Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



lords person ye shall to the uttmes~ of your power let and resis.t the same, and that with all diligence P?ssible ye shall g~ve knO\ylege therof to our said Soverayne lord or to his depute and ylfi ye may not, ye shall g1ve knowlegE) thereof unto oon of our sayd Soverayne lords Counsell next unto you whereby his Majesty may be sonest adver- . tised of the same. · Also ye shall humbly and mekely obey the Kyngs commandements and them ob- serve to your power. Also ye shall not assent to the dishenherityng of our said Sove- r.ayn lord the Kyng in eny of his rightes, but to your power ye shall ayde and assiste our said Soverayne lords, officers within this his cite of Corke and the fraunchesies of the same to Ievie, rese and perteyne our Soverayn lordes duetiestFthat is to say, his. rentes, revenues and all his custumes. Also ye shall ke_pe this the Kyngs cite truly to the best of your yower to the Kings use and his depute lieutenantfor the tyme beyng, and that ye shal not make eny bond or promyse with eny other lord, Gentilman 01' eny other persone to the hurt prejudice or let of the same. .Also ye shall truly kepe our said Soverayn lord the Kings peace, and that ye shall make no querell, debate nor stryff with eny of your neyghbours ne eny other ihe Kyngs subjetts for eny matter or cause, had, moved or dependyng before this betwixt you and eny of them, but that ye shall peasibly and quyetly entrete your said neigbours and demeane yourselves in every behalf accordyng to our sayd Soveragn lords lawes. And for the more larger assurance in observyng and kepyng all and every article expressed in the forsaid othe. We whose names be herondre subscribed put to this writyng our several! seales, and shall delyver our sufficient pleggs into the hands of our said lord depute with hym to remayne duryng our said Soverayn lordes pleasere. Johannes Water, Mauricius Roche Armig. Thomas Thopeii, Edmundus Tyrry, ~ Johannes Lawallyn, Jacobus Myagh, Willielmus Golys, Edmundus Golys, Willielmus Tyrry, Geraldus Golys, Ricardus Galwey, Dionisius Mengane, Willielmus Maghen, ~ Phili_ppus Sareswell, David L,.waUyn, Patricius Creagh, Petrus Copener, David Mar- tell, Robertus Tyrry, Ricardus Tyrry, Willielmus Whyte, Philippus Tyrry, Edmundus ~· Roche, Johannes Lyan, Ricardus Maghon, Frater Willielmus Nele, Ricard~ T.awa}lYn, Philippus Water, Thomas Skiddy, Johannes Skiddy, Dominus fitz 'ers TyrY,y, Ricardus Morowe, Johannes Maghon, Oliverus Tyrry, Johannes Roche, Roulandus Tyrry, David fitz John Law_:sU!yn, Nicolaus Skyddy, Johannes fitzWilliam Skyddy, Edmundus Staunton, Davidl."\fyagh. Edmundus Martell, Proposit'lts de Kynsale, Johannes Gallwey, de eadem, Johannes Martell de eadem, et Leonardus Nasshe de eadem." (There are 41 small seals of green wax·remaining pendant to this document, with the Mayor of Cork's seal in the middle. Obv. The arms of the city "a ship beneath an arch having a :flag displayed on the top of the mast with a plain cross.between two bastions or towers, from one of which an archer is directing an arrow,towards the other on which is a man blowing a trumpet. Rev. Three lions passant guardant within an arched tressure with a wreath of oak leaves. The small seals are. mostly imp1essed with initials and a few with roses.) · St te 1548 J~y 2~. "The Mayor &c to Sir Edwd Bellingham Dep. of ~apers Ireland. This poor city standeth in marsh ground environed with fierce · . water streams that beateth down now and then our walls and towers, which we do build daily, that we do not fear all the Irishmen in Ireland, and English rebels also if there be any such, as for news we hear of our neighbour of Kinsale, · there is a big ship of three tops there at the havens mouth of the number of 50 men, well appointed for the war out of St.. Maloes, bound for Galway laden with Gascoyne and Spanish wines, for to receive of those at Galway 15 lasts of hides, whiclt they owe unto them. Richard Styvens late Constable of Dungarvan has been killed by ............. OSwelwan-bere with a skeyne." St te 1548,Aug..27. The. M~yor &c. to Sir Edw. Bellingham. "Whereas Edmond l>a ers Tyrrye bayliff of this city one of the best young men here, last week com- · P • plained to the Earl of Desmond of certain lands holden from him by the_ Barries, whereupon the Earl delivered said Edmond into·the hands of Lord Barrymore _ to minister right unto him, whom he took to his Parliam~nt in his own country holden

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