U137 Bandon Estate Office, Rentals and Other Volumes
©Cork City and County Archives 2013
Davis St to Bishop Coholan and Cork Diocesan Trustees by the representative of Michael McCormack (1943). Folio 176 contains a note of Cork Corporation vesting order, 1961. Much of the property concerned is in Blackpool, eg, Thomas Davis St, Assumption Road, Spangle Hill. The volume is indexed. [See also U137/RL/B/006 and U137/RL/B/013]
2 U137/RO Rentals Other(audited rentals and cash accounts, auction rentals)
Title: Level: Date:
Rentals, Annual Audited and Other (not rental ledgers)
1882 - 1904
73 annual rentals and cash accounts, 1 file in 25 parts, 2 loose accounts, 3 boxes)
Scope and Content: Series of rentals other than those maintained as ledgers. These include annual audited rentals and cash accounts, auction rentals, and other unbound rentals. These rentals were generally created for auditing or sale purposes, unlike the rental ledgers, which are working records of the estate as maintained by agents. Audited rentals and cash accounts contain the following fields: Denominations; Tenants' Names; Gale Days; Year's Rent; Rent and Arrears up to; Rent and Arrears Received (sub-fields: Poor Rate, Income Tax, Cash, and Total Received); Arrears up to; Allowances; and Observations. Observations are generally by the agent. Corrections and final approval by auditor occur at the end of the volume. A summary reconcilement by the auditor occurs at the end of most volumes. Some are described simply as cash accounts, but all have been placed in the same series, as they are similar and relate to the same audit process.
Auction rentals and other rentals occurring have not been fully listed.
Items in the present series are generally stored in boxes, unbound, or with soft covers. Full listing of all such rentals not completed (see ‘Scope and Content’, p3, above). Therefore, reference numbers are provisional. The series presently contains the following:
U137/RO/69 (audited rentals and cash accounts, 1882-1904; file with 25 parts)
U137/RO/82 (audited account, 1892-94; item)
U137/RO/85 (audited cash accounts, Bandon and other estates, 1890s; box)
U137/RO/95 (Earl of Montalt Half-Yearly Rental and Account, 1902-03; item)
U137/RO/B145 (cash/head rent accounts, 1885-98; box)
U137/RO/B156 (cash/head rent accounts, 1885-98; box)
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