2. 17 May 1845 MS. note, as above, to Richard Dowden, Mayor of Cork. He will be happy to present Dowden's petition and he rejoices that Dowden's '...official influence is directed to the great questions of humanity'. (1p)
20 Oct 1846
Level : item Title:
Letter from Mazier Brady
Extent: 3pp plus envelope Scope and Content: MS. letter from Mazier Brady, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, to Richard Dowden, acknowledging letter and copy of 'The Inquiries', etc.
15 Aug 1848
Level : item Title:
Letter from John Bright
Extent: 2pp Scope and Content: MS. letter from John Bright, 14 St. James Square, to Richard Dowden, Morley's Hotel, Cork. Mentions subscription on behalf of Father Mathew. He is unable to contribute due to lack of means.
11 Dec 1830
Level : item Title:
Letter from Lord Brogham
Extent: 4pp Scope and Content:
MS. letter from Lord Brogham (b1778-d1868), Lord Chancellor, Dover, to 'Sir', Richard Dowden. He will be unable to attend a meeting on the 15th owing to judicial business. No one feels more than he does '...the necessity of better provision being made for the [people] as well as... Education...'. Refers to education improving the class above.
5 Sep 1848
Level : item Title:
Letter from John Browning
Extent: 1p Scope and Content:
MS. letter from Dr. John Browning, London, to 'My dear Sir', Richard Dowden. He has suffered too much from the commercial disasters of the last year to allow a contribution [possibly to the Father Mathew Fund]; he did his best in committee and estimates, but failed.
U140 Richard Dowden Papers Descriptive List
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