Richard Dowden Papers Descriptive List




July 1855

Level : series Title:

Letters from Elihu Burritt

Extent: 2 items Scope and Content:

1. 21 Jul 1855 MS. letter from Elihu Burritt, 35 Broad Street Buildings, London, to 'My dear Miss Dowden' (?possibly Susan Dowden]. They are thinking of having 'a little sylvan tea party', where she would be the special guest. (1p)

2. 28 Jul 1855 As above, hoping she reached home nicely and enjoyed the tea party. Many of the 'Olive [Leaf] members are out of town'. Thanks her for her animatory pieces of music. (1p)




Feb 1849

Level : item Title:

Note from Miss Burditt

Extent: 1p Scope and Content: MS. note; Miss Burditt has forwarded application on behalf of Mr.Mathew to her sister Ms. Coutt as requested.




7 Aug 1845

Level : item Title:

Declaration by Edmond Burke

Extent: 1p Scope and Content: MS. declaration sworn by Edmond Burke, merchant, to [Mayor Richard Dowden], to keep the peace towards Silver Charles Oliver Esq., William B.Hackett and Patrick Barry.

Incoming Correspondence: C - H




29 Aug [?c1860]

Level : item Title:

Letter from John, Bishop of Charleston

Extent: 1p Scope and Content:

MS. letter from John, Bishop of Charleston, 72 Grand Parade, Cork, to 'Dear Sir', Richard Dowden Esq. Responds to Dowden's kind note enclosing Mr. Martineau's letter. He has as yet only been able to note the principles of the objection made by that clergyman to receiving any state support. He hates the principle that a 'golden link' binding the clergy to the executive is dangerous to civil liberty and unserviceable to religion.

U140 Richard Dowden Papers Descriptive List

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