[1843] Notice of meeting, Cuvierian Society. (1p)
4 Apr 1843 Notice of meeting, Cork Anti-Slavery Society committee. (1p)
25 Aug 1843 Circular letter from Thomas Lyons and James Daly, treasurers, proposal for monument to John England late Bishop of Charleston. (1p)
nd Handbill announcing extraordinary meeting of burgesses at People's Hall regarding amendments proposed by Mr. Hayes re. extinction of the Corporation. (1p)
nd Advertisement for list of tracts published by National Complete Suffrage Union, London. (1p)
9 Nov 1843 Notice of meeting, Cork Trades Association and People's Hall. (1p)
Level : item Title:
Scrapbook Page
Extent: 8 items Scope and Content: 1843 Advertisement for Annals of County and City of Cork, transactions of British Association, in the press. (1p)
24 Feb 1843 MS. letter from 'Michal hinesy'[Michael Hennessy], Cullan. Refers to order of vinegar. (1p)
nd Handbill advertising grand subscription sale by raffle of stuffed birds of paradise at Imperial Clarence Room by J.Thom and Co. (1p)
Dec. 1842 Handbill advertising musicians 'The Original Waits L.D.V.P. of the United Parishes of St.Giles & St. George, Boomsbury'. (1p)
22 Aug 1843 Handbill, Borough of Cork municipal elections, liberal burgesses of Lee Ward requested to recollect that all rates and taxes must be paid to qualify for the vote, '...otherwise...Tory Candidates may get elected through such apathy'. (1p)
29 Apr 1843 Notice of meeting, Repeal Committee at People's Hall to pay tribute to the Great Liberator at Chamber of Commerce. (1p)
nd Notice of meeting, committee for est. of provincial college in Munster (1p)
13 Apr 1843 Summons from James Morgan, Sherriff of Cork City for attendance of Dowden at Grand Jury Sessions of the Peace and General Gaol Delivery. (1p)
Level : item Title:
Scrapbook Page
U140 Richard Dowden Papers Descriptive List
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