Bandon Estate Office (Doherty and Jones)(Bound Volumes) U137

U137 Bandon Estate Office, Rentals and Other Volumes

©Cork City and County Archives 2013


Date: 1885 - 1921


Title: Level:

Rent Notebook (North Main Street, Bandon)


Extent: 82 pp Scope and Content:

Rent notebook in respect of property of Richard Wheeler Doherty on North Main Street, Bandon. Pages note the tenant's name 'in account with Richard W Doherty', and record rents due and received. A note inside the front cover refers to rents of Charles Bernard, but Doherty is evidently the landlord of the premises documented.


Date: 1901 - 1905


Title: Level:

Rent Book [Bandon Town Properties]



c250 pp

Scope and Content: Rent Book recording street name, tenant names, dates when rent due in each year, and amounts. There are gaps between entries for different years, with all of the properties apparently in the town of Bandon. A simple record. Landlord's name not given.


Date: 1892 - 1905


Title: Level:

Rent Book (Grazing, Dundrum Demense)


Extent: 24 ff Scope and Content:

Volume recording details of rents and terms of agreements in respect of fields on the Dundrum Demense. Most of the agreements are for grazing rights, and are short term. Each folio contains the following fields. Number and name of holding, tenants name, address, rent due, rent paid, area (Irish), annual rent, nature and terms of agreement, remarks. Entries below record changes in tenancy, rents, area, and terms of agreement, including expiry. Inside the front cover is a 'List of Fields, Dundrum Estate, 1897'. Towards the end of the volume are folios recording 'Grazing for the season' of 1900 and 1903-04. [U137/CB/B/027]


Date: Undated [c1903]



Property Valuation (Barony of Kilnamanagh, Union of Cashel, Tipperary South

Riding) Level: Extent:


85 ff Scope and Content:

Valuation book in respect of properties in the barony of Kilnamanagh, Union of cashel, Tipperary South Riding. Most of the properties are owned by Viscount Hawarden. The format is that of standard valuation lists of the period, with fields for Townlands and Occupiers, Immediate Lessors,

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