George Tyrry, All., to the said Robert, then Common Speaker of the City, and to the use of the Corporation; for the receipt thereof we do acknow- ledge and do for ever acquit said Robert, his heirs, &c. 7 Feb., 1623. Thomas Martell and George Morroghe, gen., sworn Councillors paying 10li. ster. James Lombard :fitz James and James Karney, now Sheriffs, were sworn Councillors, each paying Sli. ster., on condition if they should be deposed of their place of Shirivealty before the expiration of their year .they shall pay 40s. ster. on demand. 12 April, 1625 (sic). The above Lombard and Karney have satisfied the Corporation with the overplus which they were to pay the Corporation for their Councillorship upon their deposal 21 Feb., 1623. It is agreed that in consideration of 28li. ster. paid by John Miagh fz. Thomas, mercht., be admitted a Councillor, and is to have the station of Sheriff next after James Lombard and James Karney, but not to underg~ the duty or office unless he voluntarily yield hereunto. 15 March, 1623. Richard. Roch :fitz John, gen., and David Martell fitz Philip, gen., for valuable considerations by them paid to supply the wants of the Corporation, were sworn Councillors, and to have the place of Sheriff, but not to be called to the office unless they voluntarily yield thereto. 21 April, 1624. It is agreed by the Maior, &c., th~t as George Tyrry, of Cork, Ald., hath paid into the hands of Edward Roch fz. Edmond, Common Speaker, the sum of 5li. ster., for to supply the present want of the City,. and the em- ployment of an agent now in Dublin, soliciting of a point of Charter of Guagershipp, In consideration thereof wee, the Mayor, &c., have sold George Tyrry, Ald., two hogsheads of ~ascoyne wines of his own adven- ture, being prisage wines and _due to the Corpoxation, so that the said wine 14-2
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