Richard Dowden Papers Descriptive List




Dec. 1830

Level : file Title:

Daniel O'Connell Tribute

Extent: 2 items Scope and Content:

1. 17 Dec 1830 Printed notice from the committee for National Tribute Sunday for Daniel O'Connell MP, collection to be made at all Catholic Houses of Worship on 9 Jan 1831, to fulfill '...the debt of honour and justice'. Submitting plan for sanction of the Catholic clergy and appealing for parish committees to be formed. (1p)

2. Dec. 1830 Printed circular letter from William Murphy, Hayes Hotel, Dublin, Chairman of meeting to complete tribute to Daniel O'Connell MP. Regarding collection, appointment of collectors, etc. (2pp)




March - April 1831

Level : file Title:

Anti - Reform notices

Extent: 2 items Scope and Content:

1. 19 Mar 1831 Printed fragment of anti-reform handbill/notice, concerning resolutions passed at an 'Important Meeting' of the 'Poor Freemen of the City of Cork', at the Crown Tavern. Concerns '...deep indignation and dismay of the spoilatory and revolutionary project under the denomination of Reform introduced by His Majesty's Ministers... if that project be carried into law, the property and "vested interests" of our loyal and disinterested body will be grossly and outrageously violated' . Mentions the 'experience' of the Colthursts, Hutchinsons, Newenhams, Callaghans and Boyles regarding the excercise of 'our suffrages'. With list of those contributing to the House of Industry, and amounts given, as proof of 'noble minded generosity of our more wealthy Brother Freemen....'. etc. (1p)

2. 29 Apr 1831 Printed notice of resolution of 'numerous Meeting....Of Gentlemen hostile to the sweeping Measure of Reform', that Colonel Jonathan Peel is a fit and proper person to represent Cork in Parliament and that he be nominated. From Richard Wood, Secretary. (1p)





Level : file Title: Reform Extent: 3 items Scope and Content:

U140 Richard Dowden Papers Descriptive List

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