Descriptive List of the Personal Archive of Diarmaid L. Fawsitt
PR81/1/4/D Termination of Diarmaid Fawsitt’s Civil Service Employment and Reinstatement (1923 – 1934)
Reference: PR81/1/4/C/7/07
(May 1923) - 14 September 1923
Fragments of letters and envelopes from Mr R.A. Watson, Vice-President, American-European Finance Corporation, 120 Liberty Street, New York, to J.L. Fawsitt (Diarmaid Fawsitt), copy of Lindsay Crawford, Counsel General of Ireland, 119 Nassau Street, New York City
Reference: PR81/1/4/D
1923 - 1934
Termination of Diarmaid Fawsitt’s Civil Service Employment and Reinstatement Applications
Extent: 6 items (3 envelopes, 2 partial letters, 1 complete letter)
Scope and Content: Damaged letters in pieces and envelopes originally in a file labelled ‘American-European Finance Corporation’. The letters appear to relate to attempts made by Mr Watson to meet with Fawsitt while he is in New York. One of the envelopes is addressed to Fawsitt at ‘SS President Adams, Leaving New York’.
Extent: 168 items
Scope and Content: Significant set of papers belonging to Diarmaid Fawsitt, in the main correspondence concerning Fawsitt’s unofficial visit to the United States in the summer of 1923, and the subsequent termination of his employment in the civil service. Later correspondence is present concerning moves by Fawsitt and others to seek his reinstatement either in the same or in a new post in the civil service of the Irish Free State.
Reference: PR81/1/4/C/7/08
01 September 1923 - 03 September 1923
Newspaper cuttings from the Evening Telegraph with articles relating to the Dail Eireann election results
Reference: PR81/1/4/D/1
1 June 1923 - (November 1923)
Extent: 3 sheets
Unofficial United States Trade Mission and Termination of Diarmaid Fawsitt’s employment as Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Irish Free State
Scope and Content: Newspaper reports of results from the Dail Eireann election of 1923. Includes a table of ‘how the people voted’ by county, and a comparison of ‘Old Dail 1922-23’ members against ‘New Dail 1923’ members.
Extent: 26 items
Scope and Content: Papers originally enclosed in file belonging to Diarmaid Fawsitt marked ‘Dail 1923’, and ‘Mr Fawsitt’s Personal Papers’ (scored out). Folder printed on departmental paper, ‘Aireacht Um Tiuscal agus Trachtail’.
Reference: PR81/1/4/C/8
1923, 1926 (1953)
Title: Level:
Correspondence with Henry Ford & Son Limited
Extent: 22 items
Scope and Content: Correspondence with Henry Ford & Son Limited, concerning the effect of new customs duties on its business (1923), and Fawsitt’s attempts to secure work with or on behalf of the firm (1926). Also present is a copy of a printed address by Henry Ford II, President, Ford Motor Company, ‘The Free World Can’t Trade on a One-Way Street’ (17 February 1953). The 1923 correspondence is primarily with WR Grace, Managing Director, Henry Ford & Co, Cork, with both Fawsitt’s home address and Ministry of Industry and Commerce addresses being used. The 1926 correspondence is with CE Sorensen, Ford Automobile Co, Rouge River Works, Michigan, USA.
Reference: PR81/1/4/D/1/01
1 June 1923
Report from Diarmaid Fawsitt to Professor J.B. Whelehan on Private Visit to the United States and Irish-American Trade
Extent: 9 pages (5 copies)
Scope and Content: Typescript report titled ‘Report Submitted by Diarmaid Fawsitt on Certain Activities Engaged in By Him on the Occasion of a Recent Visit to U.S. America’, and headed Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Later communication confirms this report followed an ‘unauthorised’ and therefore unofficial series of meetings held by Fawsitt in the United States of America in the summer of 1923. Later communication also confirms that the report was submitted to a Professor Whelehan, working for Irish government. The report contains Fawsitt’s report of a number of engagements in New York City and Washington D.C., with Admiral Benson at the United States Shipping Board and Dr Julius Klein, head of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Subjects addressed include proposals to lease Haulbowline, Cork, and oil bunkering facilities for ships to a private US ship construction company for use as a ship repair yard for transatlantic shipping. Other subjects include the question of direct Ireland to US freight and passenger services, and the question of American investment in Irish tobacco factories.
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