. PERAMBULATION OF THE BOUND~IES OF THE CO. OF THE CITY OF CORK. 51 two.tuns to be paid out of said moiety, and for better security we, the Mayor, &c., promise to pass to said Patrick a common seal for the said tuns under our hands, provided that so much of his money as shall dis· charge the arrear ofmortmayn lands shall be paid for same. 10 Sep., 1614. That the Mayor being by commandment sent for to Dublin, and the Serjeant at Arms sent for him and the Sheriffs, Mr. John Coppinger, Ald., is appointed deputy in his absence, and is to have ten pounds towards his charges for the entertainment of the Lords of Assize, and the Sheriffs have appointed their Deputies, viz., the Sheriff Goold, William Tyrry, and the V Sheriff Gallwey, Patrick Lewallyn. · 4 It was agreed that John Moinyhane shall be ever hereafter exempted from the office of Sheriff of this City in consideration of ten pounds ster. paid by him to the Corporation, and accordingly the Cammon Seal wa.s given him, and his entry to be as effectual as any other entry put do.wn for Richard Goold or Patrick Nashe, likewise exempted. . Mr. Thomas Goold fz. George is sworn free, and immediately after Coun· sellor of said City, to have his place as others of his rank. Indenture made at Oorke, 15 July, '7 year of King James, Witnesseth, &.c. That whereas ·the said King by Charter did ordain that the City of Corke should for ever be a free City, hath gTanted to the said Mayor, &e., all the houses, lands, watercourses, &c., extending from the outward part of the walls of said City of Corke of either side by the space and ~rcuit of three miles should be the liberties, &c., of said City of Corke, aD:d should be a distinct county, separate from the Co. of Corke, to be measured from the outward parts of the walls, and with great stones, or other notorit>US signs ahd tokens in perpetuity to continue to be boUllded and limited for ever within one year after the date of said ·letters patent or. charter, by Sir Dominick Sarsfield, Knt., one of his Majies. Justices of high peace in Ireland, Edward Harris, Esq., Chief Justice of the Province of Munster, Sir Parre Lane, Knt., Henry Gosnold, Esq., second J ustiee of said Province, and Sir Edmond FitzGerald, Knt., said bounds to be reduced by writing indented 7-2
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