in consideration that -they now have paid their portions of the tax imposed upon them towards the charges of the citizens chosen for the Parliament, and supplying other wants of the City, and they shall hereafter bear their part of such tax and tollage as such other companies of their rank, either in Dublin or Waterford, shall pay or be charged therewith, they to have all priviledges, freedoms, and hereafter the Mayor, &c., shall not revo.ke this entry. 9 July, 1613. It was agreed by the Mayor, &c., that so much lead as is in the King's Castle, being the lead that was upon Blackrock, shall be delivered unto Mr. Walter Coppinger, paying weight for weight to the Corporation, at or before Oct. 1, to be·bound in bond for performance hereof. 24 Sep., 1613. It was agreed by the Mayor, &c., that the Mayor, Mr. Patrick Tyrry, shall rest contented in consideration of the residue of his money due, of so much as he shall agree with Thomas Ronayne, who is to be admitted a Councillor of the City, and to receive likewise of Mr. Walter Coppinger such moneys as he shall agree for the lead which he had of the Corporation, and as the Mayor is paid the whole sum promised him. (This item is can- celled, and the following note occurs on the margin) :-"The lead is 13 hundred weight, this entry was so blotted by Mr. Mayor, but yet the said Mayor hath the benefit thereof." 1 Oct., 1613. Thomas Ronayne was admitted one of the Council of the City in· ccm- sideration of 15 pounds received by the Mayor, Patrick Tyrry, at the hands of said Thomas, and not hereafter to be charged with the office of Sheriff of said City except with his own consent. 4 Oct., 1613. It was agreed by the Mayor~ &c., that every Mayor who shall hereafter. be elected, if he doth not continue for the whole year, but shall be de· posed of his office, shall not be taken, nor reputed for a Mayor, nor have the station of a Mayor, except upon his deposing he pay the expenses of him that shall be appointed Mayor in ~s stead for the residue of the year, ·
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