31 Jan., 1611. Mem. Curirn Civ. Corck tempore Dominici Gallwey, Maioris de Civitate predicta et Nicholai Roch vicecom. Mr. Mayor is to receive from the Corporation four score pounds to Michaelmas, to be paid monthly. 2 March, 1611. John Meade fz. John, the younger Esq., for divers good causes was ad- mitted a Councillor of the City of Corck, and took the oath before the Mayor, &c. ro March, 1611. The names of the Jury impannelled between Morris Roch fz. James, of Corck mercht., on the one part, and Andrew Gallwey fz. Walter and the Corporation on the other, touching the new work to be erected by said Morris within the City.
Mr. John Coppinger, of Cork, Ald. Mr. David Tyrry fz. Stephen, Ald. Thomas Goold fz. William, gent. William Goold fz. George, gent. Piers Goold fz. Adam, gent. Edmond Martell, gent.
Geoffry Gallwey fz. Atrich, gent. John Verdon, gent. John Arthoure, gent.
Edmond Morrowgh, gent. David Gallwey fz. George
Piers Tyrry fz. Francis, mercht. John Barrett, mercht. (Jurati.)
We find that Morris Roch may build according the line drawn and now laid, from the south corner of the house of office of Hary Goold's house to the south corner of the -stairs now standing on the west, and if the said Morris do build any further than the said stairs towards the west, that then he shall leave so much distance in breadth as is now betwixt the said stairs and the walls of 4ndrew Gallway's house on the south, .as is now betwixt the said stairs and the said wall being eight square feet. 30 March, 1612. . Oliver Gallway fz. Patrick was admitted free of the City in considera- tion of 20s., which was due unto Geoffry Gallwey fz. Patrick upon the Corporation, paid by him of certain tax moneys levied in Mr. Thomas .Sarsfield's time, being Mayor of Corck, and received by Mr. John Coppin-
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