this traitor that he shoald have his arms and thighs broken with a sledge and hanged '-· in chains so was here executed without the m>r!h gate of Co 0 rk. d 1598. Ormond writing to the Queen from Y oughal 21 ct 1598 recommen s to Bend 3000 men to Cork with munition, victuals and money to suppress this most wicked .rebellion with fire, sword and other extremities. 1598, Oct. 21. James Sarsfield Mayor of Cork to the P. C. "Patrick Galwey fitz Edward of Cork Ald. put in trust by the Corporation of this City to make suit to her .Majesty for pay of 220 li. due to the inhabitants for maintenance of soldiersz and to bestow such money as he should receive, in powder &c for the defence of tne city. \ Most of the undertakers have for fear of the rebels, and especially those of Kerry ., come to this city for refuge after being spoiled, men, women and ~hildren, of the very .clothes from their backs to the great grief of all loyal subjects. 1598, Oct. 23. Sir Thomas Norreys writing from Cork states " that the White Knight, Patrick Condon, John Barry brother to Lord Barry and David son of Lord. .Roche have all been with the traitors.'' 1598, Oct. 28. Arthur Hyde writing from Cork to the P. C. says, "after the Ulstet" .rebels had entered the co. Limerick, the Munster rebels rose immediately a.nd made ~port with fire and sword upon all English subjects at which time my wife with her' children fled to Cork escaping their hands being assisted by Lord .Barry, which morn- ing the .rebels took all th.e Castles on my lands and my English tenants. But my wife having left a ward in my castle for defence with all my goods therein which were preserved till the 19 of the month on which I landed from England at Y oughal. on which day the new proclaimed Earl of Desmond &c assaulted the Castle with shot, burned the town by it with the houses and corn, and the top of the Castle, mined ~ the wall, the warder died of his·wounds and the Castle was compelled to yield. 1601. Sir George Carew toP. C. "To strengthen this town of Cork I have been ef late casting up certain earth works, but that your Lordship may know that I have .a care of her Majies. purse, the charge thereof is defrayed, tho' unwillingly yielded unto, by the town and country, each of these affording me 200 labourers, the Queen being at no other charge than the use of her sbov.els and spades." 1601, Christmas Eve. As the news of the Victory at Kinsale reached Cork in the evening with commandment to pray in their churches bonfires were made all along , the streets but very slenderly furnished with three stick;: across upon many of them. "t-- The townsmen walked by troops of 3, 4, 5, with very sad countenances so I cannot conclude whether they do more rejoice or grieve for that worthy victory. State 1602. Sir G. Carew to P. C. "The 21 April is the day assigned for the Papers Army to rise from Cock, which though it be strong in colours, yet in per- . • sons able to march exceeding weak, and now to my exceeding grief, the sickness falls upon the old men, so as I fear when my greatest force is gathered together of En~lish, Irish and all, I shall·not be able to carry 1600 men into the field &c. In the defence Otnre river at Cork the lord Deputy twice took an exact view and found it ll1l et that at the entry of the harbour on the west side the·work begun in King Edwards time and now revived should be perfected, and likewise in an Island called Haleboline a fort should be raised.'' State 1602, Cork, Aug. 6. Carew to Montjoy. "That irregular work yonr · Papers. Lordship saw at the south end of COI'ke, first i.ittended ior no other end than a poor entrenchment for a retreat, is now ra.J.s~d to a great height· equal or .above all the grounds about it, and so reinforced with a strong rampart as a :powerf~l enemy shall not carry it in haste, and whilst that work holds out it shall be 1mposs1ble for an enemy to lodge near that end of the town. The work is great, the Queens charge in erecting it nothing." State 1~02, Aug. 11. Carew to P. C. "The fortifications at Kynsale and Hale· Papers. ~oline want no hands, bu~ the nature ~f the ground where they are erected · 1s s~ rocky as the works nse slo'YlY Wlth great expense and waste of tools, and my doubt lS that before they can be fimshed, the enemy will be here." State 1602, Nov. 3. Car~w to the Lord Treasurer, Cork. "The largest quan- tity of our victuals consists of fish and that so ill conditioned that it l'apers.
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