Bandon Estate Office (Doherty and Jones)(Bound Volumes) U137

U137 Bandon Estate Office, Rentals and Other Volumes

©Cork City and County Archives 2013


Date: 1821 - 1877


Level : item Title: Life Assurance Confidential Statement Book Extent: c250 ff Scope and Content:

Volume of printed forms, Confidential Statements completed for numbered life assurance policies. The volume is indexed. At the top of each page is noted the policy number and date of the statement. Questions include name and address of the period for whom assurance is to be effected, their medical history, and other relevant matters. The annual premium and changes to the policy are noted at the bottom of each page. The information added in ink is now feint. The volume has no cover or spine, and the index is not attached to it. In acid-free box folder.


Date: 1826 - 1855


Level : item Title: Rent Book Extent: c150 ff Scope and Content:

Rent Book in respect of holdings in various locations, denomination names including Kilbrogan, Watergate, Carhugarriff and Ballinoroher, and also containing a record of other accounts and of some legal agreements. The landlord appears to be Joseph Thomas Wheeler of Bandon and Clonakilty. Most of the volume documents rents due and discharged, with each folio noting, at top, the name of the tenant and the name of the denomination/towland. Rent often partially paid in kind, eg, with wheat, or butter and eggs, as well as by promissory notes or other means. Towards the back of the volume, there is an account 'Butter and Eggs delivered since I came to reside in Clonakilty by Edward Barry, 1851'. Rental agreements, notices, and other accounts made by Wheeler occur in the remaining pages. Barry acted as bailiff for Wheeler, and witnessed many of the agreements noted. Present is a warrant issued by Wheeler to Barry empowering him to distrain off lands of Ballinoroher and Carhugariff (1847). Also present are proposals to rent land from Wheeler, with a line signed by the earl of Bandon stating 'I do accept of this proposal'. [Wheeler may be acting as a sub-landlord]


Date: 3 July 1837 - 23 February 1852


Level : item Title: Wages Book Extent: c200pp Scope and Content:

Volume recording payment of wages and one-off payments to estate employees and workmen. Entries are recorded under a stated date, and note employee/workman's name, a brief description of the work or service, payment monday to saturday, and total, with total payments for the day tallied at the end of the page. Also given at the end of the page is an abstract breaking down payments under the headings Farm, Garden, Stables, and Improvements. Eg, entries for 3 July 1837 (p1) include 'Ahern Pat, Ploughing Turnips' (1 shilling a day); 'Cronin, Mic, House 5, Farm 1 [ie, five

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