bought or sold, shall pay for a tax or benevolence unto the use of the Corpo- ration, over and above the price and value of such commodoties the sums underwritten, and that all those that are not free of the Guildhall of the City shall pay the old Custom called po~ntadg, said sum to be paid over every Saturday by the collector to the Chamberlayn, in the presence of the Mayor, to the use of the works aforesaid. .And that no mutton, veale, sal- mon, and peale shall pay any part of the said tax, except such as shall come to be sold, and that every fortnight two shall be appointed to collect at the North gate, and two at the South gate, and two at the Marine gate. The dwellers in the city and fraunchess not to be liable to this new tax, and they pay no more but the old pountadg, as formerly they did. 9 Dec., 1617. .As the revenue of the City is grown short, and the perquisites belonging to the Porters and Sergeants at Mace is more than formerly, It is agreed that they shall have no allowance for their liveries which was here~ofore payable upon Michrelmas Eve, and also the Porters for the time being shall keep up the ·rails of the bridges, and mend all small work of the bridges. 15 Jan., 1617. John .Arthoure is chosen Chamberlayn for this year. Mr. Domk. Roch, .Ald., and Edmond Morogh, are sureties for said John .Arthoure. It was agreed that whatsoever Merchant or Freeman of this City, who shall buy the Sack now brought to Mr. Bates, shall pay to the use of the Corporation out of every butt or pipe 30s. ster., unless said wines be bought as a common bargain in Court, and it was then agreed on, if any freeman shall help any foreigner or stranger to buy the said wines from Bates, he shall pay the like custom out of every such pipe or butt bought by any foreigner or stranger. 15 May, 1618. As Mr. John Coppinger is behind of 24 pounds ster. which he laid out in defence of the Charter, the Corporation being brought in question by Quo Warranto in the Exchequer, and for that he is to lay out for a motion this Easter term, in said Exchequer, a double Jacobus and 11s. ster., for
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