grounded upon direction of the Lord Deputy about special services, to bear his expenses, so that it is for the Corporation causes he is sent, otherwise the Mayor to be answerable for the said money. And also it is agreed that the Mayor for the time being shall not intermeddle with the prisage wines or other custom due to the Corporation, but with the consent of the Alder- men and the most part ot the brethren, it is intended that the Mayor shall receive 10li. ster., the overplus to be paid to the Chamberlain. John Roche, Maior. Rich. Connell, Vic. Edmond Murfiee, Vic. Edmo. Tyrrye, John Coppinger, Willm. Tyrry, And. Skyddy, Tho. Ronayne, John Arthour. 10 Sep., ~1623. James Miagh fz. Patrick sworn free paying only 20s., in regard he is a bailiff. James Draddy fz. Morris sworn free paying only 5 nobles, in regard he is a freeman's son. 12 Sep., 1623. Walter Whit fz. John is sworn free, paying 5 nobles. 6 Sep., 1623. Cur. Civ. Corck, tempore Johannis Roch, Armig. Maioris. Jacobi Lom- bard et Jacobi Karney, vicecom. ejusdem Civitatis. 13 Sep., 1623. Stephen .Gallwey fz. Geffrey, sworn Swordbearer. Domk. Roch fz. Edmond, gen., and Thomas Arthur, Serjeants at Mace. William Skiddy and Arthur Skiddy, Porters. Edmond Farris and Morris Goold, Petty Serjeants. 20 Sep., 1623. Edward Roch fz. Edward, Common Speaker. John Arthur, Chamberlain. Edmond Tyrry, Ald., and Will. Goold, Ald., Overseers. 27 Sep., 1623. James Curttane, and John How, Drummers. Edward Skiddy, Pilott George Wise and Henry Carrington, Yeomen to the Sheriffs. David Dowley, Guide. 14
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