rie, constables of said staple, sri l ~·Worth, out of J?ious d'esi~ns that a .nouse.sbo~fd' he built upon some part of the Sp1ttal lands near S. Stephens Chapel In S. liberties of Cork, said Worth granted to said Goddard the house, gardens, &c., of the Spittal lamds, with S. Stephen's Chafel, and the lands, &c:, of. E. and .w. Ballymought an<.i Cahirgall in the N. liberties o Cork, yielding said Worth £20 yearly to be distributed; amongst four Scholars, students of Trin. Coll., Dublin, and erecting a building for a number of poor boys of the Protestant religion, as the Ma.yor and Common Council. shall appoint, &c. 1!. 11 B k 1700, Jnne 18. S'ir James Jeffreys,_Knt., Governor of Cork, a grant of rl~. 85~ 0 • 20s. per day, to be inserted for him in the military list, payable from 1~ May, 1699, to 25 .1\f arch, 1700: 1703, Feb. 7. John Galwey petitions, by letter-, the Secretary, Ron. E. . Southwell~ whose hand he regrets.not having kissed m Cork. .Ald..Crofts promised to-procure him that satisfaction, and he attended twice at his house and missed his time. " That his only son who had spent the last five year-s in London,. thinks himself now in Ireland undone, without the liberty he took there of earrying a sword.z he prays fol'· licence for him to.carry a swo:rd, a gun a.nd a case of pistols. His bien<l, Uol. H usse~ is to deliver this letter." Irish Book 1704. We have direeted SirCharles Hedges, Prin. Sec. of State, that. vi 18 .' Mary MacCarty-Reagh, widow of --, sets forth that · · her husband for services had £100 per an. settled on him by King Charles II., that he behaved himself very obligingly towards Protestants, prays pension may be restored to her. S. James', 29 Ma:r., 1704. . 1704. Whereas Sir James Jeffreys did petition to,set forth his zeal for· m;h ~fk, the service of our kingdom, to better enable him to maintain his numerous · · family, waiting so many years for the service of the crown, he had spent almost all he had, and prayed that we would be graciously pleased to preserve him and his family from ruin, to grant him his pay on the Establishment of our kingdom, as Governor of Cork for a term of years, and in case of his decease that same may be continued to his wife and. family as a pension, that through zeal for our service he quitted a beneficial employment abroad to attend ourlate royal brother King William III. in the war of Ireland.. We grant said allowance to him and his heinl fop seve11 years. Windsor Castle, 25 Sep., 1704. . 1707-8. Our beloved cousin, &c., William .Earl of Inchiquin, by his In-rih rsook, petition set forth that he laid out a considerable sum of money improving . · · the manor lands, &c., of Rostellan, and hath been at great expense in ( keeping out the tide from overflowing a pareel of land or slabbs adjoining said house on South and North sides, which was noisome to his house, and Will be of advan- tage to the harbour of Cork for small vessels and boats when a quay is made there. That for the encouragement of himself and families dwelling a.t Rostellan, we would be graciously pleased to grant to him and his heirs th~ parcel of greund containing 150 acres which are twice in 24 hours covered with the tide and also to grant that the said Castle, lands, &c., of Rostellan, may be created into a Corporation called by the name of the Corporation of Rostellan with the liberty of a weekly market there every Wed- nesday, and two fairs yearly, on 25 March and 15 August, and if either of these days falls on a Sunday the fair to be held next day, and also free warren and park tQ enclose 500 acres for a park, rendering to us, kc., the rent of 6s. Bd. per czn.~ Referred. to James Duke of Ormond, and by him to our Attorney-General~ who is of opinion that the lands, s]abbs, &c., being of no use to us, we may gratify petitioner and like- wise <:reate said .lands i!lto a Corporation, with such priviledges al}d franehis~s for choosmg the Ch1ef Magistrate and other officers and members of srud Corporation aa we shall tb~nk fit, with a weekly market, and two fairs yearly, also warren and free park, and hberty to enclose 500 acres for a park, so that the enclosing said slabbs, &c.,. and making a quay be of no prejudice to the harbour of Cork or riding of our ships of war or merchandise. St. James', 15 March, 1707-8. ·
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