Richard Dowden Papers Descriptive List

Party and the Tory Party, Attorney employed by the Liberal Party, names and addresses of persons active, etc (1p)

nd Advertisement for Rowland's Kalydor preparation for the skin. (2pp)

nd Poems 'The National Gallery' and 'Cupid's Complaint', referring to Mechis shaving paste. (2 items)





Level : file Title:

Scrapbook Page

Extent: 4 items Scope and Content: 19 Sep 1836 Poster for public breakfast at the Temperance Hotel, 2 Great Georges Street, Cork, proprietor Florence McCarthy. (1 item) [c1832] Poster for grand farewell concert at Theatre Royal by Mr.Thalberg. With list of pieces to be performed, and names of performers including overtures by the band of the 1st Royal Dragoons. (1p)

15 Jul 1834 MS. letter from Thomas Couch to 'Gentlemen', offering his services as a smith. (1p)

15 Jan 1838 Notice of meeting of the Cork Trades Association, Millerd Street, Hammond's Marsh. Note refers to £200 election fund to build trades hall. (1p)





Level : file Title:

Scrapbook Page

Extent: 6 items Scope and Content: nd Notice of meeting of Cuvierian Society for the Promotion of Natural Science at Royal Cork Institution, from William [O'Donnell] MD. (1p)

15 Apr 1837 Notice of meeting of building committee of the Cork Library Society from William Kelleher, Secretary. (1p)

nd Handbill from J.Wilson, Professor of Phrenology, inviting visits to 2 South Mall to obtain a phrenological assessment (1p)

March 1830 (Blank) certificate of oath before Justice of the Peace, County of the City of Cork, of freeholder professing the Roman Catholic religion, to enable him to vote at election for member of parliament. (1p)

nd Extract from chronology of history of medieval Europe 1350-1400. Also advertisement with list of publications of DA Talboy, Oxford. (1p)

U140 Richard Dowden Papers Descriptive List

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