Diarmaid L. Fawsitt Archive Section 1 Desc. List.

Descriptive List of the Personal Archive of Diarmaid L. Fawsitt

PR81/1/5 Industrial Development and Trade (1920s-1930s)

Reference: PR81/1/5/A/02/42


Reference: PR81/1/5/A/02/46


10 January 1928

15 February 1928



MS. Letter from D. (Donal Cronin), Cork Industrial Development Association, 25 St Patrick Street, Cork, to ‘Dear boss’ (Diarmaid Fawsitt, Dublin)

TS. Circular letters from M. O’Herlihy (Michael O’Herlihy), Secretary, Cork Industrial Development Association, 25 St Patrick Street, Cork, to ‘Dear Sirs’ (Diarmaid Fawsitt, Dublin) regarding Irish Month 1928


Extent: 4 pages


Scope and Content: Letter referring to a manuscript statement (not enclosed) which has been submitted in the case of Fawsitt and the Irish Industrial Development Association (I.I.D.A). Cronin states he has had a conversation with T.P.D. (Thomas Patrick Dowdall) regarding the matter and they have discussed the length of the statement. Cronin has offered to reduce the length of the statement however T.P.D. has retained the original and plans to speak to Fawsitt directly concerning the matter.


Extent: 7 pages


Scope and Content: Circular letters encouraging subscriptions to a planned ‘Irish Month’ in March of 1928. The letters set a plan of gaining 10,000 subscriptions to the planned event. The letters refer to 5 points, including ‘to wear the Irish Trade Mark Badge for the Month of March’, and ‘To buy only Irish made goods where procurable’. The initiative is to embrace all of Ireland and will make a special effort ‘to enrol the youth of the country in an industrial revival movement’.

Reference: PR81/1/5/A/02/43


14 January 1928


Reference: PR81/1/5/A/02/47


MS. Letter from Donal, Cork, (Donal Cronin, Cork Industrial Development Association, 25 St Patrick Street, Cork), to ‘Dear boss’ (Diarmaid Fawsitt, Dublin)

19 February 1928


MS. Letter from Donal, (Donal Cronin, Cork Industrial Development Association, 25 St Patrick Street, Cork), to ‘Dear boss’ (Diarmaid Fawsitt, Dublin)


Extent: 1 page


Scope and Content: Letter thanking Fawsitt for his assistance in editing or reviewing an article Cronin has written on local industries and asking for Fawsitt’s frank opinion on the piece.


Extent: 4 pages


Scope and Content: Letter referring to ‘Irish Month’ campaign by Cork Industrial Development Association to encourage promotion of Irish industry in March of 1928. Cronin believes that Powers of Dungarvan may have received a copy of their leaflet referring to Irish Month. Possibly refers to Thomas Power, cider manufacturer, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. Cronin finds it odd that an Irish manufacturer of Powers ‘brew’ should also be an agent for English manufacturers of the same ‘brew’. He believes the target of finding 10,000 subscribers to the Irish month campaign is ‘rather optimistic’ but that it may be a financial boost to the Industrial Development Association. Brief mention refers to a recent paragraph in the Cork newspaper the Echo, concerning an ‘Irish Products League’.

Reference: PR81/1/5/A/02/44


22 January 1928


MS. Letter from Donal, (Donal Cronin, Cork Industrial Development Association, 25 St Patrick Street, Cork), to ‘Dear boss’ (Diarmaid Fawsitt, Dublin)


Extent: 2 pages


Scope and Content: Letter again thanking Fawsitt for his assistance in editing or reviewing an article Cronin has written on local industries. Cronin refers to fact that O.H. (M. O’Herlihy) has received a letter from Sir Nugent Everard concerning a boycott of home grown tobacco leaf. Brief mention is made of letters forwarded to Nugent by the Red Abbey Tobacco Factory.

Reference: PR81/1/5/A/02/48


29 February 1928


MS. Letter from Donal, (Donal Cronin), Cork Industrial Development Association, 25 St Patrick Street, Cork, to ‘Dear boss’ (Diarmaid Fawsitt, Dublin)


Extent: 1 page


Reference: PR81/1/5/A/02/45


Scope and Content: Letter forwarding a letter to Fawsitt, no longer enclosed. Referring to ‘Irish Month’, Cronin has been kept busy and mentions they have had encouragement from a number of manufacturers including one unidentified manufacturer in Belfast.

11 February 1928


MS. Letter from Donal, Cork, (Donal Cronin, Cork Industrial Development Association, 25 St Patrick Street, Cork), to ‘Dear boss’ (Diarmaid Fawsitt, Dublin)


Extent: 4 pages


Scope and Content: Letter referring to Cronin’s article on local industries and Fawsitt’s assistance in editing the article. Cronin mentions that a local manufacturer of feather-down bed-quilts, C. Nolan & Sons Ltd has a grievance against the association (Cork Industrial Development Association). In relation to Cronin’s article, evidently now published, he laments ‘the perils attending writing on even simple matters in the most unexpected places’. In passing Cronin states he believes T.P.D. (Thomas Patrick Dowdall) has been avoiding him, and mentions a specific example where Cronin and Dowdall met at a lecture in the Cork School of Art, the lecture mentioned is one on local industries delivered by a Mr Holland (Michael Holland).



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