Descriptive List of the Personal Archive of Diarmaid L. Fawsitt
PR81/1/6 Legal Career (1928 – 1956)
Reference: PR81/1/6/B/2
Date: 1930 - 1934
Reference: PR81/1/6/B/2/02 Date: c1930 - 1934 Title:
Title: Level:
The Sea Fisheries Association of Saorstat Eireann Limited
Documentation regarding The Sea Fisheries Association of Saorstat Eireann Limited
Extent: 2 files
Extent: 21 items
Scope and Content: Correspondence and documentation relating to the legal formation of The Sea Fisheries Association of Saorstat Eireann Limited and legal advice in support of the activities of the Association. PR81/1/6/B/2/01 consists of correspondence. PR81/1/6/B/2/02 is comprised of printed and draft documentation including rules, agreements, and notes.
Scope and Content: File of printed and draft legal documentation relating to The Sea Fisheries Association of Saorstat Eireann Limited [see also correspondence file: PR81/1/6/A/01]. The file includes the following: 1 . Printed booklet, Rules of the Sea Fisheries Association of Saorstat Eireann Limited; 2 . Printed and typescript draft of rules of the Association. Some draft pages of parts of the rule also present; 3 . Blank form of agreement between the Association and fishermen for sale of boats (Form A. 16.) 4 . Draft agreement for appointment of a manager by the Association 5 . Printed Agreement for Repair of Boat/machinery, between the Association and members (blank); 6 . Blank form of agreement for contract hire of nets and other gear (Form A. 2.) [2 copies] 7 . Draft hire agreement between the Minister for Lands and Fisheries and fishermen (blank) 8 . Draft form of agreement between the Association and fishermen for hire of marine engine (blank) 9 . Draft agreement for contract for hire and insurance of boat and machinery with option to purchase (blank) 10 . Printed copy of schedules from hire agreement [partial] 11 . Pro forma charter party, Glasgow, January 1932 (blank) 12 . Printed Contract for Co-Operative Marketing between the Association and members (Form A. 1.). Ts draft pf contract also present 13 . Lobster and Crayfish Contract 1933, with ms draft of same dated May 1933, to be made between contractor and the Association 14 . Schedule relating to loans paid by the Association on behalf of borrowers (partial), 2 copies 15 . Copy advice re Insurance of Boats re Clause 21 Form A2. TS and ms copies of draft versions also present 16 . Heads of Proposed Sea Fisheries Bill, marked ‘confidential’. Also present is Fawsitt’s memo regarding the heads, with amended draft heads 17 . Ms notes (draft opinion) regarding the Sea Fisheries Act, 1931 18 . Form of application to register a society under the Department of Industry and Commerce (blank) 19 . Ms draft agreement marked ‘Form 11’ ‘Draft Mortgage “Pride of the County”’, with printed form with details re the same mortgage added (incomplete; 1933) 20 . Ms advice re the Association regarding Connemara part-time Fishermen. Notes palced with this advice may relate to other matters. 21 . Loose ms notes and drafts regarding the Association, its rules, and cases and matters arising, not clearly forming part of the foregoing items.
Reference: PR81/1/6/B/2/01 Date: 1930 -1934 Title:
Correspondence relating to The Sea Fisheries Association of Saorstat Eireann Limited
Extent: 29 items
Scope and Content: Correspondence (mainly incoming) between Fawsitt and the Department of Land and Fisheries, Thomas Montgomery (solicitor), and the Sea Fisheries Association, on legal matters relating to the Association. Some of the letters relate to draft documents in PR81/1/6/A/02. The first items present is a letter from Joseph D Rush, Department of Land and Fisheries, concerning a draft contract for the hire of nets (item 1, 17 April 1930). Other items include the following: Draft letter from the Secretary of the Association noting inconsistencies between the draft agreement regarding hire and particular agreements already made (item 7, 18 September 1931) Letter from Thomas Montgomery, Solicitor, 17 Suffolk Street, Dublin, to Fawsitt, forwarding a cheque for fees [not present], with reference to Irisg sea fisheries, and to Coyle v Duffy matter (item 10, 15 June 1932) Copy letter from Dept Land and Fisheries to Messrs JJ Clark, Somerset, England, regarding registration of trade mark of the Gaeltacht Industries Depot [unrelated to the Association but occuring within this file] (item 13, 16 November 1932) Letter from Montgomery to Fawsitt regarding charter party for hire of trawler, the ‘Victoria’, involving the Association (item 15, 10 December 1932) Letter from Montgomery to Fawsitt forwarding instructions to advise the Association as regards their position under the proposed Workmen’s Compensation Bill [enclosures not present] (item 20, 10 June 1933) Letter from JD Rush, Secretary of the Association (45, Kildare Street, Dublin), regarding the charter party of a Belgian boat and a notice of motion for the annual meeting concerning issue by the Association of boats and gear for the capture of salmon, which woudl involve a rule change (item 25, 9 September 1933) Letter from Montgomery to Fawsitt thanking him for his letter to staff and adding ‘the staff are wholeheartedly with me in saying that your daughter was more than deserving of the little they did for her’. (item 28, 25 August 1934)
Reference: PR81/1/6/B/3
Date: 1926 - 1934
Title: Level:
Arthur Cox & Co
Extent: 4 sub-files
Scope and Content: Files relating to work carried out by Fawsitt on behalf of or in cooperation with the firm of Arthur Cox & Co. Originally comprised of one large file, four smaller files have been created, three containing records of specific cases which are well documented, and remaining records, mainly correspondence, which has been placed in chronological order.
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