Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals




the city, no man shall take lodging within the walls of the city by assise, &c., of the marshals against the will of the citizens, and the hWldred court shall be held once a . week only, in no place shall any one be hindered by mesken-ningam, fihe citizens shalt have their lands, &c., throughout the realm, and may distrain their debtors by their sureties in Cork, and no strange merchant shall bny of a strange man com, hides, wool, &c., but only of citizens, no stranger shall have a wine tavern unless on board ship, nor sell cloth in the city unless in cut portions, nor remain in the city to sell hii merchandise but only for 40 days, unles~ by will of the citizens, &c. The citizens may marry themselves, their sons, daughters, and widows without license of the king, &c.,. have their guilds as the burgesses of Bristol, and better themselves by erecting build- ings along the bank of the river, &c. The Templars and llospitallers shall have hut one man or one messuage quit of the common customs of the city within its metes, the city shall not dispose of the lands of those who hold without the walls to the said metes and have a charter from King John, but the holders shall render the customs. of the city like other citizens, saving of liberties of all cities and burghs in England and Ireland. Witnesses. Walter Abp. of York, Walter BQ. of. Carlisle, Peter de Sabaud, John of Monmouth, William de Cantilupe, Godfrey Dispenser, Bertram de Cryoy), Roger de Montalt, Robert de Mucegros, Paulinus Peyvre, John de Plessetis, Godfrey de Langley, Westminster. !~is charter was confirmed ~y Edward .I., Jun.e 12, 1291, with. this Charter prtviledge. "Because that the City of Cork 1s far distant from Dublin, so :E.dw ' 1 · that by the violent insurrection and rout of the Irish peop)e, there has not · · )</. been at any time a safe access from the said city of Cork to Dublin, nor will there b& for the future, Wherefore being willing to provide for the security of the citizens of Cork by this charter we have confirmed that their Mayor elect, every year, may make- oath dUly before him who preceded him in office, before the commonalty of said city, unless the Justices of Ireland or one of the Barons of the Exchequer be present in Cork, bef6re whom such oath shall be taken &c. and that the citizens shall not be put in assise juries without said city, that they may more quietly attend their mer- ehandise &c. And that the mayor and bailiffs may have the assize of bread and beer,. and the assay of weights and measures in the city and suburbs &c. Witnesaes W. Abp. of Cant. John Bp. of Ely, OUI' Cane. John Bp. of Norwich, Richd. Bp. of London,. Adam de Valencia. E. of Pembroke, Hump·. de Bohun E. of Hereford and Ch rte Essex, Hugo le Dispenser sen. Roger, de Mortuo-Mari de Wigmore, Barth~ Eo.:' 11 de Badlesmere and others.'' Kin~ ~dward II., Jan. 20, 1318 1 in a new · · charter added·" that no stranger without the consent of the citizens exce~t the· Kin~ servants, shall bear arms in the city." Witness Roger de Mortuo-Mari our Clonmel. King Edward III. at Woodstock, July 15, 1330 !>Y a new charter confirmed all the above. Witnesses H. Bp. of Lincoln, Cane. John de Eltham E. of Cornwall, the King's brother, John de Warren, E. of Surry, Roger de Mortuomari E. of March,. Oliver de Ingham, John Maltravers seneschal of our household.'' In 1331, Feb. 12, the same King granted a new charter, reciting that having seen the lettel'_l:!__patent which his royal father had granted he n"lw confirms them. King Edward IV., Dec. 1, 1462, granted a new charter confirming all former ones and mentions Charte p parish ?hurches haying been in the city and suburbs for one ~e round Edw~Iv. 1t, for which they pa1d 80 marks to the crown, so long as said suburbs remained undestroyed.z...and that now said churches and suburbs by reason of the warR- of Irish Enemies and ..r..anglish rebeh! were burned and laid waste for 15 years ~ast, B() that the citizens were unable to pay said sum, and did seek pardon for saJ.d sum, which he remits, s&id King gran~ them a custom called cocquet for rebuilding their walls until they could travel a mile round their city in safety." King Henry VII., .Aug 1, laOO, in confirming all former grants and aforesaid liberties, &c., as through all the ~arbour from Rew Rone on the west ~ Del}OW'dram ~. ~tiL the east, and Carngrohan on the west, all creeks &c. 1 m whiCh there IS ebbing and flowing of the tide, and in regard of their poverty, in lieu of all rents he accepts 20··lbs. of wax yearly at Easter. This charter restores the city to the Kiog's favour, it being disfranchised for aiding Perkin Warbeck. . · b-.2

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