Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



28 June, 1617.• That other 40 pounds, due for the consideration aforesaid, was the same day paid in Court, before the Mayor, for the garden, the rest mentioned in the former entry of 1 Feb., 1612, by Mr. Dominick Tyrrie, Ald., to the Mayor and Corporation, and of the other 40 pounds formerly paid, as is confessed by the former entry, being in all 80 pounds, the Mayor, &c., ackn(jwledge themselves fully satisfied with the last 40 pounds paid in Court by the Mayor, &c., to Mr. Beecher, towards the procurement of letter patents for the Mortmain lands. PAT. TYRRYE, Maior. The Mayor, &c., grant unto William Meade and Clement Skyddy, or . Cork, Merchants, for the sum of five pounds received by us towards making up the money to be sent to Sir Garrett Moore, Knt., the old ancient petty customs of both Gates .of the City, to have until the Mayor, &c., satisfy said William and Clement in the full sum of five pounds in good and plire silver, they meantime to collect the petty customs for their own uses: 12 Feb., 1612. Patrick Miagh fz. Dominick is admitted free in consideration of 20s., paid by his brother, Garrett Miagh, in Mr. Thomas Sarsfield's time; said Garrett is·paid for his lending. 22 Feb., 1612. Mr. Sheriff Collmayne and Sheriff Kynt are fined in 12 pounds ster. for their contempt in not appearing to take their oaths, being commanded by several warrants from the Mayor, _&c.; the fine to be raised of their goods and chattels. 12 March, 1612. .Daniel Mlawne is admitted free in considera~ion of the Sword Beare~'s ·wages paid by said Daniell unto them, so as the said Swordbearer to be paid at Michrelmas next, but for half a year's wages and 20s. more. 12 .April, 1613. The Mayor, &c., agreed that the Mayor and Sheriffs shall give interrup- tion unto Henry Roberts,--. Bynson, and all others not free of this City, * Sic M.S.-

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