Cork Coffee House Charter 1793/4 (Ref. PR15/15)

Cork City and County Archives PR15/15

[ 5 J nu affo Three Dwelling I-foufes to the rear of Coffee-I-Ioufe, fronting to Co!trt 4 Lan: in faid City of Cork; for ·hich purpofe they the faid Parties have · d h · I · · 1 S f ~rl Th f; cl F' Poundsfierling, m One Hundred an wenty- ve .oun s er, each, the benefit an.d ;idva-ntagc arifing from fuch SJiares to be applied, difpofed of, and rcgulatccl in the tn,.urner hc.:r :n after mentioned. fubfcnbe t C Capita or pnnqp:.t Ulll O iree OU Jll ive • d F Sl f T fi p orty . iares, o

[ 4 J St. Leger of the fame, Efquire, Mary Baldwin, Widow of Michael Baldwin, late of the fame, Efquire, Doc?or of Phyjic, dcceafed, vVilliam Roberts of the fame, Woollen-Draper, 'Thomas "\i\Tefiropp of the fame, Efquire, Doaor of PhJlic, Abbott Trayer, of Sunday's-Well, in the North Liberties of the faid City, Attorney at Law, John Shaw, Efquire, Mayor of the faid -city of Cork, Charles Evanfon of the fame, vVoollen-Draper, Thomas Campbell of the fame, Hardware-Merchant, James Bonwell, Thomas Roberts and Robert Traverfe, all of the fame City, Bankers, Francis Archer ·white of the fame City, Courifellor at Law, Timothy Lyne of the fame, Viflualler, William Lane of the fame, Clothier, Abraham Forfter of Ballymoloe, in the County of Cork, Efquire, Sir Samuel Rowland of the fame City, Knight and Alderman, William Jones, James Gregg, Thoma -Chatterton and James Wallis of faid City, Attornies at Law, Thomas Spires Gabbott, of Blackrock Road, in the South Liberties of the faid City, Efquire, Edward Pope of the fame City, Cooper, Sir "\i\Tilliam Clark of the fame City, Knight, Richard Lane of the fame City, Clothier and Burgefs, Brad:lhaw Popham of the fame, Cotton•Manufaclurer, Noblett Rogers, of Lota, in the North Liber. ties of the faid City of Cork, Efquire, John Power of the fame City, Wool/en. Draper, John Fuller Harnett, of LceJ]J4unt, in the North Liberties of the faid City of Cork, Efquire, Phineas Bury, of the Little ljland, in the County of Cork Efquirc, James Chatterton of the fame City, Efq; His Majefly's third Serjeant at Law, Henry Terry of the fame, Linen-Draper, Thomas White of the fame, Book- feller, Sir Robert Warren, Baronet, of Crookjlown, in the County of Cork, Edward Allen, of Tif'oodvicw, in the South Liberties of the Chy of Cork aforefaid, Gen• tleman, Sir John Franklin of the fame City, Knight and Alderman, Thomas Daunt of the fame, Apothecary, Robert Hutchinfon, of Codrum, in the County of Cork aforefaid, Efquire, Richard Fitton of the faid City of Cork, Efquire, Counfallor at Law, Edward Rowland, of Shanagarry, in the County of Cork, Efquire, late an Eryign in his Majf/ty's '.Twentieth Regiment of Foot, Nicholas Cummins of the fame City, Viclualler, William Harrington, John Meade, and "\Villiam Roberts, Ajfignees of Edward and George Wynne, Bankrupts, of the faid City of Co'rk, Daniel Kni_;ht <f the fame City, Grocer, Aufren Shinkwin of the faid City, b-ifurance- Bro?.er, the Reverend Francis Orpen, of Middleton, in the County of Cork afore- faid, Clerk, John Litchfield of the faid City of Cork, Linen-Draper, Timothy Hughes of the fame City, Ironmonger, Timothy Canty of the fame, Woollcn- Draper, Hannah Millerd of the fame, Spirylcr, Jacob Biggs of the fame, Clothier, Elizabeth "\Villis, Widow ef James Willis, late of the faid City of Cork, Merchant, deceafed, and Valentine Johnfon, Julius Befnard, and Henry Sadleir, Ajfignees if \Villiam and Charles Willcocks of the fame City, Bankrupts.

:Parties Name~.

Hundred And have fuhfcribcd a Ca- pita! of 3.500I. in 140 Share,

d jl / for the purpofc.

0 ':-. ~;r:r ~ .. ~~ll'i tl fai'd Parties hereto ha\.:C already expended part of the Part of wl~ich Sum has been «nv ,1...~u.:t)(,H,"P le c°l:pendcd m the purchafc of taid Capital Sum of Three Thoufand Five Hundred Pounds in the Purchafe of Grou nd '· the Grounds whereon they iutend to b ild and erect the faid Coffee-Houfe, D 11. cr.Ifoufes and Prcmiifes · and have agreed to expend and lay out the A~d the remaind~r !s to be we lllo ' laid out on the Du1ld10gs. refidue of the faid Sum 1n. the building, erecting, finifi ing and decorating the faid intended Coffee~Houie, Dwelling-Houfes, Shops and Prcmiifes. a l'l'I ~~11"., .. Ca" the faid Cooper Penrofe, John Anderfon, John Shaw, The fevcral Int~refi3 in th «J V IJ.-'U.~11;,-" .~, Groµud vt.lkdrn Trufu:c1, Andrew White, James Bonwell, Marcus. Lynch, ~nd. Samuel M'Call (Parties to thefe Prefents) are, on the Perfecrion of thefe Prefent , feizcd and poffeffed of the Ground~ and Premiifes whereon the faid Coffee-Houfe, Shops and Dwelling Houfes are fo intended to be creeled, by Virtue of and under the feveral Deeds, Affigmncnts and Leafes, mentioned and re.cited in a certain Indented Deed; bearing equal Date with thcfc Prefents, fubje& ~everthelef to the fevera.l yearly Head Rents payable thereout, amounting in he whole to the yead Sum of to thefe Prefents, that the faid Grounds and Premiffes arc fo vefred in the faid Cooper Penrofe, John Anderfou, John Shaw, Andrew White, James Bonwell, Marcus Lynch, and Samuel M'Call, in trufr only,. and for the l;>enefit and advan.. tage of all and every the faid Parties hereto. And that the fame Grounds and Premiffes, and the faid Coffee-Houfe, Shops and Dwelling,-Houfes, when the fame {hall be fo built a.nd erecred thei;eoil, and the Rents, Iffues and Profits thereof, and all Benefit and Advantage thereby to be had ~nd gotten, fhaU be difpofed of, paid and applied, in manner clnd form herein after Mentioned, ExpI."el{ed, and Dec;l,; gll ~ ~~i1,e, ea~ it hath been ao-teed upon, by and between the Parties For the ufe or the Patti , V U-'1-l ~ t t» hereunto,

gntJ [[tbeiea~, the faid Parties to thefe Prefent hasc, at, Qr before tl:ie PerfeB:ion hereof, paid into the Hand· of the faid James BQilwell, the full Sum of Three Thoufand Five Hundred Pounds, in fuch Shares ancl Propottion a~ is J?articularly mentioned and expreffed in the Schedule hereunto annexed, and the Receipt of whi<:h faid Sum the faid Jame~ Bonwell doth hereby acknow◄ ledge. B

Recite that they had !gmd IDUbeiea.a', the faid feveral Parties to thefe Prefcnts have agreed to affociate to form thcmfcl..,es into a Company for m:--'ling a new and form themfelves into a Company for building and erccring a New Coffo::- CnfTt:e - Moufe, and other • • Bui!Jing • Houfe, with Shops and other Apartments thereunto belonging, frontmg to Cqfileflreet in the iai<l City of Cork, and adjoining to the Exchange of faid City. ann

Cork City and County Archives PR15/15

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