City of Cork Steampacket Company Archive Descriptive List


City of Cork Steam Packet Co Ltd

U370/B/039 Dividend Book recording half-yearly payment of dividends, 1916-18.

U370/B/040-041 Company Investment Books, noting date, stock, amount, stock sold, dividends received, value, and apparent profit/loss. 1889-1921.

U370/B/042-057 are files relating to the administration of shares, including transfers, dividends, investments, and related matters, 1926-1936.

U370/B/058, the final item, is a set of printing plates for Company share certificates, probably from 1871.





11 Sep 1871 - 10 Aug 1880


Register of Members, 1871 - 1880

Level: item Extent: 218 ff Scope and Content:

Entries sealed on shares totalling 20,000, eg, folios 29 and 58, signed by Ebenezer Pike, 19 Aug 1873 and 12 Aug 1875. This first volume was lastly stamped and signed as sealed by chairman Ira Ryan on 10 August 1880 [folio 215. A few entries follow up to f219].




3 Oct 1881 - 18 July 1887


Register of Members, 1881 - 1887

Level: item Extent: 220 ff Scope and Content:

Register of Members of the City of Cork Steam Packet Company (shareholders). The last entry in the volume recording registration of share ownership is dated 18 July 1887 (f220). The last signing and sealing by the chairman is dated 10 August 1886, with an aggregate of 20,000 being balanced with 'distinctive numbers' (of shares) worth £240,000 (f214).




8 Aug 1887 - 6 Sep 1892


Register of Members, 1887 - 1892

Level: item Extent: 269 ff Scope and Content:

Register of Members of the City of Cork Steam Packet Company (share holders). The final few entries, including the last dated 6 September 1892, are marked as transferred to new register. The present volume is signed as sealed by the chairman on 9 August 1892. Inserted beside this is a form from the Companies' Registration Office dated 29 August 1892 acknowledging receipt of a return of summary of capital and list of members of the company, up to 23 August (f269).

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