Richard Dowden Papers Descriptive List




14 Nov. ?1848

Level : item Title:

Note from [Lord Ashburton]

Extent: 1p Scope and Content: MS. note from [Lord Ashburton], The Grange, [Ailesford], to 'Sir', Richard Dowden. He is happy to subscribe £5 to the Father Mathew fund.




1848 - ?1860

Level : series Title:

Letters from Lord Bandon

Extent: 3 items Scope and Content:

1. 14 Jul 1848 MS. letter from 'Lord Bernard', Holyhead, to Richard Dowden. Refers to Dowden's letter re. sum from trustees for promotion of agricultural education in Munster. Allows his name to be added to the memorial for funds to the Lord Lieutenant, etc. (3pp) 2. 11 Oct 1848 MS. letter from [Lord Bandon], Castle Bernard, to 'My dear Sir', Richard Dowden. He thinks the place of having a lecture on chemistry in Bandon a very good one, and a memorial to the Dublin Society is at present being signed in Bandon. If agricultural chemistry was included, it may lead to a better system of farming. (3pp) 3. nd [?1860s] MS. letter from Lord Bandon to Richard Dowden. Apologises for not attending the promenade at the Athenaeum. His family are afraid of his exposing himself to the night air in the very cold weather. (2pp)




13 Jul 1859

Level : item Title:

Note from Dowager Lady Bandon

Extent: 1p Scope and Content: Note on behalf of Dowager Lady Bandon, Castle Bernard, Bandon, enclosing the remaining note. (Possibly refers to a donation to a cause or charity).




7 June 1838

Level : item Title:

Letter and note from Robert Ball

Extent: 3pp Scope and Content:

1. MS. letter from Robert Ball, Dublin (naturalist, librarian, b1802 - d1857) to 'Dear Sir', Richard Dowden. He introduces Mr. Warren, '...a practical naturalist whose collection of Nature Birds and

U140 Richard Dowden Papers Descriptive List

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