Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Reed. 24 Feb., from James Mathew and Robt. Verdon, two butts of secke, 18Zi. Reed. 15 March, in two several barques by Morish Roch and 1\{ichrel Gould, two buts of seck, 18Zi. Recd...-of Richard Rolye, ill April, 1625, one ton of Gascon wine, 9li. The moneys due to the mortgagee, and received by them out of all their prisage wines, by P. L. and his fellows. Reed. 12 May, 1626, out of the Barques which came from St. Mallois, whereof John Roche fz. Morris and Nicholas Roche, each barque of Malago and Canary wines, for our part, three pipes of wine, 27Zi. ster. Reed. 3 March, 1626, out of a Scotiss ship, come out of Bourdeuxe, laden with wine and double prisage, whereof James Roche fz. Patrick and Walter Gould fz. Perish were merchants, for our part, six hogsheads of wine, 13Zi. lOs. Reed. 14 April, 1627, out of barque laden with 19 tuns, pipe of seck, and by Francis Gallwey, out of St. Malloes, a butt and half of secke, 13Zi. lOs. Reed. 24 Aug., 1627, out of a J earsey barque, come out of St. M.alloes, whereof Richard Walters and Francis Gallway were merchants, laden with 19 tuns of secke, a butt and half, 13li. lOs. Reed. 20 Nov., 1628, out of 11 tuns of French wines which were sent to Mr. Thomas Battes, out of London, to our parts, 3 hogsheads, 6li. 15s. Reed. out of the Scotsman brought from Midellboroughe by James fz. Patrick and Walter Gould, in Feb., 1628, to our parts, 6 hogsheads Bour- deux wine, 13li. lOs. Reed. in June, 1629, in the Scotsman brought by Walter Gould and Walter Gallwey, a butt and half of seck and 3 hogsheads of Gascoyne wine, 20li. 5s. Reed. of Petter Philliato:r a pipe and half of Petersivemine, 13li. lOs. Reed. out of the barque consigned to Mr. Edwd. Roche, out of St. Maloes, 3 butts of seck, 27li. The note of such prisage wines as was received by .,.Mr. Morish Roche, for a quarter-part that was passed to him in Edmond Martell's time, in mortgage for 58li. . Recd.l627, out of the Scotsman brought by Walter Go~d and James Roche, two hogsheads of Bourdeux wine, 4li. 1 Os.

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