Level : file Title:
Scrapbook Page
Extent: 9 items Scope and Content: 1848 Poster for Queen's Royal Theatre, Dublin. Invisible Prince, H. Bedford, A, Young, Miss Julia St.George, Roll of the Drum, Advice Gratis!, etc. (1p)
1848 Notices of meetings; Borough of Cork. (5 items)
nd Handbill re. 'The North Star', edited by Frederick Douglass, former slave, weekly newspaper, advocating universal emancipation. (1p)
nd Newsclipping, [address to] George William Frederick.... Clarendon [Lord Lieutenant General], re. imprisonment of William Smith O'Brien and others under sentence of death for high treason. (1p)
nd Advertisement for books by Mrs. A. Nicholson of New York on sale at Patrick Street, including 'Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger' based on travels in 1844-5. (1p)
Level : item Title:
Scrapbook Page
Extent: 50 x 49 cm Scope and Content:
Poster, 'THE CHOLERA ATTACKS... The debilitated; the sufferers from deficient and unwholesome food; from bad and dirty Clothing; and from ill-aired, damp, and crowded Dwellings. FROM THESE LOW DENS Cholera heaves upward.... THIS ATMOSPHERE OF MOST TERRIBLE DISEASE, Seems to roll towards us... From its birth-place of filth and dissoluteness in the East; let us, obeying the laws of nature, and of nature's God, be SOBER, VIRTUOUS, CLEANLY....'. A christmas caution for 1848. Possibly from Temperance Institute/Richard Dowden. Printed by J.Higgins, 28 Marlboro Street, Cork.
Level : item Title:
Scrapbook Page
Extent: 50 x 49 cm Scope and Content:
Poster issued by Richard Dowden, Mayor, and Vice President of the Temperance Institute, re. Cholera, which 'KILLS OFF The Drunkards and the Dissolute...The Filthy and the Foul, in mind and body....I hereby request the intelligent and humane citizens of Cork, to discourage the unmanly, absurd and probably superstitious practice of Killing Wrens at Christmas....'. Advocates refusing demands for money from the [Wren Boys], 'who annually disgrace our streets', and the enjoying of moral, rational and healthful amusements, excursions with temperance bands, tea parties, etc.
U140 Richard Dowden Papers Descriptive List
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