Monday night after Michaelmas next, being 5 Oct., to levy said Customs to his own use in consideration of 36 pounds ster., which he is to pay unto Mr. Walter Coppinger fz. James in payment of his portion of the prize wines on or before last ·of July next. To distrain such as will not pay said custom, according to the bye-law made touching said customs, &c. 27 June, 1612. By the consent of the Mayor, &c., it was agreed that in consideration of the railing of both the gates of this City in good and strong sort to be done by Morris Roch fz. James, who undertook to effect and fiilish the same at or before the 13 July next, said Morris, his executors, &c., is to have a lease of 31 years of the voyd place on the west side of the pinnacle of the new Court, extending from the said pinnacle unto the common way leading to the quay on the east of Sir John fz. Edd. Gerrald, Knt., his house, answerable according, the breadth of the said pinnacle from the north to the south yielding unto the Corporation yearly out of said premises 2s. 6d., with proviso to be inserted in his indenture that whenever the Corporation shall have occasion to use same towards any urgent cause tending to any service of the City, they shall re-possess, giving said Morris the award of two in- different men for his charge in putting up the said rails, with the cost for the building of such walls as he shall build on said voyd place, his writings or security to be sealed with the Common Seal on request made by said Morris any time hereafter. 12 July, 1612. The Mayor, &c., assembled in Court, in performance of the bye-law made -in the time of Christopher Waters being Mayor, for electing their new Mayor that he might be better provided to bear said charges for the credit of the City and himself, named by assent of us, the Mayor, &c., Mr. Edmond Tyrry, Ald., Mr. John Meade, and Mr. John Coppinger, Ald., to be put in nomination upon Michaelmas Monday next, and where the election shall fall by most voices he to be elected Mayor for that year without any allow- ance but the ancient fees of 20 nobles, and it is agreed if the new Mayor and Sheriffs do nominate any other on that Monday, they do pay the fine of 20 pounds ster. without denial to the use of the Corporation.
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