Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

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1222. Nov. 13. The King (inter alia) commit~ the custody of the city of Cork to Henry Abp. of Dublin, and commands his bailiffs and subjects as well English as Irish, to be intentive to the Abp. as the Kings bailiff. 1223. June 3. The King to the Abp. of Dublin, Justiciary of Ireland, as Thomas Fitz Anthony has not come to the King with the charter of King John touching the. custody of Cork Des. [Decies] and Desmond, whereof he has detained some of the Kings escheats, the King commands the Justiciary to take those lands with their . castles into the Kings hand, and io deliver the custody thereof during pleasure to John Marshall 1226. Aug. 19. The King to the Justiciary. The Prior of Cork represents that whereas he holds a mill and 2 burgages in Cork of the gift'of King John when Earl of Morton, Thomas Fitz Anthony, to whom the same King afterwards committed on lease the county of Cork, disseisid him. Mandate that the Justiciary exhibit justice to the Prior by assise of novel disseisin, unless th.e mill and burgages are in the Kings demesne. 1232. Aug. 1. The King commits to Peter de Rivall, for life, the custody of the city of Cork, mandate to Hubert de Burgh to cause seisin thereof to be given to Peter, mandate to the men of the vill to be intentive and respondent to Peter. 1234. Nov. 21. Licence to Richard Curteis, burgess of Br1stol, to ship at Cork 100 quarters of wheat and 100 quarters of oatmeal for export to England. Mandate to the Justiciary that he is not to be impeded. · . 1234-35. Feb. 12. Gilbert Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, asserts that the ship called 'La Gundewyn', arrested in the port of Cork, because suspected of coming from hostile lands, is his ship, and the King credits his assertion. Mandate to the Justiciary of Ireland to allow the ship freely to proceed whither.ordered by the Earl. 1297. June 15. To the receivers for the victualling of the King of England in .' Gascony William de Moenes Chamberlain of the Exchequer in Dublin &c Greeting ·! we send to you for the support of the army of the King in Gascony from the vii of ) Cork in the ship which is called" the Snake,'' whose master is Simon le White, 140 quarters of com, London measure. Given at Cork &c. 1499:·Nov. 23. John Water Mayor of Cork was hanged and quartered Ann Is with Pe~ken W, arbeck at Tyb~rn, and their heads fi~ed on London Bridge. otEng. ' Conclusive eVIdence that this young man was Richard of York, has not p. 279, · come down to us. "He arrived in Ireland in the company of one Pregent Meno a Breton in whose service he was. When he landed in Cork, because he was arrayed in some clothes of Rilk of his master, the men of the town insisted that he was the son of the Duke of Clarence, which he denied, they next declared him to be the natural son of King Richard, which also he denied, but they to be revenged u_pon the King of England promised to aid and assist him if he would style himself Richard Duke of York, and thus against his will they made him learn English, and taught him what he should say and do." Lord Bacon says, that the Mayors son also suffered with him. Shortly Vol. v. after the following oath of allegiance was administered to the leading citi- p. 155. zens of Cork whose names are appended. . 1500. Oct. 15. The othe of the citesyns and cres of the cite of Cork Hibernia and the towne of Kynsale made unto our So!erayn lord K~g henry the Bag. vii the xv day of October the yere of the Reigne of our sa1d Sovera,rne s. P.o. the lord xiiii before the right noble lord Gerald Erie of Kyldar depute lieu- tenant of Ireland and the Kynges Counsell of the same, ye shal.J. swere by the holy Sacrament here present and by you bodil.f touched, and by all the holy 'l<.eliques that be here that ye shall well and truly from hensforth observe and kepe all and every article that hereafter foloweth.

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First ye shall be true and feithful subjet unto our Soverayne lord Kyng henry the vii by the grace of God Kyng of England and of France and lord of Ireland, and to his only begotyn heyres kyngs of England duryng your lyfe natural accordyng to the duete of your diligeance. Also yifi ye shall.knowe eny treason or eny other hurte towards our said Soverayne



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