St.Finbarr’s Hospital (Cork County Home and Hospital) (CCH)

Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital (South Cork County Home and Hospital)






Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/South Cork County Home and Hospital

Brian McGee Archivist

©Cork City and County Archives Cork City Council 2019

Table of Contents IDENTITY STATEMENT ............................................................................................................... i

CONTEXT ................................................................................................................................... i



Biographical/Administrative History.................................................................................................... i

Archival History .................................................................................................................................. iv

CONTENT AND STRUCTURE .................................................................................................... iv

Scope and Content............................................................................................................................. iv

System of Arrangement ..................................................................................................................... vi



CONDITIONS OF ACCESS AND USE........................................................................................ viii

Conditions Governing Access........................................................................................................... viii

Conditions Governing Reproduction ............................................................................................... viii

Language viii

Finding Aidsviii

ALLIED MATERIALS ................................................................................................................ viii

Related Units of Description ............................................................................................................ viii

Publication Note .............................................................................................................................. viii

RULES /CONVENTIONS USED .................................................................................................. ix

ARCHIVIST’S NOTE .................................................................................................................. ix


Correspondence and Orders 1939 – 1952 (8 Items)............................................ 1

CCH/B/AB Copy Form Letters from Matron Relating to Staff Leave/Absences 1952 ...................... 1

CCH/B/ML Matron's Outgoing Letterbooks 1939, 1942, 1945-1946, 1950-1953 (6 items) ............1

CCH/BE Copy Managers Orders, South Cork Public Assistance, Hospitals. Also index. Dec 1944 - Dec 1945 ........................................................................................................................... 2


Financial Records 1924 – 1967 (69 items) ............................................................... 3


Paying Patients Maintenance Account Books 1927 - Mar 1949 (26 vols.)................... 3

CCH/CB/C Personal Ledgers- Contractors Accounts 1924 – 1964 (5 items) .................................. 11

CCH/CB/S Personal Ledgers - Suppliers Ledger 1930 – 1967 (6 items) ......................................... 12


Day Books 1926 – 1945 (6 items).................................................................................. 13


Matron's Patient Maintenance Cash Receipt Books 1934, 1937 (5 items)...........13

CCH/CH/SL Supplier Invoice Payment Day Book Apr 1972 - 1975.................................................. 14


Petty Cash Book 1 Jul 1929 - 25 Feb 1949 ................................................................... 14

CCH/CM/RAReceipts- Repayment of Assistance Account May - Nov 1955 .....................................15

©Cork City and County Archives Cork City Council 2019

CCH/CM/RC Petty Cash Receipts 1941, 1945, 1954 – 1958 (18 vols.) ............................................. 15


General Administration and Staff 1923 – 1968 (251 items) .................................. 17


Store/Inventory Books 1927 – 1966 (28 vols.)............................................................. 17


Bedding and Clothing Stock Book nd [?1930s-1950s]........................... 18


Clothing Stock Books 1962, 1963 (2 items)........................................... 18


Storekeepers Daily Issue Book May – Jun 1927 .................................... 19

CCH/FD/F Weekly Record of Fuel Issued from Store 1959 - 1963; 1967 - 1971 (2 items) 19


Store Flour Bread Books 1928 – 1954 (7 items).................................... 19

CCH/FD/GM Grocery, Meal Etc. Store Issue Books (Daily Record) 1937 -1942......20


General Stores Stock Book 1961 ........................................................... 20

CCH/FD/GS/IR General Stores Materials Issue Register Nov 1959 - Mar 1966 .........21


Inventory Book Office, Room or Other Equipment Apr 1923 - Mar 1932 21


Rations Delivery Request Docket Book May - March [1950s] ..............22


Furniture and Hardware Store Stock Book Mar 1946 - Mar 1952 ........22


Stores Weekly Memorandum Books 1938 - 1941; 1945-1949 (2 vols.)22


Weekly Record of Soap and Soda [Issued from Store] 1923 - 1954 .....23

CCH/FE Clothing Store Delivery/Inventory and Work Books 1928-1929, 1949 - 1953, 1956-1960 (6 vols.) ........................................................................................................................... 23

CCH/FE/RC Clothing Materials Receipt and Conversion Books 1924 – 1960 ................................. 24


Clothing Receipt Books 1923 - 1933, 1946 - 1974 ....................................................... 25


Provisions Books 1923 – 1962 (12 items) .................................................................... 25

CCH/FG/A/1 Provisions Store Receipt and Delivery Book 27 Jan 1923 - 23 Aug 1930 26


Provisions Balance Books (Weekly) 1925 - 1929 ; 1952 - 1956, 1959 -



CCH/FG/CP Combined Provisions Etc. Receipt and Consumption Monthly Account 2 May 1925 - 31 Mar 1930................................................................................................ 27


Weekly Extra Provision List St.Finbarr's Hospital 3 May - & Jun 1958..27


Kitchen List for Healthy Classes 20 Feb 1943 - 11 May 1945................28


Meat Report Book 'South Cork County Hospital' 2 Oct 1942 - 28 Dec



CCH/FG/PC Provisions Check Account and Provisions Receipt and Consumption Account (Weekly for Half Year) Oct 1926 - 1927 (1929)................................................ 28

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CCH/FG/PN Provisions and Necessaries Receipt and Consumption and Half Yearly Summary Apr 1947 - March 1957 .................................................................................. 29 CCH/FG/RCS Combined Provisions Etc. Receipt and Consumption Weekly-Monthly Summary Apr 1927 - Mar 1942...................................................................................... 29


Bread and Milk Books (1912) 1935 -1948 .................................................................... 30

CCH/FH/RM Daily Return of Milk 30 Nov 1912 - 10 Jul 1943 .................................... 31


Electricity and Gas Meter/Consumption Log Book Oct 1965 – Sep 1968.................... 31


Diet Class and Rations Books 1927 – 1961 (28 items) ................................................. 31


Registers of Patients' General Ration Books 1942-1950....................... 32

CCH/FJ/O Officers (Doctors, Nurses, officials) Weekly Rations Books 1927 - 1936 ; 1941 - 1964 33


Probationers (Nurses) Weekly Rations Books 1928 - 1950....................... 35


Registers of Patients' Clothing Ration Books 1943-1948 ...................... 37


Weekly Scale Diet Distribution Books 1925-1942................................. 39


Staff Weekly Rations Sheet 'St. Finbarr’s Hospitals' 1961 .................... 40


Temporary Attendants Weekly Rations Books 1943 - 1948 .....................40

CCH/FJ/TS Temporary Resident Medical Officers' and Student Nurses' Rations Jan 1961 - Sep 1967 ............................................................................................................. 41


Tobacco Book 5 April 1924 - 24 Nov 1934 ................................................................... 41


Old Age Pension Maintenance Account Books 1933-1967.......................................... 42


Payments to Old Age Pensioners Books 1936 - 1939, 1944 - 1946 .............................45


Cork County Home and Hospital Porters Admission and Discharge Books

1927-1955 46

CCH/FN/NP Night Porters' Report to Matron of People In/Out 7 Feb 1955 - 9 Sep 1955 ..............48

CCH/FN/PN Gate Porters Record of Absences of Probationer Nurses Nov 1931 - Mar 1933 48


Chaplains' Report Books 1933-1941 ............................................................................ 49


Time and Wages Books 1938 – 1960 (69 items) .......................................................... 49

CCH/FP/AL External/Temporary Medical Staff and Officers Attendance and Wages Ledger 1953 - 1959 ........................................................................................................ 50


Female Staff [Nurses] Time Book Sep 1954 - Oct 1955 ........................50

CCH/FP/MO Medical Officers Time Books Apr 1938 - Aug 1953.............................. 51


Officers Time Book (Signatures) Jan 1956 - May 1960 ......................... 51

CCH/FP/SI Mar 1955

[Staff] Attendance Signature Books Jul 1951 - Nov 1952; Feb 1952 -



Tradesmen's Diaries 1929 – 1936 .......................................................... 52

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Porter's Officers' Time Books 1925 – 1956 (61 items) .......................... 52


Salaries and Wages Books Aug 1935 - Aug 1958 ......................................................... 56


Cork County Home and Hospital Farm Account Books 1936 - 1958............................57


Patients/Inmates 1923 – 1960 (1982) (111 items) ............................................... 59

CCH/GA Cork County Hospital Daily Admission and Discharge Books Nov 1923 - Oct 1946 (26 items) ................................................................................................................................. 59 CCH/GA/FC Admission/[Ward Transfer] Books Female and Child Patients [Cork County Home] 1937 - 1945 ........................................................................................................................... 67

CCH/GA/HT Hospital Transfers Book 7 Apr 1936 - 23 Jul 1936 ....................................................... 68

CCH/GA/M Admission/[Ward Transfer] Books Male [Probationary Ward] Patients [Cork County Home] 1935 - 1936, 1949 - 1950.......................................................................................... 68 CCH/GA/TB Admission and Discharge/Death Book Tuberculosis Patients Apr 1937 - May 1943 68 CCH/GD Cork County Home and Hospital Combined Indoor Register and Statistical Record Oct 1924 – March 1957, April 1959 -March 1960 (60 items)............................................... 69


County Schools Medical Services Register and Account Book Aug 1931- Mar



CCH/GJ Other Patient Registers / Indexes to Paying Patients Register 1969-1970, 1976-1978, 1980, 1981-82................................................................................................................ 88

CCH/GJ/DS Daily State Books of St. Finbarr's Hospitals 1938 -1958............................................. 90

CCH/GJ/JP Record of Juvenile Patients [Unaccompanied/Paying] 1950 ....................................... 91


Hospital/Medical/Nursing 1924 – 1965 (171 items)............................................. 92


Medical Weekly Return Books 1929 - 1948 ................................................................. 92


Sick Diet Books 1951 - 1963 ......................................................................................... 94


Sick Diet Books- Record of Changes of Diets 1951-1958 ....................... 95


St. Finbarr’s 'Hospital Roll and Dietary List' (Ward Patient Record) 1962 -




Record of Operations St. Bridget's Theatre St. Finbarr's Hospital 1959 - 1965 ..........97


Special Diet and Stimulant Books 1937-1958 (106 items) ........................................... 97


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- Fever Hospital 1937 - 1953 ............97


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- Maternity Hospital 1939 - 1956 .....98


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- St. James Ward 1938 - 1953...........98


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- Boys Ward 1945 - 1954 ..................99


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- St. Finbarr's Ward 1939 - 1953 ......99


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- St. Francis Ward 1942 - 1954 .......100


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- St. Agnes Ward 1939 - 1956.........100

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Special Diet and Stimulant Books- St. Patricks Ward 1940 - 1956......101


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- Nursery Ward 1940 - 1958...............101


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- Male Mental Ward 1937 - 1954.......102


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- St. Teresa's Ward 1939 - 1954 .....102

CCH/HF/L Special Diet and Stimulant Books- St. Catherine's Ward 1940 - 1953 ....103


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- St. John's Ward 1939 - 1958 ........103


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- Opthalmic Ward 1940 - 1956.......104


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- St. Brigid's Ward 1937 - 1953.......104


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- Female Mental Ward 1941 - 1955105


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- St. Joseph's Ward 1938 - 1953.....105


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- St. Monica's Ward 1939 - 1954....106


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- St. Vincent's Ward 1940 - 1953....106


Special Diet and Stimulant Books- 'M.P.H.D.' Ward 1949 - 1953 .......106


Special Diet and Stimulant Book- St. Anne's Ward 1943 - 1946 .........107


Special Diet and Stimulant Book- 'F.P.H.D' Ward 1947 - 1951 ...........107


Special Diet and Stimulant Book- Neo-Natal Ward 1955 - 1957.........107


Special Diet and Stimulant Book- Unidentified Male Ward 1940 - 1945 107


Ambulance Log Books 1945 - 1959 ............................................................................ 108

CCH/HG/DR Ambulance Drivers Record of Journeys 1960-1963.................................................... 109

CCH/HG/RE Motor Ambulance Requirements Receipt and Issue Books 1925 - 1942...................110

CCH/HG/RD Motor Ambulance Requisition and Duty Log Books 1947-1962.................................110


Medical (Doctors) Admission and Discharge Books 1925 - 1945............................... 111


Medical (Doctors) Admission and Discharge Books (Female) 1942 - 1945 111 Medical (Doctors) Admission and Discharge Books (Male) 1925 - 1938 112



Nurses Report Books 1927 - 1947.............................................................................. 114

CCH/HJ/1 Matron's Journal Jan 1927 - Mar 1945 (Gaps) ........................................ 114

CCH/HJ/2 Weekly Staff Absence Record for Nurses, Doctors, and Wardsmen, Wardsmaids and Other Officials. Weeks ending 20 March 1943 - 8 Feb 1947 ...........117 Record of Telephon e Calls and Telegrams St. Finbarr’s Hospital 1 Jul 1954 - 16 Aug 1955 .................................................................................................................................... 117 CCH/HK


Eggs and Stimulants Book 1938-1943 ........................................................................ 118


Birth and Death Records 1924 – 1984 (5 items) ................................................. 118

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Record of Deaths Cork County Home and Hospital 1931 - 1940; 1974-1976,

1978-1984 118

CCH/KAA Registration of Deaths in Ireland Memorandum Book for Cork District Hospital, Registrars District of Cork No. 1 Rural. 23 Sep 1930 - 2 Nov 1931 .................................. 119 Cork County Hospital Memorandum of Births Books, District of Cork No. 1 Rural. 9 Oct 1924 - 15 May 1933 .................................................................................................... 120 CCH/KB

CCH/MA/1 Monthly Return of Infectious Diseases 7 Feb 1920 - 13 Jun 1931 (1 item) ...............121

©Cork City and County Archives Cork City Council 2019

Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital



St. Finbarr's Hospital (South Cork County Home and Hospital)

Level of description:



1923-1963 (1984)


615 items (bound volumes)



South Cork County Home and Hospital/St. Finbarr's Hospital (South Cork Board of Public Assistance)

Biographical/Administrative History Located at Douglas Road, Cork. Formerly the Cork Union Workhouse, fever hospital, and infirmary which opened in 1841. Public health services, those concerned with the treatment of human illness, and public assistance, the publicly funded poor relief of the ill and destitute, date from the introduction of the Poor Relief (Ireland) Act 1838, which divided the country into Poor Law Unions. Prior to that, public medical and poor relief was delivered only by charitable institutions and infirmaries such as the Foundling Hospital, the House of Industry and the North and South Infirmaries in Cork. Each Union was run by a Board of Guardians, and a workhouse was constructed at a central location. Each Poor Law Union was divided up into dispensary districts by the Medical Charities Act 1851, for the provision of free outdoor (outside the workhouse) primary care to the poor by an appointed medical officer. Institutionalised and hospital medical care within the workhouse system was, in general, limited and only applied to the care of the infirm or sick destitute poor. In 1871 the Sisters of Mercy took up residence at the workhouse and they were to play an increasingly important managerial, administrative, spiritual, and nursing role within the hospital by the 1920s. The abolition of the poor law system was a priority for Irish republicans. Prior to national independence in 1922, Dáil Éireann (est. Jan 1919) began introducing county public health schemes across the country, involving centralised county schemes to replace the local poor law boards of guardians that had been responsible for poor relief/assistance, health services, preventive public health and sanitation, and labourers cottages. Following national independence in 1922, in

©Cork City and County Archives 2019


Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital

Cork the change over to the county scheme officially took place in 1924, under the Local Government (Temporary Provisions) Act 1923. Under the County Scheme Order, Cork No. 1, 1924, effective 1 May 1924, the joint Cork county health scheme created Cork County a public health area divided into 3 public health/assistance districts North, South, and West. The South Cork Public Assistance district, where the present hospital and home was located, included Cork County Borough (Cork City) and the county areas of the former poor law unions of Cork, Bandon, Kinsale, Macroom, Midleton and Youghal. The South district, and all health institutions within, was jointly administered by Cork Corporation (5 members) and Cork County Council (10 members) forming the South Cork Board of Public Assistance. This Board was dependent on Cork County Council and Cork Corporation (Cork County Borough Council) for its funding. The aim in setting up the new system "...being to wipe out the abuses of the old system, financial and moral, and establish a new system that will provide better treatment for the poor and sick poor of every class, and result in economy in public administration and be to the advantage of the rate- payers and to the community in general..." (South Cork Board of Public Assistance Minute Book Ref. CBPA/SO/M/001 p.3) The former Cork Union Workhouse and infirmary at Douglas Road, which had been referred to as the 'Cork District Hospital' from c1898 onwards was officially designated by the County Scheme Order, Cork No. 1, 1924. The full list of institutions designated in the South Cork district by the Order was as follows:

“ 1. The South Cork County Home at Cork for aged and infirm persons, chronic invalids, idiots and epileptics. 2. A District Home at Midleton for aged and infirm persons, chronic invalids, idiots and epileptics from such places within the County District as the County Board may decide. 3. The Cork District Hospital at Cork for the treatment of Medical, Surgical and Maternity cases, and cases of infectious and contagious diseases. 4. Cottage Hospitals at Bandon, Cobh, Kinsale, Macroom, Midleton and Youghal, for the treatment of acute Medical, Surgical and Maternity cases, and cases of infectious and contagious diseases. 5. An Auxiliary Home at Bessborough, Blackrock, for such unmarried mothers and their children as the County Board may select. ” (County Scheme Order, Cork No. 1, 1924)

The county homes were intended primarily for the aged and infirm poor, but other classes were also found such as unmarried mothers and orphans.

In 1921, and officially in 1923-1925, Sr. Mary of Mercy O'Keeffe was appointed Matron and Superintendent of Nurses. Training schools were established in general nursing and fever nursing.

On 12 Jan 1925 the South Cork Board of Public Assistance was dissolved by the Minister for Local Government. Cork Corporation and the North and West Boards

©Cork City and County Archives 2019


Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital

had already been abolished. A local government commissioner, Sean O'Farrell, sat in lieu of the SCBPA from Jan 1925 until April 1927 when the Board was re- constituted by the Minister as comprising 10 members of Cork County Council, plus the City Commissioner Philip Monahan. In 1929 a new Cork Corporation was elected and Monahan became the first city or county manager. In 1935 Cork was officially divided into 3 separate public health districts with an amalgamation of the Public Assistance and Public Health boards in each area. The South Cork Board of Public Assistance became known as the Board of Public Health for the South Cork County Health District with responsibility for sanitary as well as public health functions. Public hospitals and public assistance continued to be administered under the old poor relief legislation, which were consolidated by the Public Assistance Act 1939. Medical services delivered under the poor law were limited, and until the mid/late 1930's the hospital mainly functioned as a county home for chronic patients, and the able-bodied who may have been required to do work around the hospital, such as messenger duties and gardening. In the late 1930's visiting medical and surgical officers were appointed. From this period, patients not entitled to poor relief/public assistance increasingly used local authority hospitals as paying patients. In 1942, the city/county management system was widely introduced, whereby the Boards of Health and Public Assistance were abolished and their functions were taken over by the County Council/City Council through the County/City Managers. County Council health boards/committees for north, west and south were appointed for the 3 county health districts in 1943. The South Cork board continued to exist, but meetings were reduced from fortnightly to monthly, and decisions made by the Board were carried out by order of the County Manager or Assistant County Manager. The new board was known as the Board of Public Assistance for the South Cork Public Assistance District. In 1945, sanatoria were built in Cork, Dublin and Galway for the treatment of advanced and moderately advanced tuberculosis, however certain non-pulmonary cases were treated by existing hospitals such as St.Finbarr’s . The Health Act of 1947 specified free treatment in the sanatoria and payment of maintenance allowances for dependents of TB patients. All forms of TB became notifiable to the County/City Medical Officer. From the 1950's, with extensive investment and reform in health services, the hospital was considerably extended, for example, through the construction of a maternity and neo-natal unit, an x-ray department, a home for trainee nurses, and separate laundry and nurses' quarters and a cancer ward. The Health Act of 1953 transferred health services and hospitals to 'health authorities', separate from public assistance authorities, which resulted in the reform of regulations governing health institutions, many of which dated from the poor law era. In most districts, new health committees were established to advise


©Cork City and County Archives 2019

Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital

city and county managers. Hospital services became General Institutional and Specialist Services and eligibility was extended to a much wider range of users, related no longer to individual means but to membership of 4 broad classes: those insured for social welfare, persons with family incomes of less than £600 per year, farmers with farms valued under £50, and those outside these groups who could demonstrate 'undue hardship'. Some groups were entitled to services without charge, statutory charges (6 shillings, later 10 shillings per day) were introduced for others, and higher charges could be made for hardship cases. The new services involved more responsibility by local authorities for the cost of treating patients. Maternity and child care services were also expanded. The dispensary system was transferred from the public assistance code to the health authorities, and improvements were made to the governance of county homes, the payment of an allowance to disabled persons, and the boarding out/ fostering of children. In Cork, the complex of public health and assistance and mental hospital authorities remained until a unified city and county Cork Health Authority was established by the Health Authorities Act 1960. In 1960, the total bed complement of St.Finbarr's was 1,185 made up of medical 139, surgical 119, maternity/neo-natal 70, paediatric 65, fever 84, and county home 708.

The State Lands (Workhouses) Act 1962 transferred former workhouse lands to the local authorities (Cork Health Authority in this case).

The local authority administration of health services remained until March 1971 when the new regional health boards, including the Southern Health Board, were set up under the Health Act 1970.

Archival History The majority of the Cork County Home and Hospital archive was transferred to CCCA by the Southern Health Board in c1975. Another accession was transferred in 2009.


Scope and Content Archive of the South Cork County Home and Hospital later known as Saint Finbarr's Hospital, previously Cork Union Workhouse/Cork District Hospital. Records of Managerial Correspondence and Orders, such as, Matron's Correspondence 1939 – 1953, Copy Managers Orders, South Cork Public Assistance and Hospitals 1944- 1945.

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Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital

Records principally relating to patients of the County Hospital and residents/inmates of the County Home, such as; Admission & Discharge: Cork County Hospital Daily Admission and Discharge Books 1923 – 1946, Cork County Home and Hospital Combined Indoor Register and Statistical Record, 1924 – 1960, County Schools Medical Services Register and Account Book, 1931 – 1953, Other Patient Registers/Indexes to Paying Patient Registers, 1969 – 1982, St. Finbarr’s 'Hospital Roll and Dietary List' (Ward Patient Record), 1962-1963, Daily State Book 1957-1958, Record of Juvenile Patients, 1950. Records specifically relating to Hospital/Medical/Nursing activities such as Medical Weekly Return Books, 1929 – 1948, Sick Diet Books, 1951 – 1963, Record of Operations, St. Brigid's theatre, 1959-1965, Special Diet and Stimulant Books, 1937- 1958, Ambulance Log Books, 1924 – 1945, Medical Doctors Admission and Discharge Books, 1925 – 1945, Nurses Report Book, Matrons Journal 1927 – 1947, Record of Telephone Calls and Telegrams, 1954 – 1955, Monthly return of infectious diseases, 1920-1931. Records of Births, Deaths: Record of Births Memorandum Book, 1924 – 1933, Record of Deaths, 1931 - 1940, 1974-1976, 1978 – 1984; Registration of Deaths Memorandum Book, 1930 – 1931. Financial Records such as; Paying Patients Maintenance Account Books 1927 – 1949, Personal Ledgers- Contractors Accounts 1924 – 1964, Personal Ledgers - Suppliers Ledger 1930 – 1967, Day Books 1926-1945, Matrons Patient Maintenance Cash Receipt Books 1934 – 1937, Supplier Invoice Payment Day Book 1972-1975, Petty Cash Book 1929 – 1949, Receipts- Repayment of Assistance Account, 1955, Petty Cash Receipts 1941-1958 Records principally relating to General Administration and Staff such as; Store/Inventory Books 1927 – 1966, Provisions Books 1923 – 1962, Bread and Milk Books 1935 – 1946, Electricity and Gas Meter Log Book 1965-1968, Diet Class and Rations Books 1927 - 1961 including patient and officers and staff rations; Tobacco Book 1924 – 1934, Old Age Pension Maintenance Account Books, 1933 – 1953, Porter ’ s Admission and Discharge Books 1927 – 1955 (including patient names), Chaplains Report Books 1933 – 1941, Time and Wages Books 1938 – 1956, Salaries and Wages Books 1935 – 1958, Farm Account Books 1936 – 1958, Night Porters Report to Matron of People In/Out, 1955. The archive documents the operation and administration of a major health and public assistance institution principally responsible for the care of patients of limited means, and paying patients, in the county hospital wards, and also the care of the aged, infirm, and others, within the county home. While administrative and financial records predominate, the archive does extensively document, in an outline

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Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital

fashion, patient admission and discharge plus aspects of the operation and development of the institution from 1924, following the reform of the poor law system by the Irish Free State, such as wider availability of services, efforts to better care for patients, for instance through better diets, and better medical care. This advance is particularly visible in the records from the 1940s and 1950s onwards. The home and hospital would have employed large numbers of people at various grades and quite a few records of time and attendance, rations, and wages and salaries survive, which are of use to those pursuing their family history. The hospital was also a significant economic unit in its own right, requiring large amounts of provisions, hardware and services, that were obtained from a range of local and national contractors and suppliers that feature in the administrative and financial records. The archive, though extensive, contains gaps particularly in relation to detailed patient/inmate records, medical care, care of unmarried mothers, care of children, correspondence, death records, and records in relation to the nursing sisters who operated the hospital. Where certain types of records do survive the information within may be minimal. All of the surviving records are in bound volume format, there are no files. Researchers will note that there are significant overlaps of information between certain series, such as information relating to patients/inmates, which may also be found in records relating to administration, hospital/medical/nursing, and financial records. Examples are the Porters Admission and Discharge Books (FN), Daily Admission and Discharge Books (GA) and the Medical (Doctors) Admission and Discharge Books (HI), and the Paying Patients Maintenance Account Books (CA) and Sick Diet Books (HC), all of which contain information on patients. There are limited numbers of records in the present archive dating from after 1960, the year of the establishment of the Cork Health Authority. Researchers will also note that the present archive must be used in conjunction with the minute books and other records of the South Cork Board of Health and Public Assistance (from 1942, the Board of Public Assistance for the South Cork Public Assistance District), which was the governing body of the County Home and Hospital and other health institutions and of all public health services and public assistance services generally in the South Cork public assistance area.

System of Arrangement Correspondence and orders (B) (3 series)

Financial (C) (8 series)

Administrative and Staff (F) (16 series, 37 sub-series)

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Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital

Inmates/Patients (G) (4 series)

Hospital/Medical/Nursing (H) (8 series)

Birth/Death records (K) (4 series)

The arrangement of the records into series is loosely based on the Classification of Board of Guardian Records published in 1971 by Sean McMenamin of the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. In 1924 Cork Union Workhouse became the South Cork County Home and Hospital, and though the spirit of the institution changed, most of the functions and activities, and most of the records, remained similar, albeit with some changed practices and terminology. The 1971 classification is in use by most local authority archives services holding older workhouse/health institution records. The 1971 classification system was not intended for post-1924 hospital records, and it has therefore been adopted here with many modifications and additions. For instance, 13 new subseries were created here under the FD series Store/Inventory Books. If there is a gap in the record where an item is not extant/missing, or has not yet been acquired, the relevant item number generally remains in situ in the list, but the gap is indicated with the text ‘NOT EXTANT’.

See the Table of Contents for an overview of the full arrangement of series and sub series.

Accruals It is possible, given the number of gaps in the existing archive, and the lack, in general, of records for the post 1960 period, that additional historical records exist. The Southern Health Board, as the local health authority, had been active in transferring records to the CCCA. On 1 January 2005, the health boards were replaced by the Health Service Executive.

PERSON/INSTITUTION INDEX: St.Finbarr's Hospital | Cork County Home and Hospital | Douglas Rd., Cork City

SUBJECT/EVENT ETC. INDEX : Hospitals and Homes Health institutions Medicine

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Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital


Conditions Governing Access

Restricted access to records containing personal data less than 100 years old.

Conditions Governing Reproduction Restricted

Language English

Finding Aids Descriptive List. Certain volumes, such as patient registers, contain an integrated name index.


Related Units of Description Reference




Cork Board of Guardians South Cork Public Health Manager's Orders West Cork County Board of Public Assistance South Cork County Board of Public Assistance North Cork County Board of Public Assistance Minutes North Cork County Board of Health/Public Assistance Cork County Board of Public Health Southern District Specialist Services Medical Referral Forms St. Kevin's Nursing Home








Publication Note The First Hundred Years, Edward Marnane, Cork County Council 1999

©Cork City and County Archives 2019


Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital

The Health Services of Ireland, Brendan Hensey, Institute of Public Administration, 1979

A Tale of Two Hospitals, Sr. Emmanuel Browne, 1989.

Classification of Board of Guardian Records, Sean McMenamin, Irish Archives Bulletin Vol 1, No 2, October 1971


ARCHIVIST ’ S NOTE Descriptive List Prepared By:

Brian McGee, Archivist, Cork City and County Archives. 28 March 2019

©Cork City and County Archives 2019


Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital

CCH/B/ Items)

Correspondence and Orders

1939 – 1952 (8



Date: 1939 - 1952

Title: Level:

Correspondence and Orders


Extent: Part of:

8 vols.

CCH Scope and Content: Matron's Correspondence 1939 - 1953

Copy Managers Orders, South Cork Public Assistance and Hospitals 1944- 1945

CCH/B/AB Copy Form Letters from Matron Relating to Staff Leave/Absences 1952



Date: 4 Sep 1952 - 5 Oct 1952

Title: Level:

Copy Form Letters from Matron Relating to Staff Leave/Absences

item 47pp

Extent: Part of:

CCH/B/ Conditions of Access and Use: Restricted Scope and Content:

Carbon copy form letters from Matron St. Finbarr’s Hospital, to the Secretary, Board of Public Assistance for the South Cork Public Assistance District, Douglas Road, Cork, reporting staff leave/absences and particulars of substitute cover employed.


Matron's Outgoing Letterbooks

1939, 1942,

1945-1946, 1950-1953 (6 items)



Date: 1939, 1942, 1945-1946, 1950-1953

Title: Level:

Matron's Outgoing Letterbooks

series 6 vols. CCH/B/

Extent: Part of:

©Cork City and County Archives Cork City Council 2019


Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital

Conditions of Access and Use: Restricted Scope and Content:

Carbon copies of outgoing correspondence from Matron's Office, St. Finbarr’s Hospital. Letters mainly concerning patients' old age pension arrangements. Some other items such as, a request for child's date of birth, confirmation of discharge/admission of patients, queries with suppliers, arrangements for distant burial, operative treatments and notifications of Pulmonary T.B. cases, claims against deceased patients pensions, enclosing pension books for listed deceased pensioners, handing over of deceased’s ' property. Recipients include home assistance officers, tax office, British Ministry of Pensions, City/County medical officers of health, Cork County Council, insurance companies, solicitors.

1. Jan - Feb 1939 (c100pp)

2. Jan 1942 - March 1942. (c100pp)

3. Nov 1942 - Feb 1942 (c100pp)

4. Nov 1945 - Feb 1946 (c100pp)

5. Feb 1950 - Sep 1950 (c100pp)

6. Sep 1952 - Nov 1953 (c100pp)


Copy Managers Orders, South Cork Public Assistance,

Hospitals. Also index. Dec 1944 - Dec 1945



Date: Dec 1944 - Dec 1945

Title: index. Level:

Copy Managers Orders, South Cork Public Assistance, Hospitals. Also


Extent: Part of:

c800pp plus index

CCH/B/ Conditions of Access and Use: Restricted

©Cork City and County Archives Cork City Council 2019


Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital


Financial Records

1924 – 1967 (69 items)



Date: 1924 - 1967

Title: Level:

Financial Records


Extent: Part of:

9 series

CCH Scope and Content: Paying Patients Maintenance Account Books 1927 - 1949

Personal Ledgers- Contractors Accounts 1924 - 1964

Personal Ledgers - Suppliers Ledger 1930 - 1967

Day Books 1926-1945

Matrons Patient Maintenance Cash Receipt Books 1934 - 1937

Supplier Invoice Payment Day Book 1972-1975

Petty Cash Book 1929 - 1949

Receipts- Repayment of Assistance Account, 1955

Petty Cash Receipts 1941-1958


Paying Patients Maintenance Account Books 1927 -

Mar 1949 (26 vols.)



Date: 1927 - 1950

Title: Level:

Paying Patients Maintenance Account Books.


Extent: Part of:

26 vols.

CCH/C Conditions of Access and Use: Restricted Scope and Content: Financial account books recording amounts due and payable by/for persons admitted and discharged who are liable by law to pay including those being paid for under various schemes. Records register number, patient name, situation in life (occasionally, address), orders of board, dates from/to chargeable, arrears, amounts, debits, credits, totals.

©Cork City and County Archives Cork City Council 2019


Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital

Categories of paying patient/payments received from various schemes, including: Old Age Pensioners, Paying Patients (Hospital/Cork South), West Cork Board of Public Assistance, County Tuberculosis Committee, School Medical Services, General Hospital, North Cork Board of Public Assistance, City Tuberculosis Committee, National Health Insurance, Army.


Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. 1 Oct 1927 - 30

Sep 1930



Date: 1 Oct 1927 - 30 Sep 1930

Title: Level:

Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book.

item 57ff

Extent: Part of:



Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. South and West.

1 Apr 1928 - 31 Mar 1930



Date: 1 Apr 1928 - 31 Mar 1930

Title: Level:

Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. South and West.

item 60ff

Extent: Part of:



Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'Book 4'

29 Mar 1930 - 30 Sep 1933



Date: 29 Mar 1930 - 30 Sep 1933

Title: Level:

Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'Book 4'

item 61ff

Extent: Part of:


©Cork City and County Archives Cork City Council 2019


Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital


Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked '[from]

page 23 Book 3'

1 Oct 1930 - Jan 1932



Date: 1 Oct 1930 - Jan 1932


Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked '[from] page 23

Book 3' Level: Extent: Part of:

item 61ff



Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'Book 2

North and West Cork' ?Aug 1931 - 29 Sep 1934



Date: ?Aug 1931 - 29 Sep 1934


Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'Book 2 North

and West Cork' Level:

item 59ff

Extent: Part of:



Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'Book 5'

1 Oct 1932 - 4 Jan 1934



Date: 1 Oct 1932 - 4 Jan 1934

Title: Level:

Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'Book 5'

item 63ff

Extent: Part of:



Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'From

Book 4'.

9 Jun 1933 - 30 Sep 1935



Date: 9 Jun 1933 - 30 Sep 1935

Title: Level:

Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'From Book 4'.


©Cork City and County Archives Cork City Council 2019


Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital

Extent: Part of:




Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'From

page 53 - Book 5'

6 Dec 1933 - 7 Mar 1935



Date: 6 Dec 1933 - 7 Mar 1935


Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'From page 53 -

Book 5' Level: Extent: Part of:

item 50ff


CCH/CA/09 Mar 1936

Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. 1 Oct 1934 - 31



Date: 1 Oct 1934 - 31 Mar 1936

Title: Level:

Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book.

item 58ff

Extent: Part of:



Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'Half

Year I continued in Book II'. 1 Apr 1936 - 5 Mar 1937



Date: 1 Apr 1936 - 5 Mar 1937


Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'Half Year I

continued in Book II'. Level: item Extent: 63ff Part of: CCH/CA

CCH/CA/11 Cork Area'

Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'West

1 Oct 1936 - 30 Sep 1943

©Cork City and County Archives Cork City Council 2019


Descriptive List of the Archive of St.Finbarr’s Hospital/ South Cork County Home and Hospital



Date: 1 Oct 1936 - 30 Sep 1943

Title: Area' Level:

Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'West Cork


Extent: Part of:

59ff plus enclosures



Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'Book II

Continuation of Book I

6 Mar 1937 - 30 Mar 1938



Date: 6 Mar 1937 - 30 Mar 1938


Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'Book II

Continuation of Book I Level: item Extent:

63ff with index

Part of:



Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'City

Tuberculosis Scheme' Jan 1938 - Aug 1945



Date: Jan 1938 - Aug 1945


Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. Marked 'City

Tuberculosis Scheme' Level: item Extent:

36ff plus enclosures

Part of:



Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book. 1 Apr 1938 - 30

Sep 1939



Date: 1 Apr 1938 - 30 Sep 1939

Title: Level:

Paying Patients Maintenance Account Book.

item 56ff

Extent: Part of:


©Cork City and County Archives Cork City Council 2019


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