Cork Coffee House Charter 1793/4 (Ref. PR15/15)

Cork City and County Archives PR15/15

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'J'hcfevmlPatties_ do there- J0ob.l tbeFfO!C tbefe wiertnt.a' ·w1TNESS, that in purfuance and per- fore agree to afToc1ate thern- felm into_a Co~i•pany, un• formance of the faid Intention and Agreement, and in order fully and effecl:ually cler the lullowrn Agree- ·.ni,:nt~, vi:c. to carry the fame into Execution; and for the fcveral ·other Purpofes and Confi- derations herein after contained, they the faid feveral Partic:s hereto, 11)abe affoci- ated and formed, -and by thefe Prefents, IDo aff-ociate and form themfelves into a Company and Joint-Partnerfhip, under, and fubjecl: to the feveral Regulat~ons, Provifoes, Claufes, Conditions and Agreements, herein after expreffed and de- clared, and none other: that is to fay, ]t i.a' hereby declared ..and agrt:ed by J:,mes Bonwell 10 ·be Trea- and between the faid feveral·Parties hereto, that the faid James Bonwell be and

that is to fay, to the Ufe, Intent, and Purpofc, that each Subfcriber hereto, To the ufc, that each of them {hall receive a Dividend fhall have receive and be paid )rearl)r out of the Rents Hfues and Profits out of the Rents, for each ' ' ' ' Share fubfcribt:d. thereof, and as his Dividend or Dividends thereof, fuch Sum or Sums of Money as the proportion or proportions of an Hundred and Fortieth Part thereof, for, and upon each and every Share and Shares of Twenty-Five Pounds by him fub. fcribed as aforefaid, :!hall amount to the fame, to be paid to fuch Subfcriber, his Heirs and AffiCYnS, for and durincr the refpedive natural Lives, or Life of During the Life of hii; or her . O O Nominee, and no longer.

the Perfons, fo by him nominated for fuch Share or Shares refpefrively as afore- faid, but no longer: And from and after the Death of any Perfon, for whofe Life any fuch Share fhall fo be held as aforefaid, then the faid Proportion or Dividend payable thereon as aforefaid, to go and belong to fuch of the faid Parties hereto, whofe refpective Nominees flull be then living, and be equally divided between them, according to their refpective number of Shares, fub.. fcribed by them refpectively as aforefaid.-It being the true Intent and Meaning of thefe Prefcnts, and the feveral Parties hereto, that the Right and Title of any of the faid Parties, their Executors, Adminifirators and Affigns, to any Share of the faid Ground, Coffee-IIoufe, Dwelling-Houfes, and Premiifes, or the Rents, Hfues and Profits thereof, {hall as to fuch Share, ceafe and determine, when and as foon as the Perfon by him fo nominated as the Life for fuch Share, fhall happen to die, and that the fame ihall then be applied in the mannel." aforefaid.

is hereby appointed Treafurer and Keeper of the Monies, Goods, Property and Effects, Deeds, Writings, Vouches and Papers -of this Company and Affocia- tion, for the Term herein after mentioned.


3ft i~ arro hereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid fcveral

That Scheduleannmdcon- t,,ins account of the Shares

• , Jl. c. rc. . phal,and alfu of Names Parties hereto, tbat the fa1d Schedule hereunto annexed, contarns a true, JU1t., Ar.,es, &c. -o! the Liva no- minated. • • and perfetl: Account of the feveral Shares of the faid Sum of Three Thoufan<l Five. Hundred Pounds, by the faid feveral Parties hereto refpecrively fubfcribed, as alfo the Names, Places of Abode, Occupations, Ages and Defcriptions of the fevcral Perfons nominated by the faid Parties hereto refpecl:ively, for whofe Lives refpectively, the rcfpeaive Rights, Titles and Interefis of the faid Parties hereto, their Executors, Adminifirators and Affigns, into the faid Ground, Coffee-Houfe, Dwell-ing-Houfes and Premiifes, and the Rents, Iifues, and Profits thereof, ihall refpeltively continue, as herein after is exprefsly mentioned and appointed.

3ft i.ll affo hereby declared :i.nd. agreed, by and between the faid feveral Parties hereto, that the full and entire of the yearly Rents, Iifues and Profits of the faid intended Coffee-Houfe, Shops, Dwelling-Houfes and Premifles, and all Benefit and .Advantage thereby to be had and gotten (after defraying and dif- charging the faid yearly ~ead Rents, and all further and other Cofis, Charges and Expences, which the Company may be neceifarily at, or put to, in the profecution of the Scheme hereby efiabli{hed) fhall once in every Year, at the Time, and in the manner herein after mentioned,_be equally and fairly divided between the faid Parties hereto, their Executors, Adminifirators, or Affigns, or ,,. between fuch of them whofe Nominees fhall be living at the time of making fuch yearly Dividend (but none other) according to the number of Shares, or the Share whereof the faid Parties, their Executors, Adminifirators or Affigns, :!hall be then refpecl:ively Proprietors, until by courfe of Survivorihip, three only and no more, of the faid Nominees :!hall continue alive: AND that when and as foon as three only of the faid Nominees iliall continue in being and alive, then the whole and entire of the faid Grounds, Coffee-Houfe, Shops, and Pre- And when only three Nomi- • • • • • nees {hall be living, then the m1ffes, with their and every of their Rights, Members, and Appurtenances, Grounds, Buildings,&c. {hall be the fole Property of the and the Rents, Iifues, and Profits thereof, {hall from thenceforth go and belong Subfcribm, ,,hofc sham ' depended on foch three fur- to fuch one or more of the Parties to thefe Prefents, his or their Executors, viving Lives; and fan,dhall be: aili~ned t& them. Adminifi.rators, or Affigns, as iliall be the Proprietor or Proprietors, Owner or Owners

]t i.a' alfo hereby declared and agreed, hy and between the faid feveral

An Innrument, in nat'ure of a Debenture, figned by a

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Committe of Direcl:ors, to be Parties hereto, that an Inurument lil

ntmg, lil nature O a

e enturc, 1gne

given to each Subfcriber.

• by a Committee of the Directors herein after named, :Chall be delivered to each of the faid Subfcribers, for each and every Share by them refpect:ively fub... iu :bed as aforefaid. ]'t i~ alfo hereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid feveral Parties hereto, that t e aforefa1d Grounds and rem111es, w ereo t e fa1 Cooper Penrofe, John Anderfon, John Shaw, Andrew White, James Bonwell, Marc~s Lynch and Samuel M 'Call, are fo now feized and poffeffed, as afore- faid ; and the faid intended Coffee-Houfe, Shops, Dwelling-Houfes, and Pre- miifes, when the fame fhall be erecred and built thereon, and all the Right, Title Interefi, Term and Terms, therein and thereto, and the Rents, Iffues, ' ~ and Profits ther~of, and all Benefit, Produce, and Advantage, thereby to be had and gotten, :!hall and will, at all Times hereafter, continue and remain veiled in the faid Subfcribers, Parties to thefe Prefents, their Executors, Ad~ minifirators and Affigns, to, and for the following Ufes, Intents, and Purpofes, th:it h . p • Ir h f h "d

The Ground and Building to remain vefiedin SLtufcrib-

er .

Cork City and County Archives PR15/15

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