U137 Bandon Estate Office, Rentals and Other Volumes
©Cork City and County Archives 2013
Date: Undated [c1900]
Title: Level:
Rent Book
Scope and Content: Notebook with an index listing the names of all townlands in the eastern and western estates of the Earl of Bandon, and containing entries for each townland listing the rent received in respect of each. Tenant surnames are also usually recorded, but there is no detail on individual leases or denominations, and the entries are undated. The notebook may have been a record of total rents received, or liable to be received, at a particular time.
Date: 1817 - 1830
Title: Level:
Rent, Annuity, and Charge Book (J Sweete, Agent)
Extent: 92 ff Scope and Content:
Account Book recording accounts, primarily in respect of rents and annuities due [to the Earl of Bandon]. Each folio notes the payee's name, and details of payments due and received. Other payments include interests on loans, legal costs, and payments on bonds. Some later entries in the volume refer directly to the earl of Bandon and to John Sweete, his agent. Eg, folio 86, 'John Sweete with the Earl of Bandon as Agent, commenced from 1st day of July 1828 @ £1000 per annum'. Folio 86 records payments 'for attendance on the Hon Charles Bernard' [possibly a separate agency]. The volume is indexed. Inside the front cover are five enclosures, the first being two letters to Sweete regarding rent matters (1833, 1834), the next three being dated 1897, two regarding a holding in Ardprior, the last a civil bill case for the estate of Col GR Rothe. One Ardprior item is a memo from Doherty & Jones, Bandon Estate Offices, Bandon. [Sweete (Swete): see also U137/RL/B/001]
Date: 1877-1892
Title: Level:
Ledger, Head Rents and Charges
Scope and Content: Ledger recording head rents and charges of the earl of Bandon. These include, eg, (pp1-2) John McCarthy, Head Rent Ballintemple; (pp5-6) Lady Bernard, interest on charge under settlement 1809, under will of James earl of Bandon; (pp55-56) Representative Church Body, interest on mortgage; (pp69-70) Provident Life Assurance, assurance for loan security. Many of the pages are empty. The volume is indexed by name.
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