City of Cork Steampacket Company Archive Descriptive List


City of Cork Steam Packet Co Ltd

Level: item Extent: 1 vol Scope and Content: The volume notes voyages, disbursements, and account information, in respect of the vessel SS Blarney. The routes are mainly to London and Bristol.




May 1909 – Apr 1918


Ardmore Account Book

Level: item Extent: 151ff Scope and Content:

Account information regarding the SS Ardmore. At the top of each page is noted the route, or whether the vessel was lying up. The left column notes the date, followed by disbursements (eg, wages, coals, repairs), and receipts. There is a return for each month. Routes are mainly London, Liverpool, and Bristol. The vessel was briefly chartered by the Admiralty in October 1914 (f139).




15 Sep 1913 – 31 Dec 1920


Glengarriff Disbursements/Receipts

Level: item Extent: 134ff Scope and Content:

Volume recording disbursements and receipts in respect of the ship SS Glengarriff. At the top of each folio is noted the ship’s name and name of port being served (usually Bristol, Liverpool or London), or whether the ship is lying up (not in service). There are fields recording Date; Disbursements; Folio; Coals; Wages; Loading and Discharge; Dues, Lights and Pilotage; Tallow, Oil and Chandlery; Repairs; Miscellaneous; Agency; and Total. These are followed by Receipt fields (Date; Receipts, and Amount). From January 1920 pages are headed ‘SS Glengarriff, Account’. The ‘Disbursement’ fields itemises outgoings, which include workmen and wages, repairs, loading, and dues. Receipts include passengers, waybill and freight out, and creditor payments.




1957 - 1969


[Fishguard Cargo Record Book], 1957 – 1968; [Cargo] 1959-69

Level: item Extent: 2 vols Scope and Content:

Two untitled volumes evidently relating to cargo. The first volume notes dates, voyages, and quantities of cargo (eg, bacon, butter… milk powder… potatoes), and totals, grouped by month and vessel, and seems to relate to Fishguard. The second volume, at the top of each page, notes the year and the route name. Columns record date, vessel, voyage, cargo [eg, bricks, Dunlops, Ford, motor cars and cycles... wool], and totals in tonnes. Arranged by service [route], not date.

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