Richard Dowden Papers Descriptive List


MS. Letterbook and scrapbook

Extent: c200pp Scope and Content:

MS. volume containing in the first section copy letters by Richard Dowden relating to Cork Mechanics Institute, County and City of Cork liberal club, petitions to parliament in London re. land issues. Also, letter to Father Mathew, president of the Cork total abstinence society, re. death of brother (17 Sep 1844). Remainder of volume comprises newscuttings re. excessive emigration, the Yezidis sect, evolution of grass, savings banks, Lord Talbot of Malahide, art unions, income tax, public health, Mr. Gough first oration, the use and abuse of tobacco, temperance, etc. At rear of volume, notes towards an essay on penal mores of lessening crime (1839), and notes re. dispute in Bandon., etc.




3 and 11 Aug 1844

Level : file Title:

Letters from Richard Dowden to Daniel O'Connell

Extent: 4pp Scope and Content:

1. 3 Aug 1844 MS. letter from Richard Dowden, Rathlee, Sundays Well, Cork, to 'My Dear Sir', Daniel O'Connell MP, requesting 3 autographs for '...a very pretty girl who is good and Irish in hear heart and mode of feeling...', and '...young lady disciples'. Also compliments O'Connell's character and cause. Notes that 'our friend the Mayor is very sensitive and the Revd. Mr. Sullivan forgets sometimes that obedience to the church does not in every notion go into civil things...', etc. (4pp) 2. 11 Aug 1844 MS. letter from Richard Dowden to Daniel O'Connell MP. Thanks him for the autographs. Refers to repeal campaign, O'Connell's imprisonment, which '...has done twenty years work in leading us to full... nationality', the desirability of legislative independence, mentions example of Canada, etc. (6pp)

Incoming Correspondence: A - B




1 Apr 1842

Level : item Title:

Letter from Richard Allen

Extent: 2pp Scope and Content:

MS. letter from Richard Allen (b1803 - d1886), [Anti-Slavery Association], Dublin, to Richard Dowden, Cork. He introduces Doctor Madden, a valued friend in the anti-slavery cause. He hopes '...your Committee will get together [and] do your best to support Anti-Slavery by firmly standing by his side in repelling the foul attacks made on him by slave traders under the disguise of British Merchants...'. With vignette image of coloured woman slave in chains and inscription "AM I NOT A WOMAN AND A SISTER?".

U140 Richard Dowden Papers Descriptive List

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