1n a1e any em er or em ers O t 15 oc1ety a ec me or re UJ.e to ub-his Share, a if Nomi11cc

to Seven Years, until the fame ihall by courfe of Survivodhip in the Nominees, become the Property of Three only of the Parties hereto, their Executors Adminifrrators or Affigns, as herein before appointed, fo as that no Perfon what: foever ihall continue aud remain in Poifeffion as Trufiee for this Society, for a t 1at the Expences of fuch Affignments !hall from Time to Time be fufi:ained and borne by this Company or Society. t T th s y A d 1 grea er erm an even ears: 11 .JI l~ a tO ereby declared and agreed by the faid fcveral Parties hereto, that not any one of the faid Parties to thefe Prefents, their Executors, .Admi- nifirators or Affigns, fhall at any Time hereafter have, 11old, or be entitled to more than Five Shares of the faid ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY SHARES , into which the Funds and Property of this Company or Society are fo agreed to be divided, as herein before is mentioned. '7ft ' rr. h

110 Perfon to continue Truf- longer or tee lonier than for 7 Yeari.

No Subfc:riber to be able to hold more than s Sham.

'1ft jr'l arr:o h b d I d d

d b

r 'd



II any Share lhould become a joint-Property, only one

ere Y ec are an agree

Y t le laI feveral Parties hereto,

'- 1



th t 'f

f h r. 'd

holder to vote



1 any one o t e 1.a1 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY SHARES £hall at ai:iy Time hereafter become the Joint~Property of any Two or more Perfons, yet fuch Perfons fo entitled fhall not at any Election, or on a General Meeting of this Society, have or give, or be entitled to give more than One Vote, fuch Vote to be given by any One of the Perfons fo entitled by their Agreement: It being the TRUE INTENT AND MEANING of the feveral Parties hereto, that One Vote only ihall be attached to each of the faid ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY SHARES.

"1f NlomMinee_dies prior to Ge- eetmg ID Ocl:ober, ]t i~ alfo hereby declared and agreed by the faid feveral Parties hereto ' ~~~~cr~bt~r;i~c~dh~::na~~ that if any Nominee ihall happen to die at any time previous to the Day herein dlru · :ncra ' before appointed for the General Annual Meeting of this Society, the Perfon or Perfons entitled to have a Share and Dividend of the Profits of this Society, during the Life of fuch Nominee, :!hall not Have, Receive, or be Paid any Share or Proportion whatfoever of the faid Profits, for or on account of the time the faid Nominee :!hall happen to live after the then former Annual General Meeting:

mit to fuch Arbitration, or to abide by fuch Award or Decifion as :!hall be dt:ad. made therein, fuch Member or Members, being the Proprietor or Proprietors of any Share or Shares of faid Grounds, Coffec-Houfe, and other Premiffes aforcfai<l, fhall forfeit J1is or their Share, or refpeaive Shares therein, and the fame !hall go and be divided and enjoyed in fuch and the fame manner as if E the

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