and whatsoever he shall do this time shall be allowed by us as a common act. 3 March, 1627. Whereas we are required by the Lord President to entertain twenty-four horsemen for six months at 243. per day, and that we have no way left of get- ting any money but by taxing the inhabitants of this City and County thereof, We, the Mayor, &c., agree to tax the inhabitants of this City and County, excepting no liberties nor Abbies adjoyning this Corporation, the sum of 200 pounds ster., To be levied by such collectors as the Maior shall appoint, upon the penalties limited by the Charters. 5 March, 1627. Whereas there was present necessity of 120 pounds ster. towards procuring a Patent of a staple of wool and other staple commodoties, which could not be transported hitherto out of this City without a patent and license under the broad seal, as appeareth by a statute made and provided for; and that now it pleased. Mr. Domk. Roch, Ald., Morris Roch, and James Lombard, gent., appomted Mayor and Constables of said staple, to lay out said sum towards that employment. It is agreed by the Mayor, &c., that they shall from year to year so continue Maior and Constables of the said staple and receive the duties, &c., belonging to said staple of wool and other staple com- modoties, after the rate of 10 pounds in the hundred, untill they be repaid, To be accountable to this Corporation for the residue. 11 March, 1627. - Mr. David Tyrry fz. Edmond, Mayor, in open Court, gave a full account of the sum of 220li. 13s., being all he received, as well of tax money as of Councillors made since he came into office, and also disbursed the sum of 9 pounds of his own money, for which he had a warrant directed to the Chamberlain, John Gould. 9 May, 1628. Mr. Danl. McCartey ats. McCartie Reighe is sworn a freeman of this city. Whereas the Mayor for the time being is by several Charters authorized to exercise the office of Clerk of the Market, and accordingly to assay weights and measures, and as in latter times the Mayors are so straightened 18
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