Portumna, 25 .Aug., 1635. We pray Sir Faithful Fortescue and Sir Robert Farret to certify us their opinions of what they shall think fit to be done upon this petition. WENTWORTH.
26 .Aug., 1635.
May it please yor. Lops.
We conceive it good reason that the Corporation should give con- tentment to the officers and soldiers for the year past, after the rate of nine pence each soldier per week, according yor Lops. order and custom in other cities and towns, if the inhabitants afford not the soldiers competent lodg- ing ; and we think it reasonable that the Lieutenant should, if he have not a convenient lodging befitting such an officer, and a chamber or room to keep the munition and spare arms for the company safe, have three shillings ster. per week in lieu thereof, which is four private soldier's billets, and that the inferior officers should likewise have billet-moneys proportionably ac- cording their degrees, but we think it not reason that either Captain, officer, or soldiers should have billet-money longer than they reside in gar- rison, if they be absent upon their own private imployment above one month. This humbly we offer, according yor Lordship's commands that. Yor Lops. most humble Servants, FAITH. FORTESCUE, ROBERT F ARRET. Portumna, 27 .AugU8ti, 1635. If the townsmen of Corcke shall not afford the officers and soldiers good and convenient lodging, with what otherwise hath been usual, then the Mayor and Sheriffs of Corcke are required to afford for to prime resident officers, mz., the Lieutenant and Ensigne, the sum of three shillings ster., by the week, and so to the rest of the officers a proportionable allowance to· wards their billets according to their degrees respectively, and as for the private soldier, he is to be allowed ninepence ster. per week, according to the purport of the annexed certificate, which we do both ratify and confirm, and which the Mayor and Citizens of Corcke are required to fulfil and :Perform, or otherwise to appear before us to show cause to the contrary. WENTWORTH.
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