Cork Coffee House Charter 1793/4 (Ref. PR15/15)

Cork City and County Archives PR15/15

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he ominee or Nominees of the Share or Shares of fuch Proprietor or Pro- ·ictors was or were refpecrively then Dead.


Villiam Lumley, R. Hutchinfon, Richard Lane, Sirncn Lowe, "William Roberts, Reuben Harvey,jun. Samuel l\'I'Ca11, George Lombard, Heyward S[. Leger, John Thompfon, Phincas Bury, Thomas Wefiropp, I a trick Goold, \\ illiarn Blcazby, Thos Spires Gabbett, Edmond Finn, Hannah Millr:.rd, Elizabeth \\'illis, T. Canty, junr. Cooper Penrofe, John Ruffell, "William Crawford, IIenry Terry, Jam cs \ V allis, Thomas Campbell, Jacob Biggs, Timothy Lyne, \\ illiam Clark, \Villiam Crooke, John Harris, Richard Ilarris, Francis- Orpen, Thomas Chatterton, Bradiliaw Popham Richard Fitton, \Villiam l\Ia.·well, John Sha,v, l\farcus Lynch, Thoma Roche, \ -m. Cormack, junr. John Forfier, Thomas Walker,

Robert Stevelly, Peter Maziere, Walter Martin White, Julius Befnard, William Leycefier, John Pm ,er, \,\, illiam Harrington, (far tbe AJfignecs if Edward and George Wynne, Bankrupts.) Edward Pope, Ifaac Mee, Charles Ferguffon, James Penrofe, Patrick Comerford, vV. Edward Penrofc., James Gregg,

Abra11am Forfler, James \i\-eftray, \Villia.m Lane, John Church, John Andcrfon, l•'ran. Archer \\ hrte,

~n ~ttitnc~~ [Gbcieof, the Parties have hereunto put their Ha:uls and Seals the Day and rear jirjl in thefe Prcjent lVritteu.


John Cuthbert, Daniel Knight,

Jcrem:ah Sullivan, Timothy Hughes, Ch rifl:ophcr \,r aggett, Noblett Rogcn, John Moylau, Charles Denroach, John Cotter, John Good, M,ltthcw Church, John Shea, For William Kc/lock Z John Andctfon, 5

1 homas l\l'C.:ll, Ebenezer Decvcs, Michael \Vood> George Shea, Charles Evanfon, Edward Allen, James Bonwell, Henry Bagnell, Henry Sadleir, James Morrogh, John Frar,klin, Thomas Cuthbert, Aufien Shinkwin, Thomas '\Vaggett,. Thomas Daunt, Patrick Lynch, Richard Moylan, George \Vaters, John Litchfield, Henry "\Vhitc, Daniel Callaghan, John Power, John F. Harnett, Thomas \Vhite, Samuel Rowland,

Thomas Roberts, Robert Travers,

Abbott Trayer,. Robert \Varrcn, For Sir Win. Clarke, i ·waliam Clarke, 5 Patrick Waters,.

Jeffery Picrfy, James Sadleir,

Nicholas Cummins, James Chatterton, B. 0'Donnoghue, Ed\vard Rowland,. Ann Baldwin, Barth. M'Dcrmott, FfJr Andrew White, 1 "\Valter Mar. White 5 Fer the Ajjignas ef) William and Charlcs f Willcocks, Bankrupts, ( II. Sadlcir. J


Signed, Staled, and Deft.vcrcd by all the /aid Parties, whqfe Names are to tbcft Prefents fubfcribed ( all the Skins contained in this Deed being jitjl duly Stamped) , ill th: Prcfinca of Us, NICHOLAS FOORD LANE. DAV ~s TUCKEY.

Cork City and County Archives PR15/15

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