THE MAYOR TO PROVISION H.M. SHIP ADVANTAGE. 13 the Court, viz., lOs. to the Sheriff Gowld, which he formerly paid to a ·guide for Dublin, and the rest bestowed as a charitable donation from the ·Corporation upon certain poor men. There was delivered at that time the counterpaune of the indentures of the bounds of the co. of the City, whereof .the other counterpaune remaineth in the Chancery in record ; there was also delivered at Court an order in the Exchequer, procured under the Chief Baron's hand, for the fines and amercements upon the citizens for :entering a plea for the Corporation for the same and surceasing of process, and as well a rule for answering the Fee Farms, an execution against Wolnerstoune, and a process against Roberts, out of the King's Bench, with other papers remaining with Mr. Mayor, together with the rule of the .fines procured in Dublin. 8 Jan., 1609. Adam Gowld fz. Patrick is admitted to his freedom, in consideration of 13s. 4d. which he released out of the 20s. lent by him, in Mr. Thomas Sarsfeld's year, to Mr. John Coppinger and David Gowld, being then col- lectors, so that there is due to him 6s. Sd., which is allowed and paid in the behalf of the freedom of John Cleere, who paid 20s. more, 4 Sep., 1610 [sic]. 10 Jan., 1609. It was agreed on, by the Mayor, &c., assembled at Court, that towards ·the buying of victuals, amounting to the sum of ·260 pounds ster., for the provision of His Majy's. ship called the Advantage, whereof Sir William St. John is Captain,.by virtue of letters in that behalf to the Mayor and · Corporation directed by the Vice-President and the Treasurer, Sir Thomas Ridgwey, there shall be so much money taken up of such of the merchants of this City, as have shops or standings within the same, they receiving payment in England by virtue of the Treasurer, his bill of exchange, with allowance of two shillings in the pound from the Corporation, and also good security for receipt of said moneys. · And the Mayor, &c., to commit the bodies of such merchants as will refuse to pay their portion, and their shops to be sealed up till the same be pay'd. 12 Jan., 1609. Jasper Lawallyne is admitted to his freedom this day, in consideration of the ~.u.m of 20 shi11ings~ which Sheriff Roch is to be charged with.
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