Cork Coffee House Charter 1793/4 (Ref. PR15/15)

Cork City and County Archives PR15/15

C II J raining the Names of the Suhfcribers, and the Sums by each fu bfcribed, and the Share or Shares to which each Subfcribcr is entitled, as alfo the Names, Ages, and Places of Abode of the Nominees for fuch Shares refpecrively ; and the Names, Places of Abode, Additions, Occupations and other Defcriptions of their Parents (whether Living or Dead) as ihall beft afcertain the Perfons, and identity of futh Nominees refpecrively.

T IO )

3f t i'3 ·alfo hereby dedared and agreed, by and ·between the fald fevera.l Parties hereto, that at the fame General Meeting, the then Treafurer ihall be continued in his Office, or removed therefrom; and a new one (being a Mem- ber of this Society) chofen-in his room, as the majority of Subfcribers prefent fuall determine and agree.

Trcafurer continued or re- mov.:d, at will of the M.:et- .ing.

]t i1! alfo hereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid feveral Parties hereto, that at all fuch Elections, OT ;t any other General Meeting of this Society, the Chairman chofcn to thereat, fhall have a Vote as a Sub- fcriber, -upon any ~efiion or Refolution relative to this Company or Society; . and that where the Votes of the Members prefent .{hall in any of fuch occafions happen to be equal, then and as often as it ihall fo happen, the Chairman chofen to prefide at fuch Meeting, ihall have a calling Vote, over and bcfides the Vote he {hall have given as a Subfcriber.

Chatrman to have a calling Vote.

1it l!i alfo hereby declared and agreed, by the faid fcveral Parties hereto, Power to Subfcriber to af. h · 11 11 d b 1 f 1 r S br 'b r . . fignordevifeShare. t at 1t llla an may e aw u 1or any u 1cn er or Sub1cribers, lus, her, or their Executors, Adminiilrators or Affigns., at any Time or Times, during the Life or Lives of his, her, or their Nominee or Nominees, by "\:Vriting under his, her, or their Hand and Seal, or by his, her, or their ]a{l Will or Vlills in Writing, to Affign or Devife his, her, or their Share or Shares, of and in the faid Grounds, Houfes and Premiifes, and the Rents, I!Tues and Profits thereof, to any Perfon or Perfons, for and during the Life or Lives of fuch Nominee or Nominees refpecrively, PROVIDED that a Minit or Memorandum A Memorandum thereof to • r • be entered in a Book by the of fuch Affignment or Dev11e be entered m a Book to be kept by the Clerk for Clerk, within three months. that purpofe, within Three Calender Months from the Date of fuch Affignment, (if affigned) or from the Death of the Perfons <levifing the fame (if bequeathed And the affignment, probate by Will) and that fuch Aflignment, Probate of the Wil1, or Letters of Admin- ~i t~~n~~~~~~~~: produced ifl:ration as the Cafe may be, fhall be produced to the Committee of DireB:ors. AND PROVIDED FURTHER, that an Affidavit of the Execution of fuch And affidavits of execution of affignment filed with the Affignment (if transferred by Deed) fworn before fome Magifirate, fhall be Clerk. filed with the Clerk. And that the Debenture iffued for fuch Share fo affigned, devifed or bequeathed, ihall be given up and delivered to the Clerk; and that Andon Debenture delivered h 1 r. ·d r 1 M d Th' h b r 'b d b d n.. ll up, a new one ilrucd to pcr- w en t1e 1a1 1evera attcr.i an rngs ere y pre1cn e to e one, ma be fon entitled.

~t i~ alfo he-reby declared and agreed, by and between the feveral art1es ercto, t at e 1 es t .e nnua enera eetrng, ere1n erore appomt- .JI ..., • h h b fid h A 1 G IM · h · b r ·

"Trealbrer or Clerk may call other General Meetin:;s, giv- in.,. ten days notice in Cork p



ed, a Committee of the Directors, the Treafurer or Clerk, may call and convene one or more other General Meeting or Meetings at fuch times as they or he :£hall think proper, giving full Ten Days previous Notice of fuch General Meeting in the Cork News-Papers.

J[t f~ alfo hereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid feveral

Clerk to be elccl:cd at next Genc:ral Meeting after a va-

11 ecuritfy to Parties hereto, that at the next General Meetina- to be held after any Vacancy va ary a cer- v fhall happen in the Office of Clerk, fuch General Meeting, whether Annual or

b canc_y, a nd dli\e e g,ven, .l.Il


otherwife, fhall elecl: and chofe a Perfon to fill the faid Office of Clerk, and ihall at the fame Time afcertain and fix the yearly Sallary to be paid fuch new elected Clerk, fuch Clerk giving fuch Security as herein before appointed to be given by the faid Thomas Chatterton. 3[t i~ hereby further declared an<l agreed, by and between the faid feveral Parties hereto, that the Clerk ihall attend all Meetings of the Subfcribers, and alfo all Meetings of the Directors or a Committee of them, and {hall enter the Proceedings of fuch Meetings in a Book, to be by him kept for that purpofe :- that he ihall keep an Account of all Rents, Monies, Effec1:s and Property, which :fhall or may from Time to Time be received for the ufe and benefit of this Society, and of all Sum and Sums of Money, Sallaries, Coils and Expen- ces advanced, laid out, or paid, for or on account thereof :-that he ilial1, if re- quired, affifr the Treafurer in fuch Receipts and Expenditures, and {hall regularly and fairly account with him the faid Treafurer, for any Sum or Sums he fl1all happen to receive.--]t iS affo hereby declared and agreed, by the faid feveral Parties hereto, that the Clerk £hall alfo keep one or more Book or Books con- taining

fully and fairly performed, the Name or Names of fuch Affignee or Afiignees, Devifee or Devifces, Executors or Adminifrrators, fhall be entered in the faid Book, as the Proprietor or Proprietors of the Share or Shares fo affigned, trans- ferred, devifed or bequeathed, and £hall receive an Inftrument or Infirument3 in Writing, in the nature of a Debenture or Debentures for the fame, in his, her, or their own Name or Numes, figned by the then Committee of Directors; and thereupon fuch Perfon or Perfons fo receiving fuch Infirument or Infrruments in nature of a Debenture or Debentures, £hall in all refp&crs be deemed and taken- as an original Subfcriber or Subfcribers hereto, and in all refpects, and to all Intents and Purpofes, be comprehended and included within the Words "Subfcribers hereto," wherefoever the fame are mentioned herein.

Duty of the Cler-.

'irt in' alfo hereby declared and agreed by the faid fcvera.l Parties hereto 'l'reafur_er and Clerk to make .JI • ' ) up their Accouna before that the Treafurer and Clerk fhall, on or before the Annual General Meeting, Annual Me~ting.

make up and frate an account of all Monies, Goods, Effects and Property of this Society~ which £hall have been received collecl.ed, paiJ or ·e.xpended by them,

Cork City and County Archives PR15/15

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