c.1938 MS. ‘Intimate Notes about William O’Brien and some of his friends’ by Mrs. William O’Brien (Sophie O’Brien). Contains a foreword, plus 15 chapters, including ‘William O'Brien at Work, ‘…as a Newspaper Man’, ‘…on a holiday’, ‘Dr. Banner and Hon. Edward Burke’, ‘John O’Donnell’, ‘William O'Brien as a Teacher’, ‘Lord Dunraven’, ‘William O'Brien as a Reader’, ‘William O'Brien as a Parliamentarian’, ‘William O'Brien as a host’, ‘Tom Gill’, ‘William O'Brien in the Law Courts’, ‘William O'Brien on the Platform’, ‘John O’Meara’, ‘Mallow Friends’. (See also PR25/23) 196pp c.1938 MS. Entitled ‘Abuse’ by Mrs. William O'Brien (Sophie O’Brien). Concerns the character of William O'Brien in responding to insults. She ‘felt that enemies’ attacks so failed to hit him, that I had not a moments discomfort reading the veilest abuse of him…’. Enemies of his own he never had. He only looked on enemies those who were against his beloved land…’. He found it harder to forgive attacks on his wife, ‘Any unpleasant allusion to Jews made my husband angry while in my pride of race I thought it too silly to mind…as a rule, in Ireland, Jews are very kindly treated’. Mentions poor emigrant Jews becoming prosperous. 7pp
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